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If you're a girl, read this!

Sigma Girl

dont run u prayed for this.- god౨ৎ
Established ★
Jan 17, 2025
If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
Wait, are you a girl and I didn't know? Get your ass out of here. I don't even have anything against men, you just don't belong here.1737479076369.png
If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
this is the gayest shit I've ever read. Also, Kim Kardashian didn't work for shit. She was literally born into generational wealth. You're telling women to be narcissists in this post. It is not feminine at all. Take this cringey girlboss shit down.
this is the gayest shit I've ever read. Also, Kim Kardashian didn't work for shit. She was literally born into generational wealth. You're telling women to be narcissists in this post. It is not feminine at all. Take this cringey girlboss shit down.
agree doesnt really help with anything either lmfao
If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
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If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
i don't know what success means to you, but if i had to born again, the last person i would want to be is Kim Kardashian. from girl to girl, if beauty is the only thing that makes you feel confident and unique, would the fact that there are millions of girls out there who are prettier than you make you feel less than what you are now? what about after you turn 40? what's the point of your brain functioning if you don't create something in yourself to obsess over except then how you look like? a final boss validation for a girl is not male attention, you dont need that ''if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be'' type of shit
i don't know what success means to you, but if i had to born again, the last person i would want to be is Kim Kardashian. from girl to girl, if beauty is the only thing that makes you feel confident and unique, would the fact that there are millions of girls out there who are prettier than you make you feel less than what you are now? what about after you turn 40? what's the point of your brain functioning if you don't create something in yourself to obsess over except then how you look like? a final boss validation for a girl is not male attention, you dont need that ''if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be'' type of shit​
I'm 13, I just wanted to motivate girls, wtf
If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
La la la
If You’re Not Obsessed With Yourself, Who Will Be, Babe?

Baby, stop waiting for someone to discover you. Stop thinking that some genius is going to suddenly see your potential and put you on the map. That’s not how it works, sweetie. No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!” The world doesn’t work like that. The world belongs to those who take, not those who wait. If you’re just standing on the sidelines, playing the “I’m not ready” game—babe, who is ever ready?

Let me tell you something—show me a girl who’s waiting for someone to give her a place, and I’ll show you a girl who’s getting left behind. How do you think this works, honey? Look around—so many people out there aren’t more talented than you, they aren’t smarter than you, yet they’re exactly where you want to be. And why? Because they are obsessed with themselves. They push themselves forward, they don’t wait for permission.

Want an example? Think about all those people constantly seeking approval, trying to please everyone. They’re stuck in this endless loop of, “Am I good enough? Do I deserve this?” And guess what they do? Nothing! They wait, they overthink, they fantasize about that “perfect moment” to arrive. But that moment never comes, babe!

The world isn’t waiting for you—it’s passing you by.
You want an example of someone who made it? Kim f*cking Kardashian. Do you think she waited? Do you think she sat around until someone handed her a spot? No! She took what was hers! She didn’t care if people thought she was “too much,” she didn’t care if someone had an opinion about her—she put herself in the center!

Now, babe, think about yourself—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, why would anyone else be? If you’re not pushing yourself forward, how do you expect to get there? No one is coming, no one is knocking on your door with a sign that says, “Here’s success, take it.” You have to walk in and take it yourself!

And every minute you waste? Someone else is taking your spot. I’m not telling you to be ruthless, I’m not telling you to be mean, but while you’re hesitating, while you’re scared, there’s another girl out there claiming everything for herself.

So yeah, babe, be obsessed with yourself. Be so damn sure of yourself that the world feels it. Make sure every step you take is moving forward, not backward because of fear or self-doubt. Because if you don’t take it, someone else will.

So tell me, babe—if you’re not obsessed with yourself, how the hell do you expect anyone else to be?
stfu whore
Si no estás obsesionada contigo misma, ¿quién lo estará, cariño?

Cariño, deja de esperar a que alguien te descubra. Deja de pensar que algún genio va a ver de repente tu potencial y te va a poner en el mapa. No es así, cariño. Nadie va a aparecer y decir: “¡Guau, eres increíble! ¡Toma, toma el éxito, toma todo lo que mereces!” . El mundo no funciona así. El mundo pertenece a los que toman, no a los que esperan. Si te quedas al margen, jugando al juego de “no estoy listo”, cariño, ¿quién está listo?

