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Discussion IQmaxxing


Active member
May 27, 2024
In terms of fluid cognitive abilities like visuospatial reasoning, verbal iq, memory both short (working memory ) and long term memory, how would one increase there capabilities in these areas.
I know my working memory is good as I can easily manipulate maths and physics equation in my head, my long term memory I have no strategies really of how to remember things.
Visuospatial is ok and so is verbal.
However as I am undertaking complex subjects for high school like Physics, Chemistry, Extension Mathematics, Advanced English and Engineering, would someone be able to provide advice on if it is indeed possible to increase any of these abilities (either through training programs, supplements e.g. lions mane, or any other means) so I may have an easier time in these courses and in general life. Although I have enough to do reasonably well in the courses, I would like to have a better long term memory and verbal iq more so than anything.
Iq is not something you can drastically increase such a muscles. Its genetic based. But if you're in puberty and work your brain do math works, memory & puzzle games everyday you can increase it by 5-10 points. Also you can easily decrase it (especially in puberty) if you drink, smoke, do drugs etc...

You can also practice on an iq test multiple times wich will not gonna increase your iq, but you will learn pattern recognition and could larp as someone with 150iq

But its essential to remember that:
IQ< raw skill
IQ< dopamine reward system
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  • #8
Iq is not something you can drastically increase such a muscles. Its genetic based. But if you're in puberty and work your brain do math works, memory & puzzle games everyday you can increase it by 5-10 points. Also you can easily decrase it (especially in puberty) if you drink, smoke, do drugs etc...

You can also practice on an iq test multiple times wich will not gonna increase your iq, but you will learn pattern recognition and could larp as someone with 150iq

But its essential to remember that:
IQ< raw skill
IQ< dopamine reward system
Raw skill as it suggests can’t be increased but how do you make the dopamine reward system better? Really 5-10 points, by doing puzzles? Is there any studies that suggest you can increase it by more than 10 points although given 10 points is already a pretty drastic change depending on your pre-existing iq, I am also more so asking on the components of iq whether long term memory and verbal iq can be increased?
Iq is not something you can drastically increase such a muscles. Its genetic based. But if you're in puberty and work your brain do math works, memory & puzzle games everyday you can increase it by 5-10 points. Also you can easily decrase it (especially in puberty) if you drink, smoke, do drugs etc...

You can also practice on an iq test multiple times wich will not gonna increase your iq, but you will learn pattern recognition and could larp as someone with 150iq

But its essential to remember that:
IQ< raw skill
IQ< dopamine reward system


MM’s makes MM’s | Ϫ Saint of the Order of Nihil Ϫ​

JoinedApr 8, 2024Messages44Reputation84LocationMom's basement
did not read that essay only the title
-be healthy (if youre unhealthy obviosuly your brain is no good)
-do stuff that challenges your brain and thinking abilities
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  • #12
did not read that essay only the title
-be healthy (if youre unhealthy obviosuly your brain is no good)
-do stuff that challenges your brain and thinking abilities
What would you suggest for activities that challenge my brain?
In terms of fluid cognitive abilities like visuospatial reasoning, verbal iq, memory both short (working memory ) and long term memory, how would one increase there capabilities in these areas.
I know my working memory is good as I can easily manipulate maths and physics equation in my head, my long term memory I have no strategies really of how to remember things.
Visuospatial is ok and so is verbal.
However as I am undertaking complex subjects for high school like Physics, Chemistry, Extension Mathematics, Advanced English and Engineering, would someone be able to provide advice on if it is indeed possible to increase any of these abilities (either through training programs, supplements e.g. lions mane, or any other means) so I may have an easier time in these courses and in general life. Although I have enough to do reasonably well in the courses, I would like to have a better long term memory and verbal iq more so than anything.
first of all f****t, second - dual nback, noopept, piracetam, make sure to get enough of basic minerals and shit, basically any medicine that works for alzheimers will work to help with your condition of being a midwit
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  • #44
first of all f****t, second - dual nback, noopept, piracetam, make sure to get enough of basic minerals and shit, basically any medicine that works for alzheimers will work to help with your condition of being a midwit
Isn’t dual n back ineffective? It is really more so that I have a poor long term memory than anything else, I understand most physics concepts in my course to a good degree and same with maths but remembering the formulas and then applying them later is hard as I have a poor long term memory.
Idk but I found shrooms to absurdly effect my cognition when it comes to abstract ideas. I figured it was temporary at first but it's seemed to have last even 2 years later. Though idk if abstraction is anything to do with iq but I can visualize problems very clearly and move numbers around in my head pretty fast with intention. Almost feels like I'm lucid dreaming but irl 24/7 lmao.
first of all f****t, second - dual nback, noopept, piracetam, make sure to get enough of basic minerals and shit, basically any medicine that works for alzheimers will work to help with your condition of being a midwit
What's the studies on the alzheimer meds?. Connor Murphy is talking about this shit too and I just needed to see what current stuff is around that I might have missed. I like enhancing myself and if it's effective I'll try it.
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  • #47
Idk but I found shrooms to absurdly effect my cognition when it comes to abstract ideas. I figured it was temporary at first but it's seemed to have last even 2 years later. Though idk if abstraction is anything to do with iq but I can visualize problems very clearly and move numbers around in my head pretty fast with intention. Almost feels like I'm lucid dreaming but irl 24/7 lmao.
Wait really, psychedelics like lsd or dmt or something?
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  • #48
first of all f****t, second - dual nback, noopept, piracetam, make sure to get enough of basic minerals and shit, basically any medicine that works for alzheimers will work to help with your condition of being a midwit
Bro why the beef, how am I a midwit and why start with this, all you can do is answer the question.
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  • #49
first of all f****t, second - dual nback, noopept, piracetam, make sure to get enough of basic minerals and shit, basically any medicine that works for alzheimers will work to help with your condition of being a midwit
I definitely am of around average iq or a tiny bit higher than average but why the beef bro, by saying my subjects are hard it is because they are hard that ain’t pretentious that is facts, I ain’t full of myself but I can understand my own strengths and weaknesses and was asking for advice not for commonplace insults.
Wait really, psychedelics like lsd or dmt or something?
....well I mean they sorta do the same stuff in the end. But I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they are the same. Lsd is a very lab made drug. Dmt is considered much stronger.