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Discussion Is Suction Hold Safe?


Jul 8, 2019
I have a serious question about suction hold. Whenever I mew, should I suck in all of the air so that there is a complete vacuum inside my mouth? OR I leave some air in my mouth even while mewing.

The suction hold kind of irritates me as the lower lip forcefully pushes my lower set of teeth inside as a result of the vacuum like environment of the mouth.
I am afraid that the forces of the cheeks and lips may push the teeth inwards both sideways and from the front too.

I personally think that it marrows the palate by pushing the teeth in.
That's the exact opposite of what you should be doing while mewing.
That's incorrect oral posture and it causes all sorts of problems like crooked teeth and narrow palate.
You wanna avoid doing what you just described
I am afraid that the forces of the cheeks and lips may push the teeth inwards both sideways and from the front too.
tbh. ive been thinking my palate hasnt really been getting bigger because of my bloated ass cheeks and suction hold
tbh. ive been thinking my palate hasnt really been getting bigger because of my bloated ass cheeks and suction hold
Excactly! I think a suction hold is totally counterproductive.
tbh. ive been thinking my palate hasnt really been getting bigger because of my bloated ass cheeks and suction hold
i told you more than 3 times you cant get big cheeks from doing that

i also released my brutal estrogen pill which would tell you more about why you are so bloated. did you not read that??
i told you more than 3 times you cant get big cheeks from doing that

i also released my brutal estrogen pill which would tell you more about why you are so bloated. did you not read that??
Buccinator atrophy is partly legit bro.
you cannot atrophy it by yourself

even with botox injections you will not get hollow cheeks
What about buccal fat removal? I heard some models even get that procedure/surgery.
What about buccal fat removal? I heard some models even get that procedure/surgery.
if you have layers of fat on your cheeks you obviously wont have hollow cheeks but if youre auschwitz mode and have shit tier jaw and cheekbones you will never have hollow cheeks, you will just look like an african starving child
I am not talking about buccinator atrophy in this thread. I am discussing about palate narrowing due to the forces of the cheeks and lips.
I am not talking about buccinator atrophy in this thread. I am discussing about palate narrowing due to the forces of the cheeks and lips.
i wish i could swallow properly. pretty sure i have fucking retroclined my upper incisors because i keep sucking them in when i swallow