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im 180cm at 14, will i grow taller?

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New member
May 13, 2024
growth is slowing down, + height didn't grow a cm for the past 3 months, getting kinda worried that I will be stuck as a 180cm, my diets pretty bad n I never eat vitamins nor supplements n all that shi
growth is slowing down, + height didn't grow a cm for the past 3 months, getting kinda worried that I will be stuck as a 180cm, my diets pretty bad n I never eat vitamins nor supplements n all that shi
Of course bro, you are 14, dont worry you have time till 21, also 180cm is a good height
Yea you will keep growing
Should be worrying about building social status and growth instead of a forum
growth is slowing down, + height didn't grow a cm for the past 3 months, getting kinda worried that I will be stuck as a 180cm, my diets pretty bad n I never eat vitamins nor supplements n all that shi
just realised now thay you should probably have a better diet, fix your diet, stop eatining processed food, workout and eat plenty of diary

for the vitamins and supplements if you dont have any issues with anything its good, but i'd suggest to consume some omega 3 supplements (if you dont eat any fish nor wallnuts ecc...)
just realised now thay you should probably have a better diet, fix your diet, stop eatining processed food, workout and eat plenty of diary

for the vitamins and supplements if you dont have any issues with anything its good, but i'd suggest to consume some omega 3 supplements (if you dont eat any fish nor wallnuts ecc...)
also remember to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
growth is slowing down, + height didn't grow a cm for the past 3 months, getting kinda worried that I will be stuck as a 180cm, my diets pretty bad n I never eat vitamins nor supplements n all that shi
yes bro in fact
we can grow after puberty, I grew 3 cm
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