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Discussion is calisthenics shit

Better than being a gym slave, donโ€™t bulk while doing it though
Calisthenics mogs you will build a strong core so you won't be a twink also look aesthetic and stay lean

Calisthenics phisques
if u do it right then itโ€™s good
i prefer heavy weight lifting bc i can get to failure faster for hypertrophy, u usually need high reps for calisthenics.
i still do pushups and the other shit tho for fun
You aesthetics for body will be dependent on your insertions and genetics anyways

Just lift or do calisthenics along with cardio or playing a sport
Calisthenics and Weighted bodyweight trainning are the best way to get the sexy lean aesthetics physique, who matches perfectly the female gaze. The best type of workout for the looksmaxxed dudes. Women need more the gym & weights because they tend to focus on lower body 1st, like legs and glutes...

But anyways to get results with this type of trainning you absolutely need a weighted vest (like the kensui one), parallettes, rings and a pull-up bar. if you can get dips bar and a adjustable sandbag, it will be even better

Your friend just get fat because he eats trash and didn't put the fork down when it was needed. Far too much calories

you can't tell me you can't building muscles with :
- Weighted deficit pushups
- Weighted deficit incline pushups
- Weighted deficit pike pushups
- Weighted diamond pushups
- Weighted dips
- Weighted supinated and pronated grip pull-ups
- Weighted inverted rows with ring rotations
etc etc
for calisthenics you dont need to bulk a lot, only a bit of calorie surplus. this is cuz calisthenic gains can be slower than gym

be healthy
be consistent
do everything right
weight lifting imo is easier and more rewarding as someone who has done a decent amount of both I personally prefer weights but i wouldnโ€™t say calisthenics is shit as long as your determined you can grow a great physique from either of them

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