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If that is a htb then we are all subhumans

I don’t get the hate on this blonde girl
They always try so hard to “prove” she’s ugly or smth when she clearly fogs
She is very beautiful I guess but doesn t fog this one girl.
She also seems frauded while the other is natural
It's honestly difficult to tell the difference between htb/n and chads/Stacy's.

We need actually analysis instead of penny pinching over attractive ppl
It's honestly difficult to tell the difference between htb/n and chads/Stacy's.

We need actually analysis instead of penny pinching over attractive ppl
Yeah idk...everyone has a different perception of htb for sure
Theyre both Stacy irl objectively lite
i thought gio scotti used to be a femboy tbh until she grew her hair out
I don’t get the hate on this blonde girl
They always try so hard to “prove” she’s ugly or smth when she clearly fogs
I don't see her as THAT attractive, what stands out are her a10 eyes, otherwise I don't think it's that EVE tier.
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That's the first time i see Gio Scotti getting called Htb
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