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Guide Introduction to the Aggression of ´´Cunning`` Females: how Coworkers see you and how spouses do too - Based on Nessahan Alita.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024

Warning: This is about how some stupid women in your everyday life try to torment you. Women think that you, the man, are always desiring her or she is always trying to arouse your desire in her (even if you dont minimally want anything with her). Some female coworkers and others have this mentality, they cant see a men as a human being that is not thinking about dating or seduction, they are obsessed with dating and seduction. This is how they judge/view you.

“At thirteen, a revealing difference between the sexes occurs: girls become more capable than boys of planning cunning aggressive tactics, such as isolating others, gossip, and carrying out covert revenge. Boys, in general, continue to be quarrelsome, ignoring the use of more subtle strategies. This is just one of the many ways in which boys – and, later, men – are less sophisticated than the opposite sex in the shortcuts of emotional life.” (GOLEMAN, 1997, p. 145)

The clever females will "torment" (tease and irritate) the males. When they see us suffocating, desperate to escape the psychological plots they create, they are happy. The improvement of this ability to hurt emotionally begins at the beginning of adolescence, when girls tend to replace physical aggression with words. Female fragility is undeniable in the physical sphere, but, contrary to the widespread belief in popular culture, not in the emotional sphere as a whole (CREVELD, 2004). In the field of relationships, many human females are not at all delicate or fragile, they are powerful, ruthless and play dirty.​
´´in revenge and in love, woman is more barbaric than man” (Nietzsche)
However, we must accept such characteristics as instinctive and natural, without rebelling against them. They have great magnetic power (LÉVI, 1855/2001) to provoke negative feelings in the male. If he is emotionally weak, they easily make him fall into states of jealousy, irritation, impatience (JUNG, 1996) and, in the same way, make him feel small, as if he were a brat (ALBERONI, 1986/undated).

You must have seen those funny situations in which women in a group laugh at a lonely man to make him feel small (ALBERONI, 1986/undated). If he is not emotionally strong enough to return the magnetic flow, he will momentarily regress to childhood.

The secret to defending yourself from all feminine wiles of manipulation and mental/emotional torture is to not identify with the woman's strategies, isolating her in her own capricious and contradictory acts. To do so, it is essential not to be in love.

Then she will play her games alone and absorb all the madness she tried to introduce into our hearts. Such power is achieved when we break with identification through the strong work of eliminating sentimentality.

It is also advisable to look at her as a “¨¨¨¨¨¨” until proven otherwise, since in our modern Western civilization, with its “advanced” customs, few are saved. There are smart girls who pretend to be “saintly” for several years.

The ability to resist feminine charms and enchantments is one of the prerequisites of mythical heroes, who resist fears and attractions, not allowing desires and fears to steal their souls and cloud their conscience. For a simple matter of spiritual health and emotional survival, men must reconcile themselves with the masculine standards portrayed in myths (JUDY, 1998).

A common point in practically all torture psychological games are the indecisions and contradictions, which aim to confuse. This is the case, for example, of the one who flirts and then runs away, or of the one who starts a discussion by raising critical points and then evades them before they are clarified, of the girl who takes the initiative to call and then behaves as if she wanted to hang up the phone right away, etc. The intention is to leave important questions in the air, feelings unresolved. In short, the torture mechanisms consist of stirring up our doubt, Erotic desire and the feeling of love (understood here as infatuation and attachment) are normally the main tools used.

1st phase – The woman behaves like a saint, giving us affection and sex until we become emotionally dependent. In this phase, she pretends not to be interested in anyone else, not to pay attention or attention to any other man.
2nd phase – After being sure that we have taken the bait, and being well-attached to our feelings, the “bitch” begins to have suspicious attitudes towards other men, in order to cast doubts in our minds and cause us to suffer from jealousy.
3rd phase – When we protest with good reason, she categorically denies the intentions behind such visibly compromising attitudes, claiming innocence, indignation, sadness, etc., crying crocodile tears and then insisting on the same attitudes.

Unsatisfied excitement promotes a state of discomfort that can be prolonged to the maximum.

This is why real rejection or indifference on the part of men frightens them: it makes them powerless. Hatred is not recommended; hated is when she got a reaction from you and that makes her powerful and gives her much joy. Indifference, on the other hand, is, and this can be achieved when we eliminate all egos related to passion, attachment, lust, affection, etc.

The psychological suffering of human beings, whether male or female, is something real but non-imputable. It is non-imputable because we underestimate the psychic aspect of life, considering it "subjective". This means that the act of emotionally tormenting others is not considered a crime from a legal point of view a fact that favors them greatly, since we cannot denounce them.

Women, when observing men, seek to understand what is going on in their heads and hearts. This is how they get to know our emotional limits so they can play with us to the extreme with complete safety. That's why they are so close to gossip, because gossip gives them the information necessary for social manipulation.

