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Is it possible to make midface shorter with mewing + starecta ?


Jan 12, 2020
Hello, so I have long midface and recessed chin + high gonial + flat face. I can't say I'm mouthbreather but I don't know if I was breathing by my nose only or not + I was eating soft food for my life as it's common in my country.

My father looked exactly like me when he was in my age. Also I had all these features as a child too so I think it's genetic shit but after all if anybody know if it's possible to change the angle of my midface using starecta and all time tryhard mewing ? Also I have pectus excavatum (due to joint hypermobility) so my posture is really bad. I'm 21 y.o. by the way.

I'm now and as a child:

I'm in a motion, 2 weeks ago:
Hello, so I have long midface and recessed chin + high gonial + flat face. I can't say I'm mouthbreather but I don't know if I was breathing by my nose only or not + I was eating soft food for my life as it's common in my country.

My father looked exactly like me when he was in my age. Also I had all these features as a child too so I think it's genetic shit but after all if anybody know if it's possible to change the angle of my midface using starecta and all time tryhard mewing ? Also I have pectus excavatum (due to joint hypermobility) so my posture is really bad. I'm 21 y.o. by the way.

I'm now and as a child:

I'm in a motion, 2 weeks ago:

If you manage to fix your eyebrows, you'll have the same pheno as Leonardo Dicaprio, use castor oil for that, if it doesn't help, google microblading. You just can't do anything else, surgeries won't gonna make you a chad
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure mewing will not help your midface become shorter, it isn't all bad news though, your philtrum looks pretty long which is also making your midface ratio worse, getting a lip lift will help with both of these problems and make a big difference

Also a rhinoplasty to make your nose less Upturned will help your philtrum look a lil better and also improve your harmony alot

In summary get a lip lift and rhino and your good

Also like someone said above you should fix your eyebrows, there a little too thin
I didn't want to say this, man, but everyone here seems to bluepill you

I don't know how you aren't seeing this or why everyone here doesn't want to tell you, but everything from your eyes, your mouth, your nose, your jaw, your chin, your eyebrows, your skin, your overall harmony, its all shit

You can choose to think I am a meanie incel or realize the only thing you can do at this point is LDAR and stop trying to looksmax until one of your cold approaches dials 911 on you
I didn't want to say this, man, but everyone here seems to bluepill you

I don't know how you aren't seeing this or why everyone here doesn't want to tell you, but everything from your eyes, your mouth, your nose, your jaw, your chin, your eyebrows, your skin, your overall harmony, its all shit

You can choose to think I am a meanie incel or realize the only thing you can do at this point is LDAR and stop trying to looksmax until one of your cold approaches dials 911 on you
he looks like a young leonardo dicaprio. stop it. Being srs lol
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure mewing will not help your midface become shorter, it isn't all bad news though, your philtrum looks pretty long which is also making your midface ratio worse, getting a lip lift will help with both of these problems and make a big difference

Also a rhinoplasty to make your nose less Upturned will help your philtrum look a lil better and also improve your harmony alot

In summary get a lip lift and rhino and your good

Also like someone said above you should fix your eyebrows, there a little too thin
Yeah, I started comparing my
If you manage to fix your eyebrows, you'll have the same pheno as Leonardo Dicaprio, use castor oil for that, if it doesn't help, google microblading. You just can't do anything else, surgeries won't gonna make you a chad
I'm not fun of surgeries too but how do you think isn't hardmewing and swallowing could help me ? Forward growth would make my philtrum looks not so flat, it gonna change the angle
Wtf is starecta

Yeah, I started comparing my

I'm not fun of surgeries too but how do you think isn't hardmewing and swallowing could help me ? Forward growth would make my philtrum looks not so flat, it gonna change the angle
Youre 21 pal. Youre long past the age mewing will work
Idk, checked internet and found a lot of results about it for ppl who even +10y.o. after me
You must hardmew 24/7

That should benefit you, guy who mewed 6 months (5h × day on average) got 5mm of forward growth which is decent (Bit less than actuall fillers).

And it depends whether you mew laterally (For expansion), or just front, for forward growth
You must hardmew 24/7

That should benefit you, guy who mewed 6 months (5h × day on average) got 5mm of forward growth which is decent (Bit less than actuall fillers).

