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i want dominant gf


May 5, 2024
t i want a girl who hold me, it s assertive and bossy with me .
her to call me idiot and then kiss me hard
when i lick her pussy i want her to force me there, to put her hand on my head, to pet me
and then sometimes she should be vulnerable and show me her soft side, but always mean with others .
i want her to own me
you should get a gf that does fighting then like boxing or ufc
why are you saying this? you seem to be making threads about your sexual/romantic preferences, when it is likely nobody here will slide into your dms and do it, you are just horny and stupid and want to share shit nobody wants to hear.
ik my middle school classmates on discord who overshare this stuff too, it is very childish and attention seeking

everyone has preferences, no need to share them on a looksmaxing forum
I’m sorry bro but this is so gross, it’s fine to want a more dominant girlfriend but fuck maybe don’t talk about you licking her pussy

If you want girls to like you it’s not just looks, you’re obviously extremely horny but girls don’t like it when you reduce them to sex objects, if you’re thinking like this and talking like this irl daily I feel bad for the women around you

You’re probably really young, just jerk off and get this out of your system
t i want a girl who hold me, it s assertive and bossy with me .
her to call me idiot and then kiss me hard
when i lick her pussy i want her to force me there, to put her hand on my head, to pet me
and then sometimes she should be vulnerable and show me her soft side, but always mean with others .
i want her to own me
any baddie
I’m sorry bro but this is so gross, it’s fine to want a more dominant girlfriend but f**k maybe don’t talk about you licking her pussy

If you want girls to like you it’s not just looks, you’re obviously extremely horny but girls don’t like it when you reduce them to sex objects, if you’re thinking like this and talking like this irl daily I feel bad for the women around you

You’re probably really young, just jerk off and get this out of your system
these same hypocrits will reduce men to literal objects by refusing to date men shorter than themself, which is completely unfair

just let him be his natural self
these same hypocrits will reduce men to literal objects by refusing to date men shorter than themself, which is completely unfair

just let him be his natural self
Js saying if he wants a gf that’s not how girls want to be described

And plus an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

Just because some girls can be hypocritical doesn’t make it okay for us to demonstrate that same behaviour
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Js saying if he wants a gf that’s not how girls want to be described

And plus an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

Just because some girls can be hypocritical doesn’t make it okay for us to demonstrate that same behaviour
Chill bro do whatever you want but I’m just saying if you want a dominant gf this badly thinking like this ain’t gonna make it happen
t i want a girl who hold me, it s assertive and bossy with me .
her to call me idiot and then kiss me hard
when i lick her pussy i want her to force me there, to put her hand on my head, to pet me
and then sometimes she should be vulnerable and show me her soft side, but always mean with others .
i want her to own me
find a bisexual girl
t i want a girl who hold me, it s assertive and bossy with me .
her to call me idiot and then kiss me hard
when i lick her pussy i want her to force me there, to put her hand on my head, to pet me
and then sometimes she should be vulnerable and show me her soft side, but always mean with others .
i want her to own me
ok, so 99 precent certain you need to get a testosterone test done and estrogen blood panel, while your enthusiasm is great and that shows good potential for being dedicated to a goal. These patterns indicate someone of a hormonal imbalance. BUT you could very well just be a unique person who has a very special taste in women.

BUT this could very well be some kind of trauma you experienced as a child, im no arm chair psychologist though
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