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Is Eugenics wrong if you want to save your bloodline?


Master Mogger
Aug 20, 2024
Lets say I want the best possible life for my kids and the best chance for them to be successful enough to retire me early and live comfortable happy lives, would it be wrong to date like a woman and just sift out genetically inferior companions until I bag some Madison Beer looking mf? I mean if my kids became PSL gods or actors they could never worry about being abandoned or un-liked/loved because at the very least they would attract the attention of their peers and gain validation.

What do y'all think of the ethics of this?
Lets say I want the best possible life for my kids and the best chance for them to be successful enough to retire me early and live comfortable happy lives, would it be wrong to date like a woman and just sift out genetically inferior companions until I bag some Madison Beer looking mf? I mean if my kids became PSL gods or actors they could never worry about being abandoned or un-liked/loved because at the very least they would attract the attention of their peers and gain validation.

What do y'all think of the ethics of this?
Ethics? There's nothing unethical about trying to bag the best possible wife you can.

For me, looks was the first prerequisite. If she's not hot and pretty I'm not gonna bother getting to know if she's mentally stable or having a similar outlook on life as myself, which was the second prerequisite to marriage.

You don't purchase broken eggs at the supermarket in an effort to to help the supermarket out, so why would you consider it unethical to not wife up a broken or ugly woman?
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Ethics? There's nothing unethical about trying to bag the best possible wife you can.

For me, looks was the first prerequisite. If she's not hot and pretty I'm not gonna bother getting to know if she's mentally stable or having a similar outlook on life as myself, which was the second prerequisite to marriage.

You don't purchase broken eggs at the supermarket in an effort to to help the supermarket out, so why would you consider it unethical to not wife up a broken or ugly woman?
bro could have chosen to speak any language but instead he chose to speak facts
Eugenics is never wrong
We disrupted the natural order ( natural selection ) creating multiple ugly abominations
Eugenics is the way to seek salvation from nature
i would recommend for you to study biology, behavioral ecology, and philosophy, and then you will see how these topics tie into blackpill.
i have studied these a lot and i understand hypergamy, bateman's principle, sexual selection and its variants, other biological stuff and scientific blackpill
this is an important foundation to knowledge
i would recommend for you to study biology, behavioral ecology, and philosophy, and then you will see how these topics tie into blackpill.
i have studied these a lot and i understand hypergamy, bateman's principle, sexual selection and its variants, other biological stuff and scientific blackpill
this is an important foundation to knowledge
wow, so knowledgable
i would recommend for you to study biology, behavioral ecology, and philosophy, and then you will see how these topics tie into blackpill.
i have studied these a lot and i understand hypergamy, bateman's principle, sexual selection and its variants, other biological stuff and scientific blackpill
this is an important foundation to knowledge
so smart :peepoLove:
i would recommend for you to study biology, behavioral ecology, and philosophy, and then you will see how these topics tie into blackpill.
i have studied these a lot and i understand hypergamy, bateman's principle, sexual selection and its variants, other biological stuff and scientific blackpill
this is an important foundation to knowledge
what do you think about the factt women being more hypergamic than men.
what do you think about the factt women being more hypergamic than men.
its a part of nature. i accept it. some people choose to hate women over this fact. i dont, i accept it is life and advantageous to women.
imagine you are looking you are a woman looking for a man and to start a family.
you spend a high energy egg, 9 months pregnant and in pain, and then childbirth. then you will have to raise this child till they are independent. overall ~20 yrs per child.
would you pick an ugly man to have your child? likely no. if you are going to spend 20 years on a kid, you want them to at least be successful in life. these successes are shown via health indicators. these health indicators are signs of good T, overall health, bone structure, strength, beauty.
a woman MUST have high standards to have a healthy and successful baby. so its evolutionarily advantageous. in animals, it has become engraved in their biology, thus humans as well.
however, its not ok to be mean to others for being ugly

i will probably go into further detail in a thread i will work on when i have the time. as well as its complexity. this is not very straightfoward
its a part of nature. i accept it. some people choose to hate women over this fact. i dont, i accept it is life and advantageous to women.
imagine you are looking you are a woman looking for a man and to start a family.
you spend a high energy egg, 9 months pregnant and in pain, and then childbirth. then you will have to raise this child till they are independent. overall ~20 yrs per child.
would you pick an ugly man to have your child? likely no. if you are going to spend 20 years on a kid, you want them to at least be successful in life. these successes are shown via health indicators. these health indicators are signs of good T, overall health, bone structure, strength, beauty.
a woman MUST have high standards to have a healthy and successful baby. so its evolutionarily advantageous. in animals, it has become engraved in their biology, thus humans as well.
however, its not ok to be mean to others for being ugly

i will probably go into further detail in a thread i will work on when i have the time. as well as its complexity. this is not very straightfoward
thanks for the response man.
I appreciate it. Insightful as always.

Tag me in the thread btw.

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