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If I hear the word “winter arc” one more time I’m going to kms

Not worth the risk for .0001% better nutrition. I'm just gonna be normal and eat cooked things
There is minimal risk from parasites as they can only feed on toxins
Would drinking human blood be good nutrition hypothetically or would you just get iron overdose
Hypothetically, but it’s not practical as only the elite can collect enough blood to be satiated. Just drink animal blood
Hypothetically, but it’s not practical as only the elite can collect enough blood to be satiated. Just drink animal blood
@Slicer its banned in Christianity for a reason
God threatens to severely punish those who eat blood, explaining why: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as life, that effects expiation [kappara, from the verb kof-peh-resh]” (Lev. 17:11
If you are Christian do not consume it
@Slicer its banned in Christianity for a reason
God threatens to severely punish those who eat blood, explaining why: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as life, that effects expiation [kappara, from the verb kof-peh-resh]” (Lev. 17:11
If you are Christian do not consume it
bc of paranormal shit like who the fuck wanna became vampire
In Gym culture the "Winter Arc" is synonymous with the "Winter Bulk" which is that time of year they all take advantage of sweater weather to comfortably facilitate looking larger/fatter, as they bulk on muscle by any means necessary.
Bulking ≠ becoming fat, because for gaining fat your diet usually is high fat and carbs (usually from just sugars), for bulking you eat ratio (me for example) 170/480/60 (74 bw) that is different to maintain

If you are talking about those gym posers, yes, but ig this year winter arc has officially fallen because all I hear is some bs. Last year was different
Cause they are PSL retards that care about the fact his eye spacing is .0001 mm too close together
Thats how rating systems work bud, never said he didn’t have chad smv but facially he isn’t
Find me one single person in the world that doesn't have one singular small flaw?
There’s a difference between hving facial flaws vs having features that fit a different archetype. Ton of PSL gods have minor “flaws” but they aren’t bad enough to take away from their other amazing features. Laid’s ipd failo is quite apparent and he doesn’t hve any other amazing features to compensate for it and reach chad tier
There’s a difference between hving facial flaws vs having features that fit a different archetype. Ton of PSL gods have minor “flaws” but they aren’t bad enough to take away from their other amazing features. Laid’s ipd failo is quite apparent and he doesn’t hve any other amazing features to compensate for it and reach chad tier
Delusional psl rater
Chadlite isn’t even a bad rating jfl, ur just butthurt cause he’s ur idol
No I'm mad because psl retards like you, make up virtually invisible flaws and disqualify people of chad because of it
No I'm mad because psl retards like you, make up virtually invisible flaws and disqualify people of chad because of it
That’s how any system works my guy, you’re always gonna hve people above and below tiers. They aren’t “made up” flaws first of all, and I literally said he has chad smv so idk what ur whining about lol
That’s how any system works my guy, you’re always gonna hve people above and below tiers. They aren’t “made up” flaws first of all, and I literally said he has chad smv so idk what ur whining about lol
Fuck you
Jk you are a wonderful human being
