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Is it bad to masterbate

It's low t sprem contains vitamins like vitamin C and zinc once you release it you loose vitamins and minerals so it's a looksmin
You should masurbate once or twice a week, but with a fleshlight only (no death grip hand) and only masturbate for stamina training. It means you need to last longer. Minimum 30 minutes rock hard.

Rewiring your brain for a real sex encounter.

You should ditch 99% of the porn and didn't spend a dollar on porn.
The ONLY category i recommend are the females solo, called "inthecrack" porn videos, who is basically women removing their clothes and playing with their genitals.

If you can jacking off (with a fleshlight) rock hard for 30min (minimum goal) watching a woman removing her clothes, you'll build stamina overtime : something very useful if you want your dating life as a cheat code.

NOFAP is a cope, you'll loose EQ and even a risk of penis atrophy, and you need to ejaculate often to avoid prostate cancer. But at the same time, you don't want to goon 7 times per day, 7 days per week, half hard, for seconds, watching the most brutal porn videos who didn't represent the most majority of women.

To fight your urges, punish yourself with 20 minutes of skipping rope outside

you lose important nutrients
you have hormonal imbalances from the sudden spike of dopamine, prolactin, other hormones which causes worse mood
if you want to have testosterone spikes you can jack it once a week
i dont jack it at all cuz if i did i would relapse
It's low t sprem contains vitamins like vitamin C and zinc once you release it you loose vitamins and minerals so it's a looksmin
eh I dispute this, as much as sperm does contain these your body naturally produces them every few minutes, exactly like how you might have lower t five-ten minutes after jerking it. nothing wrong with masturbation and little to no research suggests any physical complications as a consequence of jerking off the only ones found is obviously mental
eh I dispute this, as much as sperm does contain these your body naturally produces them every few minutes, exactly like how you might have lower t five-ten minutes after jerking it. nothing wrong with masturbation and little to no research suggests any physical complications as a consequence of jerking off the only ones found is obviously mental
The more you master bait the harder it it for you body to refuel those vitamins you can still produce sprem but the body will use all it's nutrients on the sprerm leaving very little for you
The more you master bait the harder it it for you body to refuel those vitamins you can still produce sprem but the body will use all it's nutrients on the sprerm leaving very little for you
I feel like this is only if you jerk off 3+ times a day or something correct me if i’m wrong though
people get prostate cancer at 45+
before that time you will prolly get a gf and nut
you can get prostate cancer earlier tho and most likely those people who got it at 45 jerked off a lot in order to get it so late
do what you want, dont feel guilty
if you want to stop for other reasons besides guilt, then i recommend it

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