Our suffering makes them happy by raising their self-esteem. This suffering can come from irritation, emotional deprivation, sexual deprivation and longing. It is a need that they have and that, when not satisfied, leaves them immensely sad, disturbed, because they feel incompetent to attract and keep a man.

The one who irritates is in control of the relationship and the one who is irritated is being controlled. The irritating person is the active agent and the one who suffers the irritation is the passive agent. Through observation, women perceive our irritations, discover our tendencies, beliefs, deficiencies, desires, needs and guide us. Over time, our friends have learned to control us emotionally, playing with our feelings in countless ways.

It is a very interesting process in which they tend to attract us with implicit promises (very rarely explicit) in their conduct, creating certain expectations in us, and then surprising us, frustrating us with the most diverse allegations, generally emotional, while they observe us.

Not knowing what they really feel for us prevents us from taking the right actions, having realistic expectations, anticipating their reactions and making fair demands. We are unable to find our way in the relationship when we see them acting contradictory. Knowing this, our delightful friends deny us certainty, exact knowledge, and cast us into doubt.

Don't let her be sure how much you understand her games, see through her lies, and see through what's going on.
“Passion is evil” (SCHOPENHAUER, 2004, p. 33).
What characterizes a strong person? ‘Hardness and serenity’.(Souza, 2003, p. 44)

Ladies feel disgust and anger, rather than pity, toward men who stoop to the lowest level of humiliation by begging to be loved and offering themselves in obedience. The man in love despairs, clings to the object of his adoration as a lifeline, and becomes detestable. Although they deny it fervently, they prefer those who lead them. And the person in love does not offer this security.

If you are in love, you will have to go through a painful process to reach the opposite extreme. As long as you are not immune to jealousy, being able to see your partner with another guy and scorn them ironically, you will still be trapped by passion. However, being dispassionate and not being jealous does not mean being stupid. You can perfectly well dump the woman if she flirts with someone else and being dispassionate will make everything easier.

Note that the scoundrel is not jealous because he does not fall in love. His main characteristic is to see every woman as an object and treat her like a prostitute. At the same time, he is completely fake.
The person in love, on the other hand, forgives everything in the hope of being reciprocated with love and admiration, but his sacrifice is not recognized because, contrary to what he believes, he is seen as a fool.

In the game of passion, the female tends not to show concern when she feels superior. She tends to hide her feelings in order to induce the other party to express what they feel through concern, she feigns disinterest in order to force the male to reveal his degree of emotional dependence, etc. The one who loves more and more attached will inevitably reveal his weakness. Strength lies in not giving in and in being able to manage the other person's feelings.

The intellectual sieve and fatal penetration of the male intellect, despite its slowness, frightens them; They will insist on trying to dissuade you from your suspicions and skepticism, inducing you to surrender to subjectivity, to "let it happen", so that you become intoxicated with feelings. Once intoxicated, you will be drugged and can be led in any direction.

In love, our acts of kindness, far from being recognized as noble acts that should be reciprocated in kind, are seen as signs that we are idiots and as opportunities to take advantage of the good faith of others that should not be wasted. Orientals and indigenous peoples do not normally fall in love (JOHNSON, 1987) and they do very well. For them, marriage is more of an agreement and a sincere business, which should be convenient for both parties, than anything else. This way, they avoid many problems.

There is another LOVE, different from the poison of passion. But this one is difficult to achieve. We see it in all people who strive and work for humanity without demanding anything in return, such as certain philosophers, artists and religious people of both sexes, who dedicate themselves with pleasure to helping others and do not seek money. This is TRUE LOVE and not the passionate poison that we are told is sublime. Romantic love, passion, sentimentality and attachment debase man, make him weak, domesticate him and demasculinize him.

The human female is essentially a traitor in love she incessantly demands that the male surrender himself but, at the same time, considers those who do so weak and uninteresting, cheating on them with stronger men who do not love her.

Alberoni (1986/ undated) says that “To achieve his goals, the seducer cannot have sincere feelings, he always needs to pretend.” (p. 167) and adds: “Men do not understand, in general, why women feel so attracted to scoundrels, why they are so intolerant of them and so indulgent with the great seducer.” (p. 74)

Instinctively, they sense that the fearsome man will be a good protector if he is dominated through seduction. Wrote LÉVI 1855/2001). They unconsciously reason: "If I can attract the affection of this demon, I will be protected." This is why the mafiosos and powerful have so many women. The feminine unconscious is irresistibly attracted to power and evil 5 like moths are attracted to light.​
Ser mau é tão insensato e auto-destrutivo quanto ser bom (NIETZSCHE, 1886/1998)
The solution is not to be a real criminal monster but, to paraphrase Eliphas Lévi (1855/2001), to disguise ourselves as demons as perfectly as possible.

