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summer arc
May 31, 2024

Hello members of the forum (all 27,837 of you*) my name's Harvey (clearly indicated by my user). I am from a small town located in New South Wales, Australia, it's fairly remote however has a fairly strong sense of self and community a kind of 'everyone knows everyone' type of deal. I am currently fifteen (recently turned it) and have been aware of looksmaxxing for quite some time now, but never took the initiative to search for any resources relating to it up until quite recently.

My journey first started as a prepubescent teen, first discovering the red pill after stumbling across Andrew Tate at the ripe age of 13. As you can probably expect this didn't go too well, I started hating anything relating to feminism and was obsessed with the hyper masculine movement. I was a heavy activist for men's rights and to end all feminism which I thought were the root of all my problems, I have no idea why I thought this but I did. Because of this as my classmates matured (I didn't) they came to rather dislike me, a good majority of them felt that I was annoying and an overly zealous Andrew Tate stan. Particularly the female students began to hate me, any attempts I had used to try and start a conversation with them (especially the hot ones) were quickly shut down and I was swiftly rejected. This further reinforced my hatred towards feminism movements however, sometime around my 14th birthday I started realizing how annoying I was and started to see how corny Andrew Tate actually was. So I left my Andrew Tate days behind and started my journey to find a girlfriend, this first started by going over to snapchat and adding almost every girl on my quick add and hitting them with the infamous 'Wyll' soon I realized that A) I was fucking ugly at the time and B) the only girls that i'd seriously be pulling are ran through ho's looking for a quick bf to satisfy themselves. So I quickly grew out of that phase, around this time however I became aware of Looksmaxxing and decided to look further into it, I soon lost interest in it however the thought still lingered in my mind for a far time. A few months ago I became aware of this forum and decided to join it (lurked on .org for a few days prior) where I soon fell in love and found some seriously helpful information, which leads us to the present day!

My favourite thing to in my free time is to listen to music imo, Kanye West is the greatest rapper to ever touch the earth, his stunning lyrics and production
quality has lead him to deserve every one of his twenty four Grammy's. He might be the greatest artist to ever grace his mighty touch on our futile earth and in my opinion these are the order of his albums

2. Collage Droput
3. Late Registration
6. Graduation
7. Ye
8. Donda
9. Watch the Throne
10. Vultures
11. JIK
12. 808's and Heartbreaks
13. Kids see ghosts (TS IS ASS)


If your reading this I would like to thank you for reading this entire thing, I know i'm not the most significant member of this forum (I'm unknown) however I genuinely love this forum lol and the people in it are actually extremely knowledgeable (except @sigma) and I think I can further expand my knowledge of looksmaxxing thanks to this forum.
Love Harvey

Understood, you are defined by your taste on music and pills. Thats your personality and should strongly indicate all of your internal life.
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Understood, you are defined by your taste on music and pills. Thats your personality and should strongly indicate all of your internal life.
I only listen to music it's all I do, obviously I didn't want to make this too long and include ALL of my interests I just included my most important but also how I came to find looksmaxxing
I only listen to music it's all I do, obviously I didn't want to make this too long and include ALL of my interests I just included my most important but also how I came to find looksmaxxing
saying your province is crazy ngl

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