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is it safe to tape your mouth to breath through nose at night? Also give me tips or whatever how to do it correctly


become 10/10 or die tryin
Oct 13, 2023
is it safe to tape your mouth to breath through nose at night? Also give me tips or whatever how to do it correctly. And tell me, how tf its possible to sleep on your back whole night?
is it safe to tape your mouth to breath through nose at night? Also give me tips or whatever how to do it correctly. And tell me, how tf its possible to sleep on your back whole night?
Ever since I started doing this it has improved my sleep a lot.

I would only do this if you don't have any issues breathing through your nose (i.e. deviated septum) and just make sure you are using the correct tape.
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Ever since I started doing this it has improved my sleep a lot.

I would only do this if you don't have any issues breathing through your nose (i.e. deviated septum) and just make sure you are using the correct tape.
what tape for example (links)
is it safe to mouth tape your mouth to breath through nose at night? Also give me tips or whatever how to do it correctly. And tell me, how tf its possible to sleep on your back whole night?
This is for sleeping, The idea is to keep you from breathing through your mouth when asleep. Has anyone tried it? I tried the last 2 nights and I have no problem breathing through my nose for a couple of hours, but neither night did I fall asleep until I took it off. I figure I will keep trying until I get accustomed to it and can go to sleep with it on. Some people report an increase in energy from doing it. It might stop midnight snacking as well!