If you think that being good is enough to be loved, change your mind. Otherwise, hell awaits you in life. If you are truly evil, you will have many problems and a short life. Be beyond good and evil. Extract the good from evil and take it for yourself. Remove the evil from good and throw it away.

The more you pressure her to love you, give you sex and stay by your side, the more repulsive she will be. The thing is, a woman's dynamics are governed by the following principle: her loves are directed only to those who do not need them.

The closer the couple's relationship, the more terrible the mental hells will be.

Usually, in games there are two ways out, two possibilities: one is the outcome that the manipulator really wants, and the other is the one that she doesn't want but pretends to want. If we agree with the resistance and gently "push" the lady in the direction that we suspect is the simulated and undesirable one, we will destroy the game. Then we will win her over or, in the worst case scenario, we will discover that we were actually just being tricked.​

If you are a guy focused on your profession, living in the office expecting others to treat you as an equal human being, know that there will be women who will not see you as a human being and think they are playing these games with you even though you see tem as mere colleagues.

The one who is in love will be the loser in the game of passion, for fear of displeasing the object of his love. Since the games are played by women, it turns out that, unconsciously, they prefer strong and tough men, who never fall in love with anyone, but decide to pay them a little attention and dedicate a little (but not too much) of affection. Deep down, they are identical to the primates of the lower Paleolithic: they want the best male, the best monkey in the group.
Provoke and manage the following feelings: fascination, attachment, fear of loss, insecurity regarding possession, admiration, acceptance, security, protection, guidance and assistance.

What makes the relationship so problematic is their strong need to see us suffering from desire and love. They want us to fall madly in love so they can reject us.

If you think that a college or internship colleague is just being your friend (like a male one would be to you) when she talks to you about what she did to her hair and the only right answers you could give that would respect the flow of the conversation would be about her hair but then she acts unfriendly after, she is not really seeing you as a friend or colleague who shares any information about life as is normal in friendships or interactions between men, instead, she believes that she is playing a mind game with you, a game that every men is playing with her in her point of view, and if you treat her as you would treat a man, responding normally in the conversation, she will be unfriendly and negative towards you, because she will think that she has hooked you in some game. Don't expect feminist women to exist, a women who wont see you as a men instead of humen being, the only feminist women are grandmas. In this case, in the workplace, it is necessary to treat women more harshly (without friendness or emotion) than men would be treated, so you protect yourself against the toxic elements of their twisted point of view.

What matters now in this chapter are not only our beliefs, but also theirs.

Never abandon skepticism. It is your weapon against all the natural tricks of the feminine unconscious to induce you into beliefs that will weaken you, make you manipulable and, consequently, uninteresting. Skepticism regarding intentions, words, tears, etc. is an indispensable defense.

Games with opposites that create undefined situations (for the male, obviously, since they know very well what is going on) aim precisely to induce and reinforce such beliefs. Their mechanisms consist, basically, of treating us as if they were avoiding us and, at the same time, they wanted us.

The best way to punish betrayal is to ignore it and decide to break off the engagement.

OBVIOUSLY, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE KIND. DON'T BE RUDE LIKE A GORILLA... BE SUPERIOR IN CALM AND KINDNESS. But speak clearly and decisively. The woman will freak out in fury, due to being cornered, but be superior in patience. Don't be afraid of shouting, don't be softened by crying. Speak with infinite patience, as if you were explaining the theory of relativity to a feeble-minded person, but be direct and brief. Don't follow or get distracted by the nonsense that is said, ignore the deceptive speech.

The male security sought is not the security of the man's feelings for the woman, but rather of the man for himself. The secure man that women refer to so often is the man who does not fear or need anyone, who does not drag himself along or rush to please, pleasing by his mere existence. He is also the one who is secure in relation to his life goals, who does not give up on his goals and who is aware of the type of love and the profile of the woman he seeks, without making concessions. He is a special man who does not bow to the charm of any female, who resists all spells, including attempts at conflict, the generation of unfriendly climates and infernal tests.

Never speak in a submissive tone or be bossy. Speak with concentration, from the heart and without hesitation. Use a deep tone of voice, not a high-pitched one. Don't ask for opinions, ask questions, give explanations all the time, etc. Simply make the right decisions and communicate. If you are asked to explain your behavior, limit yourself to giving it in a short and objective manner, preserving your discretion.

Women have a history of crying, dramatic performances and simulated indignation when we don't believe their lies. Don't be moved by crocodile tears. You will never really know if that lame excuse for something poorly explained is true or a lie. You will never be sure if that melting does not hide an attempt to manipulate you into giving in. Therefore, never believe in anything.

Women are not the same as you. A feminist man will only come across this truth if he treats them as equals. They will show you that you are different.
The problem is that a portion of the new generation of men are egalitarian feminists. They are getting screwed because women are hostile to them. Feminism has made them treat women as if they were men, and this makes them take actions that, in the eyes of women, mean that they are idiots.

