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Discussion Is face or body more important for females


Feb 22, 2024
Who’s in Paris
I'm currently wondering if I should also consider body surgeries for myself or just mainly stick to making my face better.

For girls it's more bone structure and fat placement that determine the important stuff (like if you got hips or not) I mean sure you can just not be fat as a girl but the result that you get when you're skinny are very variable. Every time I go to the gym I see many women with terrible bodies or fat distribution genetics, even if they're thinner.

Currently I have the body of Adriana Lima in her VS model days but with slightly bigger thighs because I tend to have more muscle there for some reasons. She dosen't have much hips but she's still very attractive. That's why I'm thinking face probably matters most.

The thing is that personally I would not even know what to change in my body because the trends seem to vary for that. Back in the 2000s it was skinny women. Now recently its wider hips. I wouldn't want that BBL body shape, but just slightly wider hips most likely with implants. I don't know if it's worth prioritizing over my face.
I think face should be the priority
no doubt that body is also important but I've seen that women with slightly skinny body proportions, as you said, can get away with it if they have a stacylite face
Currently I have the body of Adriana Lima in her VS model days but with slightly bigger thighs because I tend to have more muscle there for some reasons.
thats good and aesthetic , softmaxx your face
I'm currently wondering if I should also consider body surgeries for myself or just mainly stick to making my face better.

For girls it's more bone structure and fat placement that determine the important stuff (like if you got hips or not) I mean sure you can just not be fat as a girl but the result that you get when you're skinny are very variable. Every time I go to the gym I see many women with terrible bodies or fat distribution genetics, even if they're thinner.

Currently I have the body of Adriana Lima in her VS model days but with slightly bigger thighs because I tend to have more muscle there for some reasons. She dosen't have much hips but she's still very attractive. That's why I'm thinking face probably matters most.

The thing is that personally I would not even know what to change in my body because the trends seem to vary for that. Back in the 2000s it was skinny women. Now recently its wider hips. I wouldn't want that BBL body shape, but just slightly wider hips most likely with implants. I don't know if it's worth prioritizing over my face.
Face for most men
I'm surprised people think that I've been called ''too skinny'' a lot of times, especially by dudes. But honestly I think it's not terrible.
and how is your face ?
as long as you're low bf % face is defo main priority

couldnt hurt doing an at home workout routine though 🤷‍♂️
i think body, cuz men are attracted to stuff like wider hips bc it's good for birth giving, and larger breasts because they signify fertility and are good if you have kids (which is what humans are wired to do). face is obv important, but i reccommend working on the body by working out and eating healthy. having good hormonal balance would be great. i also heard there's some kind of exercise to increase hip width, but i dunno if thats true. DYOR
I'm currently wondering if I should also consider body surgeries for myself or just mainly stick to making my face better.

For girls it's more bone structure and fat placement that determine the important stuff (like if you got hips or not) I mean sure you can just not be fat as a girl but the result that you get when you're skinny are very variable. Every time I go to the gym I see many women with terrible bodies or fat distribution genetics, even if they're thinner.

Currently I have the body of Adriana Lima in her VS model days but with slightly bigger thighs because I tend to have more muscle there for some reasons. She dosen't have much hips but she's still very attractive. That's why I'm thinking face probably matters most.

The thing is that personally I would not even know what to change in my body because the trends seem to vary for that. Back in the 2000s it was skinny women. Now recently its wider hips. I wouldn't want that BBL body shape, but just slightly wider hips most likely with implants. I don't know if it's worth prioritizing over my face.
A hot body fogs but will only get you used like a whore, no affection, zero ltr potential.
I think face should be the priority
no doubt that body is also important but I've seen that women with slightly skinny body proportions, as you said, can get away with it if they have a stacylite face
Nobodys pulling a stacylite r****d
I'm surprised people think that I've been called ''too skinny'' a lot of times, especially by dudes. But honestly I think it's not terrible.
Yeah I can relate I also have people tell me im too skinny
Depends there is no right answer. You need a balance of both.

Example : Which is more important. Eye area or nose?

Answer : Neither, you need both aspects to be good to be attractive. They however have different weights respectably. The eye area is arguably more important than the nose but what if your nose is extremely f****d up? Like huge dorsal hump or extreme projection?

In that case then even having the more important feature of good eyes will be in vain because your nose will ruin the overall picture.

Beauty is like art and you can't hinge on a single aspect to take over and express the message on the whole canvas.

I am often attracted to women with cute faces, but I wouldn't find an anorexic or overweight body attractive. So I wouldn't date someone who is anorexic but has a cute face.

Note : there is a difference between having a flat chest and being skinny vs being anorexic. I have a type for smaller women... But a distinction has to be made.

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