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Info If you're mewing/getting ortho and aren't megadesing vit C you're doing it wrong.


u can

it's a given, but here
blood pressure…Corticosteroids can cause fluid retention, which can lead to high blood pressure.

Acne…Steroids can cause acne by overstimulating oil glands, leading to increased oil production.

Insomnia…Corticosteroids can disrupt sleep, especially when taken at night.

Weight gain…Steroids can cause weight gain by altering the body's metabolism, how it stores fat, and how it distributes fat in the body.

Mood Changes…Mood changes are common, especially in high doses.

Osteoporosis…Corticosteroids can weaken bones, which can lead to a condition known as osteoporosis.

Diabetes…Steroids can increase blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes.

Edema…Steroids can cause fluid retention, which can lead to swelling, also known as edema.

Infection…Steroids can make infections worse or new infections appear during their use.

Peptic ulcer disease

Depression…Corticosteroids can change the brain chemistry and cause depression.

Menstrual cycle…Steroids can cause irregular, prolonged, or heavier periods.

Glaucoma…Steroids can increase eye pressure and increase the risk of glaucoma.

Hair loss…Steroids can affect hormone levels in the body, which can affect hair growth.

Indigestion…Can irritate the stomach lining and cause indigestion.

Skin changes…Topical and oral corticosteroids can cause thinning of the skin. It can affect the epidermis and dermis.

Bone thinning…Steroids can cause bone loss, a condition known as corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.

Cataracts…Cataracts are a common complication of steroid use. They form when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy.

Decreased sexual desire…Steroids can cause a decrease in sexual desire.

Delayed wound healing

Dizziness…Dizziness can occur as a side effect of steroid use.

Heart problems…Steroids can increase the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, and atrial fibrillation.

Hypercholesterolemia…Yes, steroids can cause high cholesterol levels.

Liver tumors
not a fucking molecule lmao

as long as your not roiding above 300mg weekly like a iffb pro your fine

but dont forget, eat your raw food kids!
Ahhaah , shut the fuck up r****d
did i strike a nerve? 🥺 :ROFLMAO:

actually useful and no sides
any side you get on roids can be controlled, the only reason you even see sides on bodybuilders is cus theyre flat out trying to build as much possible possible, period. The average person isnt looking to be 250lbs 6% bf, unless theyre a r****d like you of course

and remember what gandy said kids, eat your raw meat! what a f****t lmfao
did i strike a nerve? 🥺 :ROFLMAO:
U have to blast for any bone growth gains , kys asap
any side you get on roids can be controlled
with more toxic drugs with more side effects
, the only reason you even see sides on bodybuilders is cus theyre flat out trying to build as much possible possible, period. The average person isnt looking to be 250lbs 6% bf, unless theyre a r****d like you of course
show any bodybuilder improving bone growth from roids please
and remember what gandy said kids, eat your raw meat! what a f****t lmfao
Mogs you, you promote raw diet yet promote these synthetic harmful drugs .
U have to blast for any bone growth gains , kys asap
if roids are bad for bone gains then i cant imagine what little effect that raw meat faggotry you promote can have lmao

with more toxic drugs with more side effects
no, through manipulating your diet and adjusting your dosages. And not every drug has side effects

show any bodybuilder improving bone growth from roids please
ah yes, cus ifbb pros all started roiding at 14, when your bones are still growing, not when theyre 26+, you see how stupid you sound?

Mogs you, you promote raw diet yet promote these synthetic harmful drugs .
funny how those synthetic drugs work better than muh active nutrients innit
if roids are bad for bone gains then i cant imagine what little effect that raw meat faggotry you promote can have lmao
Full raw primal, will actually stimulate bone growth
no, through manipulating your diet and adjusting your dosages. And not every drug has side effects
Just lie theory
Adjusting dosages = less imaginary gains
ah yes, cus ifbb pros all started roiding at 14, when your bones are still growing, not when theyre 26+, you see how stupid you sound?
Show anyone improving
funny how those synthetic drugs work better than muh active nutrients innit
Big pharma shill
Full raw primal, will actually stimulate bone growth
maybe if you're like 5 years old

Just lie theory
Adjusting dosages = less imaginary gains
no, its do address those very side effects you kept on bitching about, or do those not matter anymore?

Show anyone improving

Big pharma shill
yeh good argument