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Discussion Ioi or no


Avi is robust pretty boy with unlimited jb appeal
Apr 9, 2024
I was at the mall with my mom. Before you start seething, I'm not a loser or something. I was with my mom because she finished work early and called me to pick her up and suggested we go for a stroll + there's nothing wrong to spend time with your family. We were at this clothes store and I picked some shit up. We went to pay and there was this cute mtb at the counters. She was glancing at me a lot and fixed her hair for a second. She was also unusually nice. Ngl, I looked mogger. I was also wearing a mogger fit.

I would've accepted this as an ioi but the thing is my mom paid for everything. Maybe she was glancing to see who that loser was who has his mom pay for his shit at 21
I was at the mall with my mom. Before you start seething, I'm not a loser or something. I was with my mom because she finished work early and called me to pick her up and suggested we go for a stroll + there's nothing wrong to spend time with your family. We were at this clothes store and I picked some shit up. We went to pay and there was this cute mtb at the counters. She was glancing at me a lot and fixed her hair for a second. She was also unusually nice. Ngl, I looked mogger. I was also wearing a mogger fit.

I would've accepted this as an ioi but the thing is my mom paid for everything. Maybe she was glancing to see who that loser was who has his mom pay for his shit at 21
IOI imo
Back to the psych ward where badg96 and FunkyFlamingo are residing at
If u looked mogger and she was not looking scared and trying to be aware about potential threats then ioi