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Is DHT(and Creatine) actually good?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
Can't find any info on how they make you more attractive. According to Wiki, DHT is for dick and facial & body hair growth and Creatine is for muscle growth + better workouts. Also DHT causes baldness

Hear about DHT here a lot, but are there any sources that prove it's usefullness?
DHT creams will cut your natural testosterone levels and it works only on micropenis and dudes with puberty problems, alongside increasing balding rate if you're prone to it

If you want to look more masculine, there is a forum called Thundersplace for "growing" your dick, and a routine combining Minoxidil, microneedling and tretetoin cream will be enough to face and body hair. People tend to go for the TRT/HCG/HGH route but i didn't recommend it unless you're followed by a specialist, and old enough (40s), and have hormonal problems (just stop the junk food and sleep mf)

Balding is the worst thing to happen if you want to looksmaxx for the female gaze

But building aesthetic muscles with creatine is a good thing. This is a well studied supplement and it was never proved to be a hairloss ehnancer.
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DHT creams will cut your natural testosterone levels and it works only on micropenis and dudes with puberty problems, alongside increasing balding rate if you're prone to it

If you want to look more masculine, there is a forum called Thundersplace for "growing" your dick, and a routine combining Minoxidil, microneedling and tretetoin cream will be enough to face and body hair. People tend to go for the TRT/HCG/HGH route but i didn't recommend it unless you're followed by a specialist, and old enough (40s), and have hormonal problems (just stop the junk food and sleep mf)

Balding is the worst thing to happen if you want to looksmaxx for the female gaze

But building aesthetic muscles with creatine is a good thing. This is a well studied supplement and it was never proved to be a hairloss ehnancer.
So nothing good from dht? Pretty sure there is a post in MUST READs that says that DHT prolongs your puberty and helps with growth. Seems like there is no evidence for that

And doesn’t creatine lead to more DHT?
IMO no unless you're followed by a specialist and young enough, and have huge puberty and hormonal issues. DHT from different steroid injections and topical creams will cut your natural testosterone production and shrinks your testicles. If you're prone to balding and need big doses of finasteride to counteract big synthetic dht doses, you'll cut your spermatozoids production. NOT WORTH IT IMO

And you aren't sure your post cycle therapy will be good enough to recover from this mess.

The dht route should be followed only if your endocrinologist is ok with that
IMO no unless you're followed by a specialist and young enough, and have huge puberty and hormonal issues. DHT from different steroid injections and topical creams will cut your natural testosterone production and shrinks your testicles. If you're prone to balding and need big doses of finasteride to counteract big synthetic dht doses, you'll cut your spermatozoids production. NOT WORTH IT IMO

And you aren't sure your post cycle therapy will be good enough to recover from this mess.

The dht route should be followed only if your endocrinologist is ok with that
How to fraud blood tests and get prescribed growth hormone 😭😂

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