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Is any guy on here date-able?

what are your minimum standards for a husband, be honest im curious
my looksmatch, goes to the gym with me and hikes/walks with me, isn’t skinny and isn’t fat (we will both care about being fit and healthy, and let eachother know if we are letting ourselves go), don’t care much for height tbh
personality wise he must be funny, be loyal, honest and yk all the usual good stuff
my looksmatch, goes to the gym with me and hikes/walks with me, isn’t skinny and isn’t fat (we will both care about being fit and healthy, and let eachother know if we are letting ourselves go), don’t care much for height tbh
personality wise he must be funny, be loyal, honest and yk all the usual good stuff
i hope i get a guy like this but whatever😢
my looksmatch, goes to the gym with me and hikes/walks with me, isn’t skinny and isn’t fat (we will both care about being fit and healthy, and let eachother know if we are letting ourselves go), don’t care much for height tbh
personality wise he must be funny, be loyal, honest and yk all the usual good stuff
Ok thats fair if your being honest, a lot of females have extremely high standards i've seen, but yours is realistic
Brrr half yall just want the "incel" title to seem cooler, typical vainness just trying to appeal to society. If u arent a burn victim or indian your not a incel , you just havent cleaned up good enough /personality maxxed, success max etc
Yep. I’ve been saying for longest all u need to not be incel is cold showers and brushing teeth maybe some flossing. Everything else is extra
Brrr half yall just want the "incel" title to seem cooler, typical vainness just trying to appeal to society. If u arent a burn victim or indian your not a incel , you just havent cleaned up good enough /personality maxxed, success max etc
I look angry to everyone. I am unapproachable. There is no success for your face. No personality for your genes.
Yep. I’ve been saying for longest all u need to not be incel is cold showers and brushing teeth maybe some flossing. Everything else is extr
Yep. I’ve been saying for longest all u need to not be incel is cold showers and brushing teeth maybe some flossing. Everything else is extra
Okay this isnt what i meant, cold showers are bad for your cortisol. and your just naming basic hygiene. Im pointing out to all these born privileged ass guys who say there an incel to feel special but really there a 7-8/10, and have no Clue what its like living a life where you dont fit in, you never get compliments, you get shoved to the dirt for your unluckiness, its a pity to the real incels. its privilege they dont realize
I look angry to everyone. I am unapproachable. There is no success for your face. No personality for your genes.
Think of any of the extrmeely ugly filmmakers, billionares, artists, people with achievements, they all have bitches by there side, because you can actually be seen as more attractive if you do something in your life, humans are easily manipulated. Humans are emotional creatures even if we are vain to faces
Think of any of the extrmeely ugly filmmakers, billionares, artists, people with achievements, they all have bitches by there side, because you can actually be seen as more attractive if you do something in your life, humans are easily manipulated. Humans are emotional creatures even if we are vain to faces
So bitches will want me for my money if I work hard, thanks.
Oh wow i dont have little imaginary likes fuck you i dont need them to comment on here half of all of you are attractive just mad you cant pick up big ass big tits blonde hair tanned sorority girl Olivia
Blonde not my type I like high E ethics
Dude did i really get banned for syaing someones hoop earrigns look mexican, please forgive me, i have no fucking life no friends no one but people on this forum anyone who actually understands me please do not ban me
Oh wow i dont have little imaginary likes fuck you i dont need them to comment on here half of all of you are attractive just mad you cant pick up big ass big tits blonde hair tanned sorority girl Olivia
Is it wrong for me to want a blonde girl? I'm blond.
No i didnt saay that dont twist my words i said something entirely different
Oh wow i dont have little imaginary likes fuck you i dont need them to comment on here half of all of you are attractive just mad you cant pick up big ass big tits blonde hair tanned sorority girl Olivia
One of the traits listed, don't twist my words.
No i didnt saay that dont twist my words i said something entirely different
Point is, how am I dateable if I look scary and angry to people ( Said to me irl by girls btw) and girls won't want to talk to me?
Point is, how am I dateable if I look scary and angry to people ( Said to me irl by girls btw) and girls won't want to talk to me?
I have the same face type, i have a face that looks always sad, and not in a good sultry way, always sad and punchable, and a frown to ym face and guys neevr talk to me and i have a good personality. Girls are easier to manipulate than guys and so you have it easier you need to dress masculine, appear as you are very successful, or create some sort of achievement that will make people overlook the ugly in you, or become one of those ppeople whos super funny girls will fuck/date/associate themselevs with anyoen funny
I have the same face type, i have a face that looks always sad, and not in a good sultry way, always sad and punchable, and a frown to ym face and guys neevr talk to me and i have a good personality. Girls are easier to manipulate than guys and so you have it easier you need to dress masculine, appear as you are very successful, or create some sort of achievement that will make people overlook the ugly in you, or become one of those ppeople whos super funny girls will fuck/date/associate themselevs with anyoen funny
What do you rate yourself? is it those features, or are you below average looking?
4/10 without makeup 6.5/10 makeup
and your probably oging to say oh wow female 6.5 average insecure female but I have had a guy for the first time in 2 years walk up to me at at a social event to talk to me i am always the one in the corner around my stacey friends who look like supermodels complaining that they have 55 guys on snapchat instead of there usual 91 no one understands
and your probably oging to say oh wow female 6.5 average insecure female but I have had a guy for the first time in 2 years walk up to me at at a social event to talk to me i am always the one in the corner around my stacey friends who look like supermodels complaining that they have 55 guys on snapchat instead of there usual 91 no one understands
Wow that must be horrible!! I’m shaking at the thought of how hard ur life truly is omg
and your probably oging to say oh wow female 6.5 average insecure female but I have had a guy for the first time in 2 years walk up to me at at a social event to talk to me i am always the one in the corner around my stacey friends who look like supermodels complaining that they have 55 guys on snapchat instead of there usual 91 no one understands
Oh trust me, I understand.

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