The recipe, therefore, to dew with that situation is this: ignore, ignore, ignore.

Ignore, ignore, ignore.

Interesting read
I work in a female dominated field... and i've planned to work in a 100% female field. It's even worse in the HR area but anyways you always need to be calm and collected, in any circumstances. Just ignore, ignore & be detached

Because you get a lot of attention when you're the only tall brunette here. They become very territorial and jealous if you talk to an another female colleague they don't like. They will told you the drama and you can use it at your advantage.

Called "weirdo" by this former female colleague because i rejected her when she puts her hand on my crotch

I would say that most majority of women see the most majority of men as subhuman species (just look how they treat the shorter guys), that pretty much match the actual extrem feminism and the misandry. But if a top male appears, this is war in the sorority.

We can't do anything for it, i truly believe this is a mating strategy, it's pure biological female instincts.

Warning: This is about how some stupid women in your everyday life try to torment you. Women think that you, the man, are always desiring her or she is always trying to arouse your desire in her (even if you dont minimally want anything with her). Some female coworkers and others have this mentality, they cant see a men as a human being that is not thinking about dating or seduction, they are obsessed with dating and seduction. This is how they judge/view you.


The clever females will "torment" (tease and irritate) the males. When they see us suffocating, desperate to escape the psychological plots they create, they are happy. The improvement of this ability to hurt emotionally begins at the beginning of adolescence, when girls tend to replace physical aggression with words. Female fragility is undeniable in the physical sphere, but, contrary to the widespread belief in popular culture, not in the emotional sphere as a whole (CREVELD, 2004). In the field of relationships, many human females are not at all delicate or fragile, they are powerful, ruthless and play dirty.

However, we must accept such characteristics as instinctive and natural, without rebelling against them. They have great magnetic power (LÉVI, 1855/2001) to provoke negative feelings in the male. If he is emotionally weak, they easily make him fall into states of jealousy, irritation, impatience (JUNG, 1996) and, in the same way, make him feel small, as if he were a brat (ALBERONI, 1986/undated).

You must have seen those funny situations in which women in a group laugh at a lonely man to make him feel small (ALBERONI, 1986/undated). If he is not emotionally strong enough to return the magnetic flow, he will momentarily regress to childhood.

The secret to defending yourself from all feminine wiles of manipulation and mental/emotional torture is to not identify with the woman's strategies, isolating her in her own capricious and contradictory acts. To do so, it is essential not to be in love.

Then she will play her games alone and absorb all the madness she tried to introduce into our hearts. Such power is achieved when we break with identification through the strong work of eliminating sentimentality.

It is also advisable to look at her as a “¨¨¨¨¨¨” until proven otherwise, since in our modern Western civilization, with its “advanced” customs, few are saved. There are smart girls who pretend to be “saintly” for several years.

The ability to resist feminine charms and enchantments is one of the prerequisites of mythical heroes, who resist fears and attractions, not allowing desires and fears to steal their souls and cloud their conscience. For a simple matter of spiritual health and emotional survival, men must reconcile themselves with the masculine standards portrayed in myths (JUDY, 1998).

A common point in practically all torture psychological games are the indecisions and contradictions, which aim to confuse. This is the case, for example, of the one who flirts and then runs away, or of the one who starts a discussion by raising critical points and then evades them before they are clarified, of the girl who takes the initiative to call and then behaves as if she wanted to hang up the phone right away, etc. The intention is to leave important questions in the air, feelings unresolved. In short, the torture mechanisms consist of stirring up our doubt, Erotic desire and the feeling of love (understood here as infatuation and attachment) are normally the main tools used.

1st phase – The woman behaves like a saint, giving us affection and sex until we become emotionally dependent. In this phase, she pretends not to be interested in anyone else, not to pay attention or attention to any other man.
2nd phase – After being sure that we have taken the bait, and being well-attached to our feelings, the “b***h” begins to have suspicious attitudes towards other men, in order to cast doubts in our minds and cause us to suffer from jealousy.
3rd phase – When we protest with good reason, she categorically denies the intentions behind such visibly compromising attitudes, claiming innocence, indignation, sadness, etc., crying crocodile tears and then insisting on the same attitudes.

Unsatisfied excitement promotes a state of discomfort that can be prolonged to the maximum.

This is why real rejection or indifference on the part of men frightens them: it makes them powerless. Hatred is not recommended; hated is when she got a reaction from you and that makes her powerful and gives her much joy. Indifference, on the other hand, is, and this can be achieved when we eliminate all egos related to passion, attachment, lust, affection, etc.

The psychological suffering of human beings, whether male or female, is something real but non-imputable. It is non-imputable because we underestimate the psychic aspect of life, considering it "subjective". This means that the act of emotionally tormenting others is not considered a crime from a legal point of view a fact that favors them greatly, since we cannot denounce them.

