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Poll Ideal phisque pt2

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  • #51
Good face is still valued? Some things change like the types of beauty but it all revolves around the same premise
Of course face matters phisque also matters unless your a psl god even then you won't get high e women
Those are signs of high e
High estrogen levels can also increase the risk of reproductive issues, such as:
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Painful periods
  • Fibroids
    • Increased endometriosis pain
    • Breast and ovarian cancers
    • Uterine cancer
    • Tumors on the ovaries and adrenal
3 or 4. 3 honestly would have more appeal.
High estrogen levels can also increase the risk of reproductive issues, such as:
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Painful periods
  • Fibroids
    • Increased endometriosis pain
    • Breast and ovarian cancers
    • Uterine cancer
    • Tumors on the ovaries and adrenal
He means high E in a balanced hormonal profile, accounting for other hormones such as progesterone.
For physique Musculoskeletal sSystem for men as most attractive goes :
  • Broad shoulders (clavicles)
  • Well-defined collarbones (clavicles)
  • V-shaped torso
  • Wide scapula (shoulder blades)
  • Strong pectoral girdle
  • Long arms (humerus length)
  • Proportionate arm bones (humerus, radius, ulna)
  • Defined elbow structure
  • Large ribcage
  • Visible ribcage curvature
  • Narrow waist
  • Straight spine
  • Well-aligned vertebral column
  • Long, straight femurs (thigh bones)
  • Proportionate upper-to-lower body ratio
  • Defined iliac crest (hip bones)
  • Wide pelvis
  • Tapered waist-to-hip ratio
  • Strong sacrum (base of spine)
  • Visible acromion (shoulder blade tip)
  • Straight clavicle
  • Long torso (spine length)
  • Proportionate shoulder-to-hip ratio
  • Pronounced deltoid tuberosity (arm muscle attachment site)
  • Defined scapular spine (shoulder blade)
  • Aligned shoulder girdle
  • Symmetrical scapulae
  • Deep ribcage
  • Prominent sternum (chest bone)
  • Strong, long radius and ulna
  • Straight wrist bones
  • Well-defined hand bones (metacarpals)
  • Long phalanges (finger bones)
  • Strong grip (phalange length and bone structure)
  • Proportionate humerus to forearm ratio
  • Well-shaped shoulder joint
  • Long, proportionate legs
  • Strong hip bones (ilium)
  • Visible lumbar spine curvature
  • Defined pubic bone
  • Wide shoulder blades
  • Symmetrical hips
  • Strong, stable pelvis
  • Balanced pelvic tilt
  • Long femoral neck (thigh bone)
  • Visible tibial tuberosity (below knee)
  • Long tibia (shin bone)
  • Proportionate lower legs (tibia and fibula)
  • Strong knees (patella)
  • Pronounced quadriceps attachment on the femur
  • Wide pelvic girdle
  • Strong ankle bones (talus and calcaneus)
  • High arch in foot bones (metatarsals)
  • Long toes (phalanges)
  • Defined calcaneus (heel bone)
  • Strong foot arch (plantar structure)
  • Proportionate lower-to-upper body ratio
  • Defined shoulder joints
  • Balanced scapulohumeral rhythm (shoulder movement)
  • Visible clavicle notch
  • Strong vertebrae in lumbar region
  • Wide ribcage-to-hip ratio
  • Defined serratus anterior (side rib bones)
  • Strong costal cartilage (rib attachments)
  • Deep chest cavity (ribcage)
  • Proportionate arm-to-leg ratio
  • Well-developed iliac fossa (hip bone)
  • Straight fibula (outer lower leg bone)
  • Long metatarsals (foot bones)
  • Pronounced shoulder blade wings (scapulae)
  • Strong sternoclavicular joint (clavicle-sternum connection)
  • Wide upper chest
  • Long forearms
  • Visible intercostal spaces (between ribs)
  • Strong ischium (sitting bones)
  • Well-developed pubic arch
  • Proportionate limb length
  • Thickened long bones (humerus, femur)
  • Defined thoracic vertebrae (upper spine)
  • Visible lumbar vertebrae
  • Pronounced acromioclavicular joint (shoulder)
  • Balanced iliac wing structure (hip bones)
  • Defined glenoid cavity (shoulder socket)
  • Long tibial shaft
  • Pronounced medial malleolus (inner ankle bone)
  • Strong lateral malleolus (outer ankle bone)
  • Straight upper arms (humerus)
  • Wide thoracic cavity (chest)
  • Defined intervertebral discs (spinal alignment)
  • Proportionate pelvis-to-thigh ratio
  • Well-aligned pelvic bones
  • Strong patellar ligaments
  • Deep acetabulum (hip joint)
  • Defined Achilles tendon attachments
  • Straight tibia-fibula alignment
  • Well-formed tarsal bones (foot)
  • Proportionate knee joints
  • Defined lateral condyle (outside of the knee)
  • Strong iliopubic eminence (hip structure)
  • Visible spinal erector muscle attachments (spine)
  • 6'0-6'5
  • and more
For body composition,
11-25% bf
lean muscle mass
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