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Info If you're mewing/getting ortho and aren't megadesing vit C you're doing it wrong.


Active member
Feb 16, 2025
Vitamin C has shown to significantly increase the rate of change in orthodontics by enabling osteogenesis.

In an experiment performed on rats the tooth movement increased by at least 20% (3.61 case vs 2.96 control, they don't mention if there is already a distance beforehand.)

Osteoclast counts where almost 40% higher in the case group (onf 0.036p though since the standard dev was high).

Some of the references are also worth nothing.

It seems high vit c might induced copper definiancy could undo the positive effect so taking enough copper would probably be a good idea, especially if one is already supplementing zinc.

Also remember that Vitamin K induces osteoclast apoptosis. Since you actually want to change bone this doesn't help you much for moving teeth/bone and taking a lot of vit C should counteract the effect.

On a side note (since you're now running osteogenesis game anyway):

Permajutting (with the help of some device, for instance a mandibular advancement device used in sleep apnea treatment) actually induces remodelling of the condylars.

Again a rat study with bite-jumping devices:

Vitamin C has shown to significantly increase the rate of change in orthodontics by enabling osteogenesis.

In an experiment performed on rats the tooth movement increased by at least 20% (3.61 case vs 2.96 control, they don't mention if there is already a distance beforehand.)

Osteoclast counts where almost 40% higher in the case group (onf 0.036p though since the standard dev was high).

Some of the references are also worth nothing.

It seems high vit c might induced copper definiancy could undo the positive effect so taking enough copper would probably be a good idea, especially if one is already supplementing zinc.

Also remember that Vitamin K induces osteoclast apoptosis. Since you actually want to change bone this doesn't help you much for moving teeth/bone and taking a lot of vit C should counteract the effect.

On a side note (since you're now running osteogenesis game anyway):

Permajutting (with the help of some device, for instance a mandibular advancement device used in sleep apnea treatment) actually induces remodelling of the condylars.

Again a rat study with bite-jumping devices:

Only around 10% of rat studies are true for humans
You believe that it works, so it's a bias and the placebo effect is at play. Animal studies are a low form of evidence
Placebo is a neurobiological process by which hormones are released that change your mood. Under no circumstances do they change your own perception of the body, much less in such a short period of time.
Placebo is a neurobiological process by which hormones are released that change your mood. Under no circumstances do they change your own perception of the body, much less in such a short period of time.
yap yap buddy you believe it works
No, just get from food or other shit lol
some people dont have access to good raw milk or any milk at that matter, gotta do what you gotta do

@EndlessRequiem drink 1.5 liters of raw milk a day, hop on igf-1 and hgh, best non cope non placebo way of ensuring bone growth
some people dont have access to good raw milk or any milk at that matter, gotta do what you gotta do

@EndlessRequiem drink 1.5 liters of raw milk a day, hop on igf-1 and hgh, best non cope non placebo way of ensuring bone growth
i forgot, add test, pin test daily to ensure your levels are steady and take aromasin 3 times a week to prevent your plates from prematurely closing
some people dont have access to good raw milk or any milk at that matter, gotta do what you gotta do

@EndlessRequiem drink 1.5 liters of raw milk a day, hop on igf-1 and hgh, best non cope non placebo way of ensuring bone growth
U need full primal to make any significant difference
full raw primal diet mogs most things in bone growth
yeh most of us arent 6 years old anymore lmao, were at the last few years of growth. Maybe eating primal might have worked if we were younger but ngl its too late to cope with muh raw meat
yeh most of us arent 6 years old anymore lmao, were at the last few years of growth. Maybe eating primal might have worked if we were younger but ngl its too late to cope with muh raw meat
No, it's not. Way more effective than any of these supplements , and won't fuck up health like roids
Still will nuke health, they are toxic
not a molecule for muh health, looks>anything

and they wont tho, just pct and your fine once you hop off completely, unless your a jackass who will run endless cycles
not a molecule for muh health, looks>anything

and they wont tho, just pct and your fine once you hop off completely, unless your a jackass who will run endless cycles
just to end up finding out your test levels will still be like 800ng/dl at best :ROFLMAO:
no one eats eggs and meat for fucking k2 lmfao
u can
"b-but muh sides!" you have yet to state why they are bad smh
it's a given, but here
blood pressure…Corticosteroids can cause fluid retention, which can lead to high blood pressure.

Acne…Steroids can cause acne by overstimulating oil glands, leading to increased oil production.

Insomnia…Corticosteroids can disrupt sleep, especially when taken at night.

Weight gain…Steroids can cause weight gain by altering the body's metabolism, how it stores fat, and how it distributes fat in the body.

Mood Changes…Mood changes are common, especially in high doses.

Osteoporosis…Corticosteroids can weaken bones, which can lead to a condition known as osteoporosis.

Diabetes…Steroids can increase blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes.

Edema…Steroids can cause fluid retention, which can lead to swelling, also known as edema.

Infection…Steroids can make infections worse or new infections appear during their use.

Peptic ulcer disease

Depression…Corticosteroids can change the brain chemistry and cause depression.

Menstrual cycle…Steroids can cause irregular, prolonged, or heavier periods.

Glaucoma…Steroids can increase eye pressure and increase the risk of glaucoma.

Hair loss…Steroids can affect hormone levels in the body, which can affect hair growth.

Indigestion…Can irritate the stomach lining and cause indigestion.

Skin changes…Topical and oral corticosteroids can cause thinning of the skin. It can affect the epidermis and dermis.

Bone thinning…Steroids can cause bone loss, a condition known as corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.

Cataracts…Cataracts are a common complication of steroid use. They form when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy.

Decreased sexual desire…Steroids can cause a decrease in sexual desire.

Delayed wound healing

Dizziness…Dizziness can occur as a side effect of steroid use.

Heart problems…Steroids can increase the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, and atrial fibrillation.

Hypercholesterolemia…Yes, steroids can cause high cholesterol levels.

Liver tumors