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I'm 18 and 5'3- real truecel


New member
May 21, 2024
The life is kinda hard down here, I'm 18yo as a male and only 5'3, I don't have a beard, little body hair and I've never dated somebody, I look like a 13yo, ik it is brutal but I always feel insecure about my height, even the girls heightmog me, I don't look bad but I'm very juvenile-looking, is it over?
sad , why are you so short
Heightcel brutal
Geomaxx boyo
The life is kinda hard down here, I'm 18yo as a male and only 5'3, I don't have a beard, little body hair and I've never dated somebody, I look like a 13yo, ik it is brutal but I always feel insecure about my height, even the girls heightmog me, I don't look bad but I'm very juvenile-looking, is it over?
The life is kinda hard down here, I'm 18yo as a male and only 5'3, I don't have a beard, little body hair and I've never dated somebody, I look like a 13yo, ik it is brutal but I always feel insecure about my height, even the girls heightmog me, I don't look bad but I'm very juvenile-looking, is it over?
do you have a condition relating to your sexual development and growth>
The life is kinda hard down here, I'm 18yo as a male and only 5'3, I don't have a beard, little body hair and I've never dated somebody, I look like a 13yo, ik it is brutal but I always feel insecure about my height, even the girls heightmog me, I don't look bad but I'm very juvenile-looking, is it over?
do u have a condition? you're growth plates typically don't close till 25