Women, when observing men, seek to understand what is going on in their heads and hearts. This is how they get to know our emotional limits so they can play with us to the extreme with complete safety. That's why they are so close to gossip, because gossip gives them the information necessary for social manipulation.

Our suffering makes them happy by raising their self-esteem. This suffering can come from irritation, emotional deprivation, sexual deprivation and longing. It is a need that they have and that, when not satisfied, leaves them immensely sad, disturbed, because they feel incompetent to attract and keep a man.

The one who irritates is in control of the relationship and the one who is irritated is being controlled. The irritating person is the active agent and the one who suffers the irritation is the passive agent. Through observation, women perceive our irritations, discover our tendencies, beliefs, deficiencies, desires, needs and guide us. Over time, our friends have learned to control us emotionally, playing with our feelings in countless ways.

It is a very interesting process in which they tend to attract us with implicit promises (very rarely explicit) in their conduct, creating certain expectations in us, and then surprising us, frustrating us with the most diverse allegations, generally emotional, while they observe us.

Not knowing what they really feel for us prevents us from taking the right actions, having realistic expectations, anticipating their reactions and making fair demands. We are unable to find our way in the relationship when we see them acting contradictory. Knowing this, our delightful friends deny us certainty, exact knowledge, and cast us into doubt.

Don't let her be sure how much you understand her games, see through her lies, and see through what's going on.

Ladies feel disgust and anger, rather than pity, toward men who stoop to the lowest level of humiliation by begging to be loved and offering themselves in obedience. The man in love despairs, clings to the object of his adoration as a lifeline, and becomes detestable. Although they deny it fervently, they prefer those who lead them. And the person in love does not offer this security.

If you are in love, you will have to go through a painful process to reach the opposite extreme. As long as you are not immune to jealousy, being able to see your partner with another guy and scorn them ironically, you will still be trapped by passion. However, being dispassionate and not being jealous does not mean being stupid. You can perfectly well dump the woman if she flirts with someone else and being dispassionate will make everything easier.

Note that the scoundrel is not jealous because he does not fall in love. His main characteristic is to see every woman as an object and treat her like a prostitute. At the same time, he is completely fake.
The person in love, on the other hand, forgives everything in the hope of being reciprocated with love and admiration, but his sacrifice is not recognized because, contrary to what he believes, he is seen as a fool.

In the game of passion, the female tends not to show concern when she feels superior. She tends to hide her feelings in order to induce the other party to express what they feel through concern, she feigns disinterest in order to force the male to reveal his degree of emotional dependence, etc. The one who loves more and more attached will inevitably reveal his weakness. Strength lies in not giving in and in being able to manage the other person's feelings.

The intellectual sieve and fatal penetration of the male intellect, despite its slowness, frightens them; They will insist on trying to dissuade you from your suspicions and skepticism, inducing you to surrender to subjectivity, to "let it happen", so that you become intoxicated with feelings. Once intoxicated, you will be drugged and can be led in any direction.

In love, our acts of kindness, far from being recognized as noble acts that should be reciprocated in kind, are seen as signs that we are idiots and as opportunities to take advantage of the good faith of others that should not be wasted. Orientals and indigenous peoples do not normally fall in love (JOHNSON, 1987) and they do very well. For them, marriage is more of an agreement and a sincere business, which should be convenient for both parties, than anything else. This way, they avoid many problems.

There is another LOVE, different from the poison of passion. But this one is difficult to achieve. We see it in all people who strive and work for humanity without demanding anything in return, such as certain philosophers, artists and religious people of both sexes, who dedicate themselves with pleasure to helping others and do not seek money. This is TRUE LOVE and not the passionate poison that we are told is sublime. Romantic love, passion, sentimentality and attachment debase man, make him weak, domesticate him and demasculinize him.

The human female is essentially a traitor in love she incessantly demands that the male surrender himself but, at the same time, considers those who do so weak and uninteresting, cheating on them with stronger men who do not love her.

Alberoni (1986/ undated) says that “To achieve his goals, the seducer cannot have sincere feelings, he always needs to pretend.” (p. 167) and adds: “Men do not understand, in general, why women feel so attracted to scoundrels, why they are so intolerant of them and so indulgent with the great seducer.” (p. 74)

Instinctively, they sense that the fearsome man will be a good protector if he is dominated through seduction. Wrote LÉVI 1855/2001). They unconsciously reason: "If I can attract the affection of this demon, I will be protected." This is why the mafiosos and powerful have so many women. The feminine unconscious is irresistibly attracted to power and evil 5 like moths are attracted to light.

The solution is not to be a real criminal monster but, to paraphrase Eliphas Lévi (1855/2001), to disguise ourselves as demons as perfectly as possible.

If you think that being good is enough to be loved, change your mind. Otherwise, hell awaits you in life. If you are truly evil, you will have many problems and a short life. Be beyond good and evil. Extract the good from evil and take it for yourself. Remove the evil from good and throw it away.

