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Is there anything you regret about looksmaxxing?

I regret ever trying to sleep on a different side or on my back, I regret icing face, and I regret even putting effort into jaw exercises or mewing
I did ice fat burning and it did nothing but made my face sore for a moment

nice sensation, don't regret
I also regret skincare and chewing
I did ice fat burning and it did nothing but made my face sore for a moment

nice sensation, don't regret
it causes irritation overtime and cortisol increase
its shit like most other cold exposures
mostly diet
the only useful skincare stuff is ghk-cu and tret which i hadnt bought yet
it was just moisturizer, cleanser, exfoliator, kinda useless tbh
I only use a moisturizer and then that’s only like once or twice a week since I stay fairly hydrated and I got pretty good skin already

For Odd measures for looksmaxxing I do regret is belt pulling because It just wasted a few hours of my life and I looked really retarded doing it, it did however naturally just increase my testosterone because I thought I was actively doing something productive but that’s just with anything and it’s also just a mindset thing depending if your testosterone increases

Besides that it don’t do shit besides waste your time, you feel like a dog, you ruin a belt.
I started using Japanese " whitening " products when I was like 15 and just recently stopped, found out my natural skin would look better with my features and not fake pale skin, also was told by a guy I knew back then that I looked better so
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