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if a guy..?

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he might be using you

i feel like this is something i'd speak about only if she asked or if we are really deep into a relationship and its brought up
he said this, for context i asked if it was still something that was going on and for the full story (don’t mind his typos lol)
i did askkk, i asked for the full story and he gave it to me
then its probably ok
did he pressure you to ask? like "i had a terrible day bc of bad memories" so now you feel inclined to ask him about it?
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then its probably ok
did he pressure you to ask? like "i had a terrible day bc of bad memories" so now you feel inclined to ask him about it?
no no, he doesn’t usually complain about his day honestly unless i ask him how his day was in detail. the conversation started off with me asking him how he got into the gym and the reason was that girl and how he didn’t feel good enough for her. (this was in 9th grade for him, he’s 19 now)
oh yeah @pompompurino is on the hunt again, next heartbreak coming soon 🍿 🫶

But seriously, a guy who still talk to a girl who play with him as a emotional backup plan (without letting him hit or/and building a serious thing) is pure red-flag. What will happens when this girl will show some kind of interest once she saw he's with an another girl (potentially you) or she got dumped by chadlite and want her toy back ? Dangerous af imo

He trusts you to open up, but it will be better if this guy has the strength to block her toxic ass and never talk to her ever again.

IDK, she still has a power over him by the way he wrote this, she can manipulate him like "i've changed blah blah blah we can try a serious thing blah blah 🥺🥺🥺" you know what i mean

You need to be 100% sure he moved on with no "what if" if she came back
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You have probably developed enough of a solid emotional connection with him for him to be able to open up. He trusts you
ur david laid avi distracts me hes too beautiful
oh yeah @pompompurino is on the hunt again, next heartbreak coming soon 🍿 🫶

But seriously, a guy who still talk to a girl who play with him as a emotional backup plan (without letting him hit or/and building a serious thing) is pure red-flag. What will happens when this girl will show some kind of interest once she saw he's with an another girl (potentially you) or she got dumped by chadlite and want her toy back ? Dangerous af imo

He trusts you to open up, but it will be better if this guy has the strength to block her toxic ass and never talk to her ever again.

IDK, she still has a power over him by the way he wrote this, she can manipulate him like "i've changed blah blah blah we can try a serious thing blah blah 🥺🥺🥺" you know what i mean

You need to be 100% sure he moved on with no "what if" if she came back
its the same guy…. the same gym guy😓😢
you’re right, i need to find out if its still a thing he cares about
it’s weird, he started talking to me again and now he seems to be more engaged. he even tells me goodmorning and goodnight and likes to play chess sometimes🤔
So it explains a lot of things. 70% of chances he rejected you the 1st time because he wasn't 100% over his shitty ex or hoped she cames back and realize he is the one or some BS

Personally i think you shouldn't date a guy who rejected you 1st time and then try to come back, it screams backup plan or "you're 2nd choice". You can try something but be careful you need to 100% sure by proof he is over this woman. If he still talks (= entertaining) to her, it's not a good start for you

Edit : risks as well of using you to make her ex jealous or something like that
if a guy opens up about a past love/heartbreak, is this a good sign that he trusts me? or that i’m just a friend to open up to??
Imo if you are someone who has never been in a relationship , it’s always better to seek someone who has also never been in a relationship becuz there’s high chance you might get cucked . Used up moids are meh.

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