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Is a big failo my torso looks this long?

just because it is masculine does not mean it is attractive
like receding hairline is high T but not attractive
people like 1:1 or long legs usually
Receding hairline isnt masculine what do you mean? A balanced high t hormone profile is masculine
Receding hairline isnt masculine what do you mean? A balanced high t hormone profile is masculine
no a balanced high t hormone profile is just a balanced high t hormone profile
masculine is a result of androgens and genes
Receding hairline isnt masculine what do you mean? A balanced high t hormone profile is masculine
In biology, the term "masculine" refers to the development of male-specific morphology, such as the male reproductive system and Wolffian ducts. The male reproductive system is dependent on hormones, including testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in people assigned male at birth, and it helps develop characteristics like muscle mass, bone mass, and sex drive.

However, the terms "masculine" and "feminine" are more commonly used as gender terms, which are socio-cultural categories. Gender is a social construct that can vary across cultures, societies, and historical periods. It can include aspects like appearance, mannerisms, emotions, and how a person feels about themselves.

While some research suggests that some masculine behaviors are biologically influenced, the extent to which this is the case is still debated. People of any biological sex can exhibit masculine traits, and people who exhibit both masculine and feminine characteristics are considered androgynous.

balanced hormone profile is just being healthy
no a balanced high t hormone profile is just a balanced high t hormone profile
masculine is a result of androgens and genes
balanced hormone profile is masculine
No, long legs are feminine trait so long torso is masculine , Only in society. And it deeply revolves around skeletal structure regarding your hips and how wide they are. West africans are known to have higher levels of test + have overall long legs and shorter torsos as a natural adaptation to fit their climate. They have overall very "masculine"skeletal structures in nature(in which I deem as healthy levels of dht, test and lower levels of estrogen). Same goes for nordic/scandinavians. Research in physical anthropology has highlighted that populations from northern Europe, particularly the Scandinavian or Nordic regions, exhibit relatively long limbs, including longer legs, which align with Allen’s Rule—suggesting that populations in colder climates evolve longer limbs to help regulate body temperature by dissipating heat more efficiently. This body type, characterized by a taller stature with longer legs and a relatively lean physique, is often associated with Nordic populations due to these environmental adaptations and their ancestry. , Only in society. And it deeply revolves around skeletal structure regarding your hips and how wide they are. West africans are known to have higher levels of test + have overall long legs and shorter torsos as a natural adaptation to fit their climate. They have overall very "masculine"skeletal structures in nature(in which I deem as healthy levels of dht, test and lower levels of estrogen). Same goes for nordic/scandinavians. Research in physical anthropology has highlighted that populations from northern Europe, particularly the Scandinavian or Nordic regions, exhibit relatively long limbs, including longer legs, which align with Allen’s Rule—suggesting that populations in colder climates evolve longer limbs to help regulate body temperature by dissipating heat more efficiently. This body type, characterized by a taller stature with longer legs and a relatively lean physique, is often associated with Nordic populations due to these environmental adaptations and their ancestry.
So le long legs are high t apparently? , Only in society. And it deeply revolves around skeletal structure regarding your hips and how wide they are. West africans are known to have higher levels of test + have overall long legs and shorter torsos as a natural adaptation to fit their climate. They have overall very "masculine"skeletal structures in nature(in which I deem as healthy levels of dht, test and lower levels of estrogen). Same goes for nordic/scandinavians. Research in physical anthropology has highlighted that populations from northern Europe, particularly the Scandinavian or Nordic regions, exhibit relatively long limbs, including longer legs, which align with Allen’s Rule—suggesting that populations in colder climates evolve longer limbs to help regulate body temperature by dissipating heat more efficiently. This body type, characterized by a taller stature with longer legs and a relatively lean physique, is often associated with Nordic populations due to these environmental adaptations and their ancestry.
Now, also it is true that females on average have longer legs BUT have wider hips. Men can have longer legs because longer legs is not in nature seen as a feminine trait.
no of course not bhai your torso makes you 8 PSL without you’d be 7

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