The more you pressure her to love you, give you sex and stay by your side, the more repulsive she will be. The thing is, a woman's dynamics are governed by the following principle: her loves are directed only to those who do not need them.

The closer the couple's relationship, the more terrible the mental hells will be.

Usually, in games there are two ways out, two possibilities: one is the outcome that the manipulator really wants, and the other is the one that she doesn't want but pretends to want. If we agree with the resistance and gently "push" the lady in the direction that we suspect is the simulated and undesirable one, we will destroy the game. Then we will win her over or, in the worst case scenario, we will discover that we were actually just being tricked.​

If you are a guy focused on your profession, living in the office expecting others to treat you as an equal human being, know that there will be women who will not see you as a human being and think they are playing these games with you even though you see tem as mere colleagues.

The one who is in love will be the loser in the game of passion, for fear of displeasing the object of his love. Since the games are played by women, it turns out that, unconsciously, they prefer strong and tough men, who never fall in love with anyone, but decide to pay them a little attention and dedicate a little (but not too much) of affection. Deep down, they are identical to the primates of the lower Paleolithic: they want the best male, the best monkey in the group.
Provoke and manage the following feelings: fascination, attachment, fear of loss, insecurity regarding possession, admiration, acceptance, security, protection, guidance and assistance.

What makes the relationship so problematic is their strong need to see us suffering from desire and love. They want us to fall madly in love so they can reject us.

If you think that a college or internship colleague is just being your friend (like a male one would be to you) when she talks to you about what she did to her hair and the only right answers you could give that would respect the flow of the conversation would be about her hair but then she acts unfriendly after, she is not really seeing you as a friend or colleague who shares any information about life as is normal in friendships or interactions between men, instead, she believes that she is playing a mind game with you, a game that every men is playing with her in her point of view, and if you treat her as you would treat a man, responding normally in the conversation, she will be unfriendly and negative towards you, because she will think that she has hooked you in some game. Don't expect feminist women to exist, a women who wont see you as a men instead of humen being, the only feminist women are grandmas. In this case, in the workplace, it is necessary to treat women more harshly (without friendness or emotion) than men would be treated, so you protect yourself against the toxic elements of their twisted point of view.

What matters now in this chapter are not only our beliefs, but also theirs.

Never abandon skepticism. It is your weapon against all the natural tricks of the feminine unconscious to induce you into beliefs that will weaken you, make you manipulable and, consequently, uninteresting. Skepticism regarding intentions, words, tears, etc. is an indispensable defense.

Games with opposites that create undefined situations (for the male, obviously, since they know very well what is going on) aim precisely to induce and reinforce such beliefs. Their mechanisms consist, basically, of treating us as if they were avoiding us and, at the same time, they wanted us.

The best way to punish betrayal is to ignore it and decide to break off the engagement.

OBVIOUSLY, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE KIND. DON'T BE RUDE LIKE A GORILLA... BE SUPERIOR IN CALM AND KINDNESS. But speak clearly and decisively. The woman will freak out in fury, due to being cornered, but be superior in patience. Don't be afraid of shouting, don't be softened by crying. Speak with infinite patience, as if you were explaining the theory of relativity to a feeble-minded person, but be direct and brief. Don't follow or get distracted by the nonsense that is said, ignore the deceptive speech.

The male security sought is not the security of the man's feelings for the woman, but rather of the man for himself. The secure man that women refer to so often is the man who does not fear or need anyone, who does not drag himself along or rush to please, pleasing by his mere existence. He is also the one who is secure in relation to his life goals, who does not give up on his goals and who is aware of the type of love and the profile of the woman he seeks, without making concessions. He is a special man who does not bow to the charm of any female, who resists all spells, including attempts at conflict, the generation of unfriendly climates and infernal tests.

Never speak in a submissive tone or be bossy. Speak with concentration, from the heart and without hesitation. Use a deep tone of voice, not a high-pitched one. Don't ask for opinions, ask questions, give explanations all the time, etc. Simply make the right decisions and communicate. If you are asked to explain your behavior, limit yourself to giving it in a short and objective manner, preserving your discretion.

Women have a history of crying, dramatic performances and simulated indignation when we don't believe their lies. Don't be moved by crocodile tears. You will never really know if that lame excuse for something poorly explained is true or a lie. You will never be sure if that melting does not hide an attempt to manipulate you into giving in. Therefore, never believe in anything.

Women are not the same as you. A feminist man will only come across this truth if he treats them as equals. They will show you that you are different.
The problem is that a portion of the new generation of men are egalitarian feminists. They are getting screwed because women are hostile to them. Feminism has made them treat women as if they were men, and this makes them take actions that, in the eyes of women, mean that they are idiots.

The recipe, therefore, to dew with that situation is this: ignore, ignore, ignore.

