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If you plan on getting surgeries, how do you plan to afford them?


Well-known member
May 28, 2024
What kind of job are you guys hoping to get to be able to afford getting surgeries?
I’m going get hella money from McDonald’s and move to turkey
I will just kill myself I will not bother myself so much

Also i don't plan on living past the age of 35
I will prolly die sooner i hate this world and everything around me
But if i had too
I would just ask my parents (they will 100 % say no )

Then i will go through 10 years of suicide tier studies and wait for 5 years to get a job and then save money for 2-5 years to get surgery

I will just kms at that point

Another choice would be illegal shit but i am a very good and fair person so i won't be doing that either so i will become a professor cause it takes the least amount of suicide tier study (this is the best in my knowledge ) my mom has a phd and she can help me
But if i had too
I would just ask my parents (they will 100 % say no )

Then i will go through 10 years of suicide tier studies and wait for 5 years to get a job and then save money for 2-5 years to get surgery

I will just kms at that point

Another choice would be illegal shit but i am a very good and fair person so i won't be doing that either so i will become a professor cause it takes the least amount of suicide tier study (this is the best in my knowledge ) my mom has a phd and she can help me
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  • #14
But if i had too
I would just ask my parents (they will 100 % say no )

Then i will go through 10 years of suicide tier studies and wait for 5 years to get a job and then save money for 2-5 years to get surgery

I will just kms at that point

Another choice would be illegal shit but i am a very good and fair person so i won't be doing that either so i will become a professor cause it takes the least amount of suicide tier study (this is the best in my knowledge ) my mom has a phd and she can help me
What are suicide tier studies? Also is your plan to kys or become professor or both?
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  • #15
I will probably get job somewhere else than McDonald’s but something like this
Ive thought of doing something similar, (working till being able to travel to turkey to get surgery,) but im not sure if its a good idea cause I don't speak turkish and if there are recovery issues afterwards Ive heard that it could be harder resolve since you cant go back to the original surgeon assuming you return to your home country after the surgery
What kind of job are you guys hoping to get to be able to afford getting surgeries?
1.) study loan/ university loan (only need to pay when you're done studying you use the extra money for the surgeries)
2.) crypto, NFT and forex (a good friend who is millionaire rich by crypto, NFT another) friend 10x his earnings with it. Forex: pretty good self explanatory)
3.) wageslave n***a
1.) study loan/ university loan (only need to pay when you're done studying you use the extra money for the surgeries)
2.) crypto, NFT and forex (a good friend who is millionaire rich by crypto, NFT another) friend 10x his earnings with it. Forex: pretty good self explanatory)
3.) wageslave n***a
Real chit
Invest every single cent I get until college, compounding interest will get me hella stacks
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  • #20
But if i had too
I would just ask my parents (they will 100 % say no )

Then i will go through 10 years of suicide tier studies and wait for 5 years to get a job and then save money for 2-5 years to get surgery

I will just kms at that point

Another choice would be illegal shit but i am a very good and fair person so i won't be doing that either so i will become a professor cause it takes the least amount of suicide tier study (this is the best in my knowledge ) my mom has a phd and she can help me
So part of the reason you want to kys is because of what you look like ?
jaw surgery because everything is near perfect except for the roundness. i saw another guy's thread here, cant find it, but he had a similar issue to me with his jaw. but i will softmax and see if enough changes till then.
So part of the reason you want to kys is because of what you look like ?
No the world is weird and its too unfair

Also if i had the choice to be born or not i would have never born and another reason i feel like this could be the summer or my hormones fucked up cause of fat
hard if you ugly ngl
Yeah but honestly there’s some pretty lonely men out there who would take anything they can get

But yeah they’d be way harder to find if you’re an uggo
jaw surgery because everything is near perfect except for the roundness. i saw another guy's thread here, cant find it, but he had a similar issue to me with his jaw. but i will softmax and see if enough changes till then.
Yall I was trolling I wouldnt sell myself for plastic surgery I was being sarcastic 💀

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