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Jaw is Law
Jun 23, 2024
I am a Russian/German 15yo, 5'6 (I know its brutal, I just grow late), my parents are 5'11 and 5'7. I am a varsity wrestler and regularly go to the gym, have been doing so for roughly a year. i would say I have a pretty good physique with my strong points being my shoulder to waist ratio and my bodyfat percentage. Came on here looking for advice to maximize my potential, although I do not have any issues with females, I am just looking to become the best version of myself I can possibly be. Looking for ratings as well as tips as to what I can do to ascend. Open to surgery when an adult, but for now I need to stick to things I can quickly and cheaply change.
I am a Russian/German 15yo, 5'6 (I know its brutal, I just grow late), my parents are 5'11 and 5'7. I am a varsity wrestler and regularly go to the gym, have been doing so for roughly a year. i would say I have a pretty good physique with my strong points being my shoulder to waist ratio and my bodyfat percentage. Came on here looking for advice to maximize my potential, although I do not have any issues with females, I am just looking to become the best version of myself I can possibly be. Looking for ratings as well as tips as to what I can do to ascend. Open to surgery when an adult, but for now I need to stick to things I can quickly and cheaply change.
(i know i’m late) for now, i recommend doing non-financial things in order to slowly ascend, for example, finding your face shape and accomodating the suitable hairstyle/haircut for you, eating a healthy diet, working out regularly in order to be in shape, and working on finding the right skincare for your skin type.

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