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Info [IMPORTANT] Skin Direction and Hardmaxing


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
Dear imbeciles, I present to you one of the oldest looksmaxxers who tried to Hardmax before our theories about ratios existed.

He was so ahead of his time that he even based himself in Jordan Barrett.

I am talking about this motherfucker: Rodrigo Alves.

images (67).jpeg

Link about this fucker

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Now, this motherfucker clearly did something wrong.

I want you to understand that this guy became rich before doing Hardmax. And to be rich, you need to have at least one of those three things: lucky, smartness or perseverance. So this guy had one of those shit and still were unable to Hardmax properly. And you fucker think that you would do it right?

First, you need to understand that absolutely ANY, I SAID ANY, skin alteration will make you uncanny.
Every mother fucker who alters his skin looks uncanny thanks to something called skin direction.

images (69).jpeg
Link about this shit

Painters and other good artist knows to paint or draw with direction in the faces of their characters. Due to a natural and universal human skin texture that adds realism.

Turns out that EVERY, I said EVERY, Hardmax alter your natural skin texture thus making you more uncanny.

Of course, the bigger the implants, the more it will expand your skin further from its natural position, but you can play with implants much more then the other surgical option.

Se, for example, the differences in skin between those two skin expansion cases:

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images (66).jpeg

The skin were alternated, however, it happened in a way that can pass as acceptable.

And the expansion of the skin, over time, will make the skin adapt, enlarging it, making it less uncanny given that it will respect its original direction and position.

The real problem comes from lifting surgeries and eyelids... Because those directly change the direction of your skin, thus clearly showing a fucked up uncanny bullshit that is different from implants.

So, some of you may want to do eyes surgeries, or eyebrow liftings, or lift you cheekbone fat or muscle upwards..., or do some lifting after old to decrease the puffiness that is common to apear with age...

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Instead of looking like Tom Cruise, you may look like one of those below:

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You want to change your mounth? Bad choice.

You want to change your nose? Be careful, the nose skin is very intrigued. A lot of results end up uncanny, so many patients use makeup in the nose era for the rest of their life's because of it.

You want to up lift your eyebrow? You will fuck your skin texture of the area.

You want to lift any shit or Reposition your skin? Terrible choice.

That's it, fuckers, don't do anything that is not implant.

Good lucky, focus on bone mass to avoid this skin problem.

Bye bye



- Wilk

@Nihilus @Dean @Whitepill @sigma @AstroSky @sexlesstosexles @
Dear imbeciles, I present to you one of the oldest looksmaxxers who tried to Hardmax before our theories about ratios existed.

He was so ahead of his time that he even based himself in Jordan Barrett.

I am talking about this motherfucker: Rodrigo Alves.

View attachment 40942

Link about this fucker

View attachment 40943

Now, this motherfucker clearly did something wrong.

I want you to understand that this guy became rich before doing Hardmax. And to be rich, you need to have at least one of those three things: lucky, smartness or perseverance. So this guy had one of those shit and still were unable to Hardmax properly. And you fucker think that you would do it right?

First, you need to understand that absolutely ANY, I SAID ANY, skin alteration will make you uncanny.
Every mother fucker who alters his skin looks uncanny thanks to something called skin direction.

View attachment 40945
Link about this shit

Painters and other good artist knows to paint or draw with direction in the faces of their characters. Due to a natural and universal human skin texture that adds realism.

Turns out that EVERY, I said EVERY, Hardmax alter your natural skin texture thus making you more uncanny.

Of course, the bigger the implants, the more it will expand your skin further from its natural position, but you can play with implants much more then the other surgical option.

Se, for example, the differences in skin between those two skin expansion cases:

View attachment 40946
View attachment 40947

The skin were alternated, however, it happened in a way that can pass as acceptable.

And the expansion of the skin, over time, will make the skin adapt, enlarging it, making it less uncanny given that it will respect its original direction and position.

The real problem comes from lifting surgeries and eyelids... Because those directly change the direction of your skin, thus clearly showing a fucked up uncanny bullshit that is different from implants.

So, some of you may want to do eyes surgeries, or eyebrow liftings, or lift you cheekbone fat or muscle upwards..., or do some lifting after old to decrease the puffiness that is common to apear with age...

View attachment 40948

Instead of looking like Tom Cruise, you may look like one of those below:

View attachment 40949
View attachment 40950

You want to change your mounth? Bad choice.

You want to change your nose? Be careful, the nose skin is very intrigued. A lot of results end up uncanny, so many patients use makeup in the nose era for the rest of their life's because of it.

You want to up lift your eyebrow? You will fuck your skin texture of the area.

You want to lift any shit or Reposition your skin? Terrible choice.

That's it, fuckers, don't do anything that is not implant.

Good lucky, focus on bone mass to avoid this skin problem.

Bye bye


View attachment 40951

- Wilk

@Nihilus @Dean @Whitepill @sigma @AstroSky @sexlesstosexles @
This foo pollutes the water every time he takes a dip. Over for the Pacific Ocean :(

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Surgery mistakes
Surgical mistakes
Skin surgery
images (71).jpeg

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thiss does not count they did not heal after the surgery instead he showed immediate results
it is obviously not going to look good right after surgery
thiss does not count they did not heal after the surgery instead he showed immediate results
it is obviously not going to look good right after surgery
They are genuinely scary not even trying to be mean, looks like that demon face syndrome

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