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Experience I think I’ve been mewing wrong


New member
Nov 23, 2023
so basically every time I put my tongue up in the place where I usually do the mew I feel pain there for some reason, maybe I’ve been pushing too hard or smth idk what do u guys think?
you don’t need to push, you just let your tongue rest there naturally. it’s said that mewing is cope, so just don’t mouth breathe bro. nose only👍
You shouldn't be pushing your tongue up, you should create a suction of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
you don’t need to push, you just let your tongue rest there naturally. it’s said that mewing is cope, so just don’t mouth breathe bro. nose only👍
I respectfully disagree that mewing is cope. If you look into it, the science checks out and it has helped me, along with many others.
I respectfully disagree that mewing is cope. If you look into it, the science checks out and it has helped me, along with many others.
it’s helped me too but only bc of not mouth breathing
I respectfully disagree that mewing is cope. If you look into it, the science checks out and it has helped me, along with many others.
the science doesnt work mate your such a tiktokcell
the science doesnt work mate your such a tiktokcell
Do you not believe at all that proper tongue posture will aid your facial development? Because the opposite of breathing through your mouth has been proven to have detrimental effects on facial growth.
Do you not believe at all that proper tongue posture will aid your facial development? Because the opposite of breathing through your mouth has been proven to have detrimental effects on facial growth.
I'm not saying that mouth breathing doesn't affect your skull I'm saying that mewing itself doesn't work. As long as you put your tounge on the roof of your mouth not sucking or anything it will prevent mouth breathing
I'm not saying that mouth breathing doesn't affect your skull I'm saying that mewing itself doesn't work. As long as you put your tounge on the roof of your mouth not sucking or anything it will prevent mouth breathing
Oh ok, I get what you're saying. The whole suction idea is just to make mewing happen naturally and subconsciously. I guess we're in a similar boat then.
Oh ok, I get what you're saying. The whole suction idea is just to make mewing happen naturally and subconsciously. I guess we're in a similar boat then.
again you don't need the suction thing for it to happen subconsciously and clearly it isn't working for this guy since he's thinking about it lol
That's just what has worked for me.
mewing only raises the hyoid bone + tissue underneath. it also prevents you from mouth breathing, mouth breathing hinders proper development and causes bad facial features. it does nothing else.
dont press hard, relax