And it depends whether you mew laterally (For expansion), or just front, for forward growth
Mewing as laterally as in front, wanna it more as wanna be more like DiCaprio, it helps me now to pick up bitches but if literally looks like Leo in my country I would do nothing to fuck with pussies as he is still an ultimate sex symbol in our country. You could ask any girl in Russia who is better looking either Leo or Pitt/Depp and Leo would be picked 11 times of 10
Mewing as laterally as in front, wanna it more as wanna be more like DiCaprio, it helps me now to pick up bitches but if literally looks like Leo in my country I would do nothing to fuck with pussies as he is still an ultimate sex symbol in our country. You could ask any girl in Russia who is better looking either Leo or Pitt/Depp and Leo would be picked 11 times of 10
You must get used to your pheno bro
You must get used to your pheno bro
I'm using it, but I want to make myself even more similar to Leo and make my pheno more attractive. Now I'm hardmewing properly, cheewing for 30 times every piece of food, trying to order mastic gum, O can't find it in my country and Amazon do not delivers it here :( Started coconut and castor oil using. Also I'm thinking about orthodontics and I hope I found the right one (things like MSE is almost unknown here, so I hope private doctor I found keen on some stuff like that, at least he is known for palate expanders). Now I'm thinking how to start chewing mastic properly (other dirols and orbits also counts) and thinking about starecta (scaring of this one), also started gym for drying, as I want to have a lottle of muscles but almost nothing of fat.
I'm using it, but I want to make myself even more similar to Leo and make my pheno more attractive. Now I'm hardmewing properly, cheewing for 30 times every piece of food, trying to order mastic gum, O can't find it in my country and Amazon do not delivers it here :( Started coconut and castor oil using. Also I'm thinking about orthodontics and I hope I found the right one (things like MSE is almost unknown here, so I hope private doctor I found keen on some stuff like that, at least he is known for palate expanders). Now I'm thinking how to start chewing mastic properly (other dirols and orbits also counts) and thinking about starecta (scaring of this one), also started gym for drying, as I want to have a lottle of muscles but almost nothing of fat.
We share same phenotype bro, and it doesn't slay, period. This summer try to go out and tan as much as possible, i'm not kidding, i will do that since i have so much time left, atleast for 12 hours/day. Use suncreme, and supplement with betacarotene if possible. As far as orthotropic treatment, idea of MSE is to screw nuts into palate and move palate in wanted directions, I heard it's affordable in your country, (https://***********/threads/andreishchev-does-mse-and-msdo-at-the-same-time-for-3000eur.85325/)
I didn't want to say this, man, but everyone here seems to bluepill you

I don't know how you aren't seeing this or why everyone here doesn't want to tell you, but everything from your eyes, your mouth, your nose, your jaw, your chin, your eyebrows, your skin, your overall harmony, its all shit

You can choose to think I am a meanie incel or realize the only thing you can do at this point is LDAR and stop trying to looksmax until one of your cold approaches dials 911 on you
It's just the question whether @Yungphnx is doing it to attract opposite sex or for his anxiety, give up bro if it's on girls, being ded srs
I often like to cope by fapping and eating unhealthy food, really there isn't much he can do as far as for girls, those 3000€ which he'd be spending on MSE is more worth spending on sex doll, it would be less pain for him
that is basically my definition of ogremaxxing man. do whatever u can to cope with being an incel, theres nothing else you c an do, especially if youre short, since its basically impossible to change except for maybe getting 4 inches with a few tens of thousands of dollars, months of rehab and pain and youll still be manlet and now your legs will also look uneven and retarded and youll end up looking like slenderman

theres really no winning..
that is basically my definition of ogremaxxing man. do whatever u can to cope with being an incel, theres nothing else you c an do, especially if youre short, since its basically impossible to change except for maybe getting 4 inches with a few tens of thousands of dollars, months of rehab and pain and youll still be manlet and now your legs will also look uneven and retarded and youll end up looking like slenderman

theres really no winning..
Yeah, just today i talked with prettyboy friend of mine (He has face, but not height), he is just 1.69 meters lol, that's 5'7 i guess, and he said the girls he dated used to be about 1.50 lmao, and i guess same goes for framecels, you are restricted to date about any who is yours and taller height/frame
Yeah, just today i talked with prettyboy friend of mine (He has face, but not height), he is just 1.69 meters lol, that's 5'7 i guess, and he said the girls he dated used to be about 1.50 lmao, and i guess same goes for framecels, you are restricted to date about any who is yours and taller height/frame
when the coping
We share same phenotype bro, and it doesn't slay, period. This summer try to go out and tan as much as possible, i'm not kidding, i will do that since i have so much time left, atleast for 12 hours/day. Use suncreme, and supplement with betacarotene if possible. As far as orthotropic treatment, idea of MSE is to screw nuts into palate and move palate in wanted directions, I heard it's affordable in your country, (https://***********/threads/andreishchev-does-mse-and-msdo-at-the-same-time-for-3000eur.85325/)
Thank you for a link, trying to hire orthotopic, but can't find him in my country. I ordered matic gum, mse and fm, also trying to find somebody with more prodijy face mask (like MewVector2 and etc.) Waiting till all the stuff will be delivered, 3 weeks using Amazon, fuck hate this country.
I often like to cope by fapping and eating unhealthy food, really there isn't much he can do as far as for girls, those 3000€ which he'd be spending on MSE is more worth spending on sex doll, it would be less pain for him
Man, after all I don't think we have the same pheno, I have been fucking girls from 15y.o., now I'm 21 and fucks JBs as easy as it was before, the only problem that I can't find more elder girls (like 23 or so) as my pheno doesn't works on these girls. So u told we have the same pheno and talking that it's dead end for me with girls, as I can understand, well if it's true for u =/= the same pheno
It's just the question whether @Yungphnx is doing it to attract opposite sex or for his anxiety, give up bro if it's on girls, being ded srs
Upswing+some volume for the jaw+improving of a chin with all the staff I bought + year of work on myself (it's gonna be easy) and I will achive a lot, so I can't share your thoughts. Also I have great looking gf and some dozen of girl fans, so it's not for girls, it's for me.