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Discussion Is Oil Pulling actually working ?

3808343_Screenshot_2023-12-02_143022.pngIts an ancient indian technique just like plastic surgery but i think both of them work
for le teeth?
Scientific evidence suggests that oil pulling therapy may reduce the total oral bacterial count and reduce plaque and gingival scores. Furthermore, it has also shown to diminish the susceptibility to dental caries from marked to slight or moderate level.
but i read somewhere on .org that if you care about looksmaxxing and all that you shouldn't oil pull cuz it will cause you face to be bloated cuz ur training ur cheek muscles or sum shit. have you guys heard of this before?
but i read somewhere on .org that if you care about looksmaxxing and all that you shouldn't oil pull cuz it will cause you face to be bloated cuz ur training ur cheek muscles or sum shit. have you guys heard of this before?
genuinely curious about what u guys think about this.
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