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I split my suture and im concerned about the slight uneven expansion of my teeth


New member
Mar 23, 2025
For a month ive been mainly emphasising tongue chewing and mewing with good technique (while slightly tongue tied) with a little bit of thumbpulling and ive noticed for the past week ive split my palate suture, according to what i read this is the goal and it leads to very transformative changes in facial structure, this is great and all but im concerned about a few things. ive noticed a slightly more rapid expansion in my third molars than my second and first is it cause during thumbpulling im applying im not applying force to those areas. just to add more info im 18-20 and had 4 premolars extracted and was put on braces i stopped wearing retainers like 7 months ago because i wanted to expand my palate and i was unhappy with my bite which got better off retainers.
For a month ive been mainly emphasising tongue chewing and mewing with good technique (while slightly tongue tied) with a little bit of thumbpulling and ive noticed for the past week ive split my palate suture, according to what i read this is the goal and it leads to very transformative changes in facial structure, this is great and all but im concerned about a few things. ive noticed a slightly more rapid expansion in my third molars than my second and first is it cause during thumbpulling im applying im not applying force to those areas. just to add more info im 18-20 and had 4 premolars extracted and was put on braces i stopped wearing retainers like 7 months ago because i wanted to expand my palate and i was unhappy with my bite which got better off retainers.
are u referring to the line in your palate.