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Is there anyway to ungeek and unbitch yourself?


Active member
Jun 20, 2024
Is there anyway to turn a lanklet shy quiet lonely geek guy who doesn’t receive respect and lets others walk over him into a chad who constantly receives respect and confronts people who disrespect him

Or if you’re not born like that, you’ll never be like that
Get in fights more and gain muscle

Also carry knife and guns
Just in case
Is there anyway to turn a lanklet shy quiet lonely geek guy who doesn’t receive respect and lets others walk over him into a chad who constantly receives respect and confronts people who disrespect him

Or if you’re not born like that, you’ll never be like that
Only real way is practice, practice and more practice. There's this cognitive behavioural therapy thing where you just do as much embarrassing shit in public as you can, it teaches you to care less about judgement and gives your more confidence.

Fake it till you make it, fain confidence and make friends, practice talking with said friends and become able to establish boundaries.

Practice talking to attractive people as well, this helps you realise that chads and stacys are boring asf and there's no reason to bow down to people who never had to work on their personality. All you can do is practice, practice and practice.
Only real way is practice, practice and more practice. There's this cognitive behavioural therapy thing where you just do as much embarrassing shit in public as you can, it teaches you to care less about judgement and gives your more confidence.

Fake it till you make it, fain confidence and make friends, practice talking with said friends and become able to establish boundaries.

Practice talking to attractive people as well, this helps you realise that chads and stacys are boring asf and there's no reason to bow down to people who never had to work on their personality. All you can do is practice, practice and practice.
One bad experience and he loses all the progress and back to 0
One bad experience and he loses all the progress and back to 0
That's the whole point, the more bad experiences you have the less you care about the bad experiences. That's why you need to have as many bad experiences as possible. A normie who has a bad experience isn't going to let that hold him back.
The only way to ungeek and unbitch yourself is to become comfortable with bad experiences. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is essentially just NT maxxing
That's the whole point, the more bad experiences you have the less you care about the bad experiences. That's why you need to have as many bad experiences as possible. A normie who has a bad experience isn't going to let that hold him back.
The only way to ungeek and unbitch yourself is to become comfortable with bad experiences. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is essentially just NT maxxing
Most people like op would just off themselves if they get too many bad experiences
Why do you think that?
Is there anyway to turn a lanklet shy quiet lonely geek guy who doesn’t receive respect and lets others walk over him into a chad who constantly receives respect and confronts people who disrespect him

Or if you’re not born like that, you’ll never be like that
U sound like u wanna do off urself
Is there anyway to turn a lanklet shy quiet lonely geek guy who doesn’t receive respect and lets others walk over him into a chad who constantly receives respect and confronts people who disrespect him

Or if you’re not born like that, you’ll never be like that
watch Improvement pill on youtube, that's what really helped me.
Bad experiences from any person are traumatic and terrifying
That's why you need to build a resistance to them. You can't just cower in fear from bad experiences your whole life, do you think that's what successful people have been doing?
That's why you need to build a resistance to them. You can't just cower in fear from bad experiences your whole life, do you think that's what successful people have been doing?
Successful people were born to be successful

If u don't get lucky in life when u r not born to be successful then u will prolly will not be successful
Successful people were born to be successful

If u don't get lucky in life when u r not born to be successful then u will prolly will not be successful
We aren't talking about nepotism, plenty of average people make it thanks to their skills, unless you're from the slums of somalia, there is always a possibility. You don't have to be super successful either. You need to comfortable with bad experiences if you want to live a regular middle class life as well. Obtaining and maintaining stable relationships with future partners, co workers, kids and extended family will always require you to have a certain level of confidence and persistence. You can't just give up at even the sign that a bad thing is about to occur. This is just how life works, you can't be a b***h for the rest of it and expect it to work out. Some peoples circumstances mean they might have to work harder for that confidence but you can't just b***h about how some people are "born" to be successful if you ever want to go anywhere in life.
We aren't talking about nepotism, plenty of average people make it thanks to their skills, unless you're from the slums of somalia, there is always a possibility. You don't have to be super successful either. You need to comfortable with bad experiences if you want to live a regular middle class life as well. Obtaining and maintaining stable relationships with future partners, co workers, kids and extended family will always require you to have a certain level of confidence and persistence. You can't just give up at even the sign that a bad thing is about to occur. This is just how life works, you can't be a b***h for the rest of it and expect it to work out. Some peoples circumstances mean they might have to work harder for that confidence but you can't just b***h about how some people are "born" to be successful if you ever want to go anywhere in life.
Skills are genetic
Somalia joke very bad coming from someone from Tanzania
Normie life basically normies don't consider themselves successful they barely escape the rope

When life leaves u with nothing good u can only be a b***h cuz u were born to be a b***h
Skills are genetic
Somalia joke very bad coming from someone from Tanzania
Normie life basically normies don't consider themselves successful they barely escape the rope

When life leaves u with nothing good u can only be a b***h cuz u were born to be a b***h
I said the "slums of somalia" emphasis on slums. Skills are not completely genetic. But hey, I'm not going to try to convince you that improving your mindset and practicing and enhancing those skills will improve your life as a whole. If you are heavily blackpilled, I'm not going to try to unblackpill you. You can continue to rot on sanctionedsuicide but @chadronelite take my advice if you still have hope.
I said the "slums of somalia" emphasis on slums. Skills are not completely genetic. But hey, I'm not going to try to convince you that improving your mindset and practicing and enhancing those skills will improve your life as a whole. If you are heavily blackpilled, I'm not going to try to unblackpill you. You can continue to rot on sanctionedsuicide but @chadronelite take my advice if you still have hope.
he has six posts there only
I said the "slums of somalia" emphasis on slums. Skills are not completely genetic. But hey, I'm not going to try to convince you that improving your mindset and practicing and enhancing those skills will improve your life as a whole. If you are heavily blackpilled, I'm not going to try to unblackpill you. You can continue to rot on sanctionedsuicide but @chadronelite take my advice if you still have hope.
I am not blackpilled.
Just geneticpilled

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