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Discussion Increase dht and dont shut your natural production


Jul 4, 2019
Two options available

Buy raw dht powder ( in minecraft)

Buy dmso

Mix together at the right ration in a dropper bottle. Apply on areas you need it. The dht will be absorbed almost 99%

Or. Buy testosterone no ester (tne) ( in minecraft the video game)

Again. Buy dmso

Mix with a cream base ideally something with very low amount of ingredients none toxic ( dmso literally absorbs anything into your skin while it's wet so do not do this with toxic or bad stuff and keep your hands and area of application very very clean and exfoliate) apply this on your balls. Your conversion to dht will be very high. The spikes in T will make you feel great and the suppression to your natural production is very very very minimal and will recover quickly after you stop using.

Alternatively make a nasal testosterone ( in minecraft) spray and there will zero suppression and you will get a very high amount of testosterone into the brain. This must be administered 3 times a day to have steady levels. This can be made with dmso. A type of gel and testosterone no ester yet again. There is no suppression in this method of application. This is a little more advanced to make as you need a nasal sprayer and a bit of preparation and must be sprayed into both nostrils ideally. It will burn and it will feel like a snot glob in your nose

There you go. There's a way to be natty. Have a boost. Recover and never have any signs you did anything and it's how fake nattys can pass a drug test when they come off the juice.

Also for how to acquire ingredients well that is for a personal dm or whatever in the video game minecraft that I love and enjoy. I mod it and installed a game called breaking bad I never intend to spread any illegal advice that could break any laws and everything I say comes from my schizophrenia and should not be taken seriously whatsoever.
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i have no knowledge on the nasal spray thing so i cant say if it works
but it is true that DMSO is a good solvent and absorbent to the skin, it will carry anything in it with it into the skin, so the DHT+DMSO mixture will work.
But you have to buy DMSO that is completely pure, some are industrial and will carry impurities into your body. You will also have blistering and burning, skin rash, a bunch of skin pain and side effects simply due to the DMSO. so yeah its a good absorbent but your balls will suffer
in general good thread
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i have no knowledge on the nasal spray thing so i cant say if it works
but it is true that DMSO is a good solvent and absorbent to the skin, it will carry anything in it with it into the skin, so the DHT+DMSO mixture will work.
But you have to buy DMSO that is completely pure, some are industrial and will carry impurities into your body. You will also have blistering and burning, skin rash, a bunch of skin pain and side effects simply due to the DMSO. so yeah its a good absorbent but your balls will suffer
in general good thread
Due to how nasal testosterone works. It primarily reaches the brain and very little reaches the body which is whst allows it to be almost zero suppression. Not enough peaks in blood to shut you down. It's useful for getting off cycle and instead of pct. You switch to this and based on what's currently being researched on it. Can allow you to regain your natural production smoothly very fast or help you float till you do.
do you have blood tests from before and after?
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You have zero say in this manner unless you are actively in the homebrew community. Stay in your lane. All of what i posted has been experimented on mesorx and a homebrew discord I'm apart of. All reported blood tests proving it works. Nasal testosterone aka natesto has also research studies backing it up. Literally shut the fuck up kid.

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High iq. Maybe low iq question, but what are the actual benefits of dht? Wikipedia tells only about useless stuff
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its the active fomr of testosterone, the thing you hear that test is responsible for is actually dht, thats it
Dht is good for hair growth on the body. A more dense look. Muscle hardness. If you ever flexed your muscles and they feel kinda softish. Low dht. Lol
where can I find more detailed instructions on how to make the dht gel and nasal spray?
where can I find more detailed instructions on how to make the dht gel and nasal spray?
That's what I was wondering, because he gave me the link to the forum that talks about it, but they don't share enough on how to actually make and use it

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