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Is there anyway to ungeek and unbitch yourself?

Isn’t it crazy how the 2 best soccer players ever are a manlet, autistic LTN and a guy with possible the least auraful name ever, Cristiano Ronaldo? Like if I didn’t know shit about soccer and you told me a guy named Cristiano Ronaldo was one of the best ever I’d think you’re lying.
Isn’t it crazy how the 2 best soccer players ever are a manlet, autistic LTN and a guy with possible the least auraful name ever, Cristiano Ronaldo? Like if I didn’t know shit about soccer and you told me a guy named Cristiano Ronaldo was one of the best ever I’d think you’re lying.
Bros name is literally Christian Ronald but with an O added 💀
Isn’t it crazy how the 2 best soccer players ever are a manlet, autistic LTN and a guy with possible the least auraful name ever, Cristiano Ronaldo? Like if I didn’t know shit about soccer and you told me a guy named Cristiano Ronaldo was one of the best ever I’d think you’re lying.

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