Ignore, ignore, ignore.

I work in a female dominated field... and i've planned to work in a 100% female field. It's even worse in the HR area but anyways you always need to be calm and collected, in any circumstances. Just ignore, ignore & be detached

Because you get a lot of attention when you're the only tall brunette here. They become very territorial and jealous if you talk to an another female colleague they don't like. They will told you the drama and you can use it at your advantage.

Called "weirdo" by this former female colleague because i rejected her when she puts her hand on my crotch

I would say that most majority of women see the most majority of men as subhuman species (just look how they treat the shorter guys), that pretty much match the actual extrem feminism and the misandry. But if a top male appears, this is war in the sorority.

We can't do anything for it, i truly believe this is a mating strategy, it's pure biological female instincts.
In most working environments a lot of women are scared of me. They tend to stay out of my way. If they must work with me they're usually pretty pleasant and polite. Sometimes they might employ passive aggressive behavior. In that case I'm very good at "correcting" them and nipping it in the bud. I'm also good at turning the tables if they decide to go to upper management behind my back. Every once in a while though I'll come across a girl at work who just doesn't get it. She's usually too young or too stupid to realise that I'm not somebody to be messed with. I always give them fair warning early on. In a situation like that, one of us has to go. I always win. I have a unique gift for making people feel extremely uncomfortable if I want to, without being passive - aggressive myself. I'm always very direct.

Take this flooze for example.


Around four years ago I made her quit her job and run back to her hometown. Among other things, one time I grabbed her by the top of her head and calmly told her to go get me the materials that I needed. She was supposed to be my assistant but she always insisted on making things difficult for me. She went home on a Sunday and never showed up to work again (We had Mondays and Tuesdays off). She left all her stuff at the office including an expensive coat and a pair of designer sunglasses. She hopped a train and never came back.

One time a few years back I had a female manager try and get me to stop vaping in the office. Instead of telling me directly she waited until the weekly Wednesday meeting to announce that there will be no more vaping in the office (I was the only person who vaped). When she said that I immediately interrupted her and said that I would not stop vaping. She tried arguing. I told her that I wouldn't argue about it and that she could go tell the boss if she wanted. No manager likes to have to tell their boss that there's a problem that they can't deal with. Anyways, a few days went by. I continued to vape in the office and she finally snapped. She started screaming at me. Again, I refused to argue. After letting her rant at me for a couple of minutes without nodding my head, or giving her any other kind of rapport, I took a long drag off of my vape and blew it right into her face. Later that day the boss and HR girl came to talk to me. I calmly explained to them that I was trying to quit smoking, and that I needed to vape in the office to do so. I explained that if I had to leave the office and go outside to vape I might as well just go back to smoking cigarettes. I also told them that I wasn't willing to do that, and that they would have to fire me if they couldn't accept me vaping in the office. Surprisingly they told me that they supported my decision to quit smoking. After the meeting was over they made the manager move all her stuff to a new office, where she'd be isolated, and wouldn't have to be bothered by my vaping. A week later she was demoted and a new manager took over.


This is her. I had problems with her in the beginning as well, but I quickly put her in her place and showed her who's boss.


Now she's my wife.
In 2012 I made a female manager have a mental breakdown and destroy everything on her desk including her IPhone.

Back then I was living in Qingdao. I had been working fulltime at a particular school for about four months. Out of the blue one day we got a new manager. Her name was Sophia. Sophia wasn't exactly new though. About two months before I started working there she had gone on maternity leave, and was the manager there before as well. As soon as she came back she immediately started throwing her weight around. Micromanaging type crap. Stuff that didn't really need to be done. Even though she always maintained a fake "pleasant" facade, she was a real c*nt underneath it all. She relished her position of authority for the sake of itself. I'm sure you know the type.

Anyways, pretty soon after she came back I began to pick up on the fact that she didn't like me very much. I took long breaks and did a lot of other things that would get on the nerves of someone like her. Behind all the fake smiles I could tell she had a seething desire to dominate, or tame me. One day (weekly wednesday meeting) she announced that there would be no more watching movies in the office during work time. Everybody watched movies in the office during work time, and it was common knowledge. The only problem though was that her desk was directly behind mine. My desk/computer was the only one in the office that she could see from where she sat. The b*tch was trying to single me out while being clever about it. Passive aggressive behavior at it's finest. I felt like it was a slap in the face, and I was livid. But I kept calm though. I didn't say anything at the meeting. I just kept quiet. I knew how to play that game much better than her.

After that meeting I continued watching movies in the office. It was as if she never said a word about it. I was trying to bait her into being direct with me and telling me to stop, but it never happened. She continued with the polite facade, and I mirrored it back to her. I could tell how frustrated she was getting though.

