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If you had a choice, would you like a virgin or a non-virgin girl? And why?


New member
Feb 29, 2024
Obviously by virgin I mean a girl who has never had any sexual approach, at most a kiss.

Explain to me your feelings without any shame.
I don’t give a shit unless it’s done crazy ahh number
I do not focus on what happened before me unless it actually has a significant effect on the relationship with me. If she's mentally ill and insane and can't be reasoned with. Then I'll start questioning her past and wondering or figuring out what happened to her.
Obviosly a virgin its kinda gay if you put your dick where another guy has put his dick in :peepoleave:
And if shes done oral and kisses you, then you kissed a dick :kissahomie:
straight pple r gay tbh

in ancient times there was no word for LGBT because everyone was bicurious

it is gay to ask if something is gay or not. basically if ur dick is hard u put their dick in their butt, if balls get ur dick hard then u put it in their butt, if their butt doesn't get u hard then u dont put it in their butt, simple as that. in ancient times u were simply a penetrator or penetrated, sex was something that you do to someone, nobody analyzed that shit, it was normal for males to have sex with each other, it was only abnormal if u had sex with more males than females. if u got a gender studies degree u were gay. If u were an incel that masturbated this was just a sign u were pathetic and a loser. They didnt try to ban masturbation or any of that shit, having sex was the norm and the people that couldnt get laid were just poor and incels and viewed as pathetic and sad.

its like if there is a porn with a futa with a 25 inch dick impregnating a cis female, u just fap to the porn, u dont get a gender studies major to analyze the gender nuances and gender complexity of the porn, u just fap to the porn. the act of analyzing the gender nuances in of itself is gay. and if u are not the futa with the 25 inch dick then ur sad and living a cucked life the porn is trying to fill that vacuum of having an incel life.
straight pple r gay tbh

in ancient times there was no word for LGBT because everyone was bicurious

it is gay to ask if something is gay or not. basically if ur dick is hard u put their dick in their butt, if balls get ur dick hard then u put it in their butt, if their butt doesn't get u hard then u dont put it in their butt, simple as that. in ancient times u were simply a penetrator or penetrated, sex was something that you do to someone, nobody analyzed that shit, it was normal for males to have sex with each other, it was only abnormal if u had sex with more males than females. if u got a gender studies degree u were gay. If u were an incel that masturbated this was just a sign u were pathetic and a loser. They didnt try to ban masturbation or any of that shit, having sex was the norm and the people that couldnt get laid were just poor and incels and viewed as pathetic and sad.

its like if there is a porn with a futa with a 25 inch dick impregnating a cis female, u just fap to the porn, u dont get a gender studies major to analyze the gender nuances and gender complexity of the porn, u just fap to the porn. the act of analyzing the gender nuances in of itself is gay. and if u are not the futa with the 25 inch dick then ur sad and living a cucked life the porn is trying to fill that vacuum of having an incel life.
i remember the futa porn was one of the earliest forms i was introduced to, i didnt even understand it cuz i was like 8 lol. futa women mog me. and ye porn is filling the hole of a lonely life.
like you said, i dont think gay sex is bad, especially if you are still doing straight so that your good genes pass on. bicuriosity will also help incels increase their chances of a partner twice fold and also so their shit genes dont get passed down.
these social gender studies are gay, true
but PIV is significantly more used because (all water info): 1. reproduction, then the actual love for PIV gets passed down and so on, it succeeds. 2. lube, created as a byproduct of 1, which helps make it easier so you dont bleed anywhere and get sepsis and paralysis and die. 3. male asses are not geometrically attractive unless they are feminine
so a futa can have a dick between the legs but a female ass and maybe even tits which is why they are more attractive
virgin obviously. i read online somewhere where women retain dna of sexual partners, f*****g disgusting, imagine your baby has some dude's dna in it, most cucked thing ive ever seen. i will never be able to get over it if it happens to me.

it was apparently debunked, but the idea is still possible and disgusting, your girl's flesh and dna was messed by some other dude, hell no man. who the hell wants a non virgin.

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