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Discussion IQmaxxing

....well I mean they sorta do the same stuff in the end. But I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they are the same. Lsd is a very lab made drug. Dmt is considered much stronger.
I thought shrooms were lsd? Are there different types of shrooms? What would be the mechanisms behind the potential cognitive enhancement for shrooms then? Also can you look at the post of how to grow a bear because I gave advice and I just want to make sure I wasn’t telling the wrong thing or giving the wrong advice to the person.
What's the studies on the alzheimer meds?. Connor Murphy is talking about this shit too and I just needed to see what current stuff is around that I might have missed. I like enhancing myself and if it's effective I'll try it.
connor murphy went insane so i would not take his advice at face value (although i am starting to go insane too), if you look at these kind of compounds they will have little to no empirical evidence for enhancement, however that is only due to lack of medical trials in that direction, if you simply look at what medicine has the best progression against alzheimer and doesn't have bad side effects then you should end up at noopept. Use a higher dosage than suggested though, worked for me, can wreck your body since it puts you in overdrive and makes you use up more calories
@AstroSky also like alpha-gpc and basic supplement stacks work, you don't really have to use things that cross blood-brain barrier for noticable improvement, breathing exercises work too, however it feels too meditative for me so avoid it
I thought shrooms were lsd? Are there different types of shrooms? What would be the mechanisms behind the potential cognitive enhancement for shrooms then? Also can you look at the post of how to grow a bear because I gave advice and I just want to make sure I wasn’t telling the wrong thing or giving the wrong advice to the person.
for beard monaxidil or t-maxx, its mostly genetics, not gonna grow a beard as a latino
@AstroSky actually noticed a curious correlation between pro hgh treatments to brain health and development ones, would have to look more into it though
Raw skill as it suggests can’t be increased but how do you make the dopamine reward system better?
When I wrote this reply I was on 3 hours of sleep, I meant knowledge base > raw IQ
how do you make the dopamine reward system better?
Dopamine detox.

@Nihilus has already already made a thread about the importance of dopamine reward system aswel
Really 5-10 points, by doing puzzles? Is there any studies that suggest you can increase it by more than 10 points although given 10 points is already a pretty drastic change depending on your pre-existing iq
Not just puzzles, but if you do everything that I have previously mentioned from a very young age.
I dont think more then 10 would be ever possible
I am also more so asking on the components of iq whether long term memory and verbal iq can be increased?
Long term memory with passive recall.
Well, I dont think you can increase verbal iq, you either have it or not.

What would you suggest for activities that challenge my brain?
Chess, on a competitive level, aiming for a 2000 ELO:

Learning Rubik's cubing and speedcubing:

Playing puzzle games every so often, download Luminosity it's a pretty good app but no evidence it'll make you smarter

Coding, programming and web development: must know and very lucrative. Try to master HTML, CSS, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, Swift, Ruby, C, C++: you can find several resources and apps like SoloLearn, Codecademy
Knowledge of computers and hardware – learn to build devices and you better damn sure know what all the specs mean when you use a device

Data science, data mining, ethical hacking:

Photoshop and professional graphic designing:

Memory training:
Attempt to have a 25k+ words vocabulary.

Estimate current:
Read 500+ novels

Writing, content writing, technical writing:

Learn languages: French, Spanish, German, Greek, Mandarin, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese

Wait really, psychedelics like lsd or dmt or something?
Adderall, modafinil, armodafinil, methylene blue is ideal for iqmaxxing, but maybe I will create a thread about useful drugs / substances that are legit, but 95% of them are pure cope & placebo
Playing puzzle games every so often, download Luminosity it's a pretty good app but no evidence it'll make you smarter
yeah i play a lot of puzzle games, lumosity is fun
Learn languages: French, Spanish, German, Greek, Mandarin, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese
tbh... some languages are impractical to learn. like chinese and japanese, they all have tones and you have to memorize individual characters. phonetic alphabet and simplicity to a certain extent mogs.
rest is good ideas but not all will not necessarily improve iq
When I wrote this reply I was on 3 hours of sleep, I meant knowledge base > raw IQ

Dopamine detox.

@Nihilus has already already made a thread about the importance of dopamine reward system aswel

Not just puzzles, but if you do everything that I have previously mentioned from a very young age.
I dont think more then 10 would be ever possible

Long term memory with passive recall.
Well, I dont think you can increase verbal iq, you either have it or not.

Chess, on a competitive level, aiming for a 2000 ELO:

Learning Rubik's cubing and speedcubing:

Playing puzzle games every so often, download Luminosity it's a pretty good app but no evidence it'll make you smarter

Coding, programming and web development: must know and very lucrative. Try to master HTML, CSS, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, Swift, Ruby, C, C++: you can find several resources and apps like SoloLearn, Codecademy
Knowledge of computers and hardware – learn to build devices and you better damn sure know what all the specs mean when you use a device

Data science, data mining, ethical hacking:

Photoshop and professional graphic designing:

Memory training:
Attempt to have a 25k+ words vocabulary.

Estimate current:
Read 500+ novels

Writing, content writing, technical writing:

Learn languages: French, Spanish, German, Greek, Mandarin, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese

Adderall, modafinil, armodafinil, methylene blue is ideal for iqmaxxing, but maybe I will create a thread about useful drugs / substances that are legit, but 95% of them are pure cope & placebo

I was able to learn python over a summer and created a full fledge flappy bird clone that looks exactly like the original. Yeah I'd say coding is a challenge and helps you iq max. Def takes math sometimes. Problem solving and dedication to finish what you start. Though chatgpt is a useful debugging tool and teacher and probably augmented my learning a fair bit. I make it break things down like I'm 5 and explain it in detail exactly why and what it would recommend I change and what I can learn next time. This really was eye opening in terms of skill retention.

In terms of fluid cognitive abilities like visuospatial reasoning, verbal iq, memory both short (working memory ) and long term memory, how would one increase there capabilities in these areas.
I know my working memory is good as I can easily manipulate maths and physics equation in my head, my long term memory I have no strategies really of how to remember things.
Visuospatial is ok and so is verbal.
However as I am undertaking complex subjects for high school like Physics, Chemistry, Extension Mathematics, Advanced English and Engineering, would someone be able to provide advice on if it is indeed possible to increase any of these abilities (either through training programs, supplements e.g. lions mane, or any other means) so I may have an easier time in these courses and in general life. Although I have enough to do reasonably well in the courses, I would like to have a better long term memory and verbal iq more so than anything.
Memory games, learn an instrument, eat healthily and avoid becoming depressed etc