About a week later one of my two bosses (Linda), not my boss at the school, asked me to come to her office in the center of the city to talk with her. Back then I worked for an agency. They kind of pimped foreigners out to these training schools. I didn't work for the school directly. It was more like I was on loan to them from the agency. Anyways Linda told me that Eric (the boss at the school) was upset because he heard I'd been watching movies in the office. I told Linda that nobody at the school said anything to me about it, but I wasn't gonna stop anyways. I explained the situation to Linda and she understood. We both knew I wasn't gonna get fired over it. The school needed me too much. So she didn't care.

When I got back to the school I didn't say anything, but I decided to turn up the heat on Sophia. I started watching a lot of brutal fight compilation videos from Whenever she was in the office sitting behind me I'd purposefully play some of the more graphic/bloody videos that the site had to offer, a lot of which I'd already seen before at home. I was purposefully trying to make her disturbed. Still though, she didn't say anything to me about it. After some days of this she told me that Eric, the school's principal, wanted to see me. Eric basically told me that Sophia was the manager, that she didn't want me watching movies, and therefore I needed to stop watching movies. I explained to him that the office was situated in a way where only my computer screen could be seen by her, and that everybody else watched movies. I said that if she didn't want to see me watching movies then he should move my desk where she wouldn't be able to see it. I also told him that the office is too boring, and that I wouldn't stop watching movies regardless. At that point he basically just said "ok" and washed his hands of the matter. Despite watching movies in the office and taking long breaks I did my job there very well. He didn't really care about anything except that.

Another week went by but Sophia still wasn't finished. She should have just stopped when her boss said (without saying) that he didn't care, but she didn't. She started emailing Betty to complain about me. Betty was my boss Linda's secretary. Betty's job was to manage all the foreigners who worked for Linda. Unknown to anyone else though, I had been f*cking Betty ever since she started working for Linda. I took her virginity in fact. Betty usually spent about 4 nights a week at my apartment, and thought we would be getting married one day. I even had copies of all the passports of all the other foreigners who worked for Linda as well. I wanted them in case Linda ever tried to cheat me out of money. Some of those foreigners, including myself, were working illegally. I would never have ratted them out, but I certainly would have used them as leverage against Linda to get what's owed if she ever withheld my salary. She never did. Anyways, we found it very funny at first. After work Betty and I would laugh about Sophia's angry messages, which she always ignored. Pretty soon though Sophia started calling Betty's phone, always during her lunch break. I eventually told Betty to tell Sophia to tell me directly to stop watching movies the next time she called. The very next day as I was in the office watching violent clips on my computer, Sophia, sitting at her desk behind me, picked up her phone and called Betty. This was the first time she called her while I was present. She started by calmly asking Betty to call me on the phone and tell me to stop watching movies. You gotta understand she was speaking to her in Chinese. Even though Sophia knew that I knew that I could understand her, she still pretended like I couldn't. It's a face thing. I'd never spoken Chinese with any of the girls in the office, but they all knew I could understand it. I couldn't hear exactly what Betty was saying, but Sophia was getting more and more frustrated as the conversation went on. At one point she began slamming her hand down on her desk and screaming that I "CANNOT" watch movies in the office. Finally Betty told her to tell me herself, and she did. Without hanging up the phone Sophia called my name, looked at me like a deer in the headlights, and said to me in English "You can't watch movies in the office". I told her "Go tell on me then." She asked me who she should tell before asserting that she herself was telling me that I can't watch movies in the office. I replied "And I'm telling you NO! Now go tell someone else on me.", then I curtly put my earbud back in and turned back to the entertainment on my computer screen. Sophia quietly hung up the phone on Betty without saying goodbye. She sat there in her very still. About two minutes of perfect silence went by and then, all of a sudden, she let out a horrible scream of unintelligible garble. Next thing I knew books, papers, and other objects were flying everywhere. Luckily she didn't have a computer on her desk, because everything on it got thrown or smashed. I didn't even look back, but she must have smashed her IPhone on the ground pretty hard because the back cover of it flew onto the corner of my desk. At that point I calmly picked it up off my desk, swiveled 180 degrees, placed it back on her desk, then turned back around and continued watching whatever it was I had been watching. I didn't even acknowledge her. Then she ran into the neighboring empty office and proceeded to bawl her eyes out as everybody else on that floor ran to see what was going on. The HR girl, the accountant, the marketing team, and the front desk girls all went back and forth between the two offices like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure it out. It looked like a tornado had gone through our office. Papers and everything else strewn about the floor. Sophia wouldn't stop sobbing though, so one of them eventually asked me what happened. I simply said "I told her I wouldn't stop watching movies."

The next week the boss (Eric) moved me into a different office. I shared it with two members of the marketing team. Sophia didn't really have to see me too much any more.
This is a good thing I didn't even noticed some of the things or well the reasons behind them @Wilk
Insightful read. Given my limited interaction with females, this is useful information for me to see. Thanks for taking the time to make this thread. Bookmarked.
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