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Indian 15M rate me and tell me what can i improve

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  • #2
bro my profile photo is literally me
i thought it was pretty self explanatory who was i talking about, never knew people were just dumb fucks.
1- See thread about how to take proper pictures

2- take proper pictures

3- don't waste people time with a rating post without picture

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  • #5
No, but you are, for your level of stupidity makes you unable to understand the basics of lens distortion based on different camera angles and distances that changes the proportions between your facial features thus changing your fucking ratio that is the thing you want to properly obtain.

Also, a fucking ratio needs at least TWO fucking good photos: a front and a side profile. And your fucking r****d brain posted only a fucking shit front Photo of your face that is in an unideal distance and lenses.

And after reading 2 times, two fucking times, in a row, in a BOLD text that you need to see the thread about taking proper photos, you still were unable to understand THAT YOU NEED TO TAKE PROPER PHOTOS.

Did you understood that YOU NEED TO SEE THE THREAD ABOUT HOW TO TAKE PROPER PHOTOS or are you too stupid to learn any thing? Will you acuse me of not understanding you, again, or will you stop being a arrogant r****d who vomits it's ignorance and finally take proper photos?
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damn bro didnt knew i would offend you that much i mean tbf u were the one who was sounding cocky while saying "learn to take better photos" like u could have literally just said there is too much lens distortion and i need at least two good photos, how am i supposed to understand your stupid tone, you literally were sounding like a cunt and a moron like wtf and i replied to u in the same tone i thought you were talking in like it aint my fault that u have the expressiveness of a fucking toddler, and i had difficulty in understanding whats wrong with my photo, hope you NOW understand it r****d.
Of course I perfectly understood it. But you didn't. That's the whole point.

Welcome to the looksmaxing community. As you can see, we are very friendly and unpolite 🫂
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  • #7
Of course I perfectly understood it. But you didn't. That's the whole point.

Welcome to the looksmaxing community. As you can see, we are very friendly and unpolite 🫂
that is the whole point exactly, i never knew i had to take two photos and they have to have less lens distortion if i had known about it, i would have clicked the pictures from my phone and not my laptop,

and yeah so friendly indeed that a literal 15 year old was able to piss you off
damn bro didnt knew i would offend you that much i mean tbf u were the one who was sounding cocky while saying "learn to take better photos" like u could have literally just said there is too much lens distortion and i need at least two good photos, how am i supposed to understand your stupid tone, you literally were sounding like a cunt and a moron like wtf and i replied to u in the same tone i thought you were talking in like it aint my fault that u have the expressiveness of a fucking toddler, and i had difficulty in understanding whats wrong with my photo, hope you NOW understand it r****d.
" 1- see the thread about taking a proper picture "

"Omg, you had a tone :pogu: , omg, any direction is seen as bad criticism because I am stupid and I will proceed to call you a r****d after giving me directions and say that you didn't understood my post because my photo :pogu:"

" Learn to take proper pictures, take proper pictures "

" OMG you are a cunt :pogu: "

" Fuck you, you are a imbecile "

" OMG, you didn't realized that I was stupid and didn't communicated more clearly how stupid I were being. OMG. Fuck you"
from the pic I can already tell just lose weight first and then debloat face
You can hate me how much ever you want. Infact i like it when people hate me.
Just saw your other post and I'll give you a pro tip on it be alert. I'm gonna show you you are femcel by choice
Ok whats fakecel about me. You are getting on my nerve(not really ).
-You don't want to improve here. If you wanted you would have sent a photo to sigma dms. I'm not even saying to show your face in the forum just message that guy that is chill and knows a lot.
-Height is not a problem for women.
-women can't be involuntary celibate nor unlovable. There will always be a guy.
-you victimize a lor and that passes me off.
-You don't want to improve here. If you wanted you would have sent a photo to sigma dms. I'm not even saying to show your face in the forum just message that guy that is chill and knows a lot.
-Height is not a problem for women.
-women can't be involuntary celibate nor unlovable. There will always be a guy.
-you victimize a lor and that passes me off.
Dude , he is gonna say to debloat my face, and do skin care . what else can he say.
I am trying to debloat my face btw so i am actually looksmaxxing.
Height is a problem for a midget definitely , nobody wants a dwarf bruh.
With that logic i can say men can never be unlovable , there is always a women.
Stating my irl expereinces is not victimizing myself.
Dude , he is gonna say to debloat my face, and do skin care . what else can he say.
I am trying to debloat my face btw so i am actually looksmaxxing.
Height is a problem for a midget definitely , nobody wants a dwarf bruh.
With that logic i can say men can never be unlovable , there is always a women.
Stating my irl expereinces is not victimizing myself.
if you are cooked fr he will say to do lefort 3
Short women are so fetishized bro
That's stupid. Women only date up. They only date down or same level to manipulate men or if they are insecure. (This happens with men too but only if they are chadlite)
It is
if you are cooked fr he will say to do lefort 3
Short women are so fetishized bro
That's stupid. Women only date up. They only date down or same level to manipulate men or if they are insecure. (This happens with men too but only if they are chadlite)
It is
You just wanna argue with me.
I dont trust some soy boy.
Women dont date up, they mostly stick with their looksmatch , tiktok doenst represent irl
ok maybe it is idk
You can cope and seethe moid.
You this fr
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