Déjame decirte algo: muéstrame una chica que esté esperando que alguien le dé un lugar y te mostraré una chica que se está quedando atrás. ¿Cómo crees que funciona esto, cariño? Mira a tu alrededor: hay muchas personas que no son más talentosas que tú ni más inteligentes que tú, pero están exactamente donde quieres estar. ¿Y por qué? Porque están obsesionadas con ellas mismas. Se esfuerzan por avanzar, no esperan permiso.

¿Quieres un ejemplo? Piensa en todas esas personas que buscan constantemente la aprobación de los demás, tratando de complacer a todo el mundo. Están atrapadas en un círculo vicioso: “¿Soy lo suficientemente buena? ¿Merezco esto?”. ¿Y adivina qué hacen? ¡Nada! Esperan, piensan demasiado, fantasean con que llegue ese “momento perfecto”. ¡Pero ese momento nunca llega, nena!

El mundo no te está esperando, te está pasando de largo.
¿Quieres un ejemplo de alguien que lo logró? La maldita Kim Kardashian. ¿Crees que esperaba? ¿Crees que se quedó sentada hasta que alguien le dio un lugar? ¡No! ¡ Se quedó con lo que era suyo! No le importaba si la gente pensaba que era "demasiado", no le importaba si alguien tenía una opinión sobre ella, ¡ se puso a sí misma en el centro!

Ahora, nena, piensa en ti misma: si no estás obsesionada contigo misma, ¿por qué alguien más lo estaría? Si no te esfuerzas por avanzar, ¿cómo esperas llegar allí? Nadie vendrá, nadie llamará a tu puerta con un cartel que diga: "Aquí tienes el éxito, tómalo". ¡ Tienes que entrar y tomarlo tú misma!

¿Y cada minuto que desperdicias? Alguien más está ocupando tu lugar. No te estoy diciendo que seas despiadada, no te estoy diciendo que seas mala, pero mientras estás dudando, mientras tienes miedo, hay otra chica ahí afuera que reclama todo para sí misma.

Así que sí, nena, obsesiónate contigo misma. Sé tan seguro de ti misma que el mundo lo sienta. Asegúrate de que cada paso que des sea hacia adelante, no hacia atrás por miedo o dudas sobre ti misma. Porque si no lo das tú, alguien más lo hará.

Entonces dime, nena: si tú no estás obsesionada contigo misma, ¿cómo diablos esperas que alguien más lo esté?
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I read every word, i’ll share it to my sister

only if there was more women on the forum
Nasty moids will read the title and still let themselves in it's actually revolting
Causw you stay lurking here regardless of the fact that you have shrivvled up balls and a clit of a cock between those fat chicken thighs
Who bleeds once a month again? Who can’t be out in the dark alone? Who didn’t even have rights until a century ago?

Nah it’s Alr I fw women
Who bleeds once a month again? Who can’t be out in the dark alone? Who didn’t even have rights until a century ago?

Nah it’s Alr I fw women
And who set that system up. Literally nothing to be proud of except that you've proved milions of feminists right. TMD
And who set that system up. Literally nothing to be proud of except that you've proved milions of feminists right. TMD
based system ngl
we should enslave all of u again

tmd :kekw:
it would be a miracle if u could even kill 20 moids

millions of feminists should get pregnant by me and die while giving birth
based system ngl
we should enslave all of u again

tmd :kekw:
it would be a miracle if u could even kill 20 moids

millions of feminists should get pregnant by me and die while giving birth
this niqqa is hurttt searching for me in every thread possible🤣🤣🤣
No one is going to show up and say, “Wow, you’re amazing! Here, take success, take everything you deserve!”
Just so you know, yes somebody will eventually do that, although he will be most probably be below HTN, sorry you won't get a good dude with no effort if you're not HTB+. But still, some desperate dude will pick you up and give you everything, if you're lucky he'll be rich, and then you can live the rest of your life giving starfish sex and enjoying all the shit he will provide to you