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Discussion Is there correlation between hormones and sexual preferences?


New member
Mar 30, 2024
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
Aromatse inhibitors (gyno and breast cancer medication)
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
Bro it is risky don't go crazy with it and my mom won't by it for me😭
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
sexually changes with hormones, but its not from standard testosterone and standard estrogen, its from a certain androgen and types of female hormones i dont remember what its called
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
my question is what is the logic to this

are you looking for companionship?

it is shown that women value sexual discipline in men and being horny around women might decrease your odds of success. of course this is not true of all women, probably being horny around some women might increase your odds actually.

basically i am wondering why do you want to increase your sex-drive unless you are a chad with girls already asking you for sex. if you want companionship from women, sex drive is not required for that
Are you saying you are sexual?

I didn't understand if you are male or female but I remember when I was a kid I liked the girls in my class at school, I mean I liked girls since I was a kid not after puberty so I don't know.
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Are you saying you are sexual?

I didn't understand if you are male or female but I remember when I was a kid I liked the girls in my class at school, I mean I liked girls since I was a kid not after puberty so I don't know.
I am male. I don't find myself romantically/sexually attracted to any woman or man. I think it's a problem because teen is the best time to try relationships in my opinion.
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my question is what is the logic to this

are you looking for companionship?

it is shown that women value sexual discipline in men and being horny around women might decrease your odds of success. of course this is not true of all women, probably being horny around some women might increase your odds actually.

basically i am wondering why do you want to increase your sex-drive unless you are a chad with girls already asking you for sex. if you want companionship from women, sex drive is not required for that
Yes, you are right. I think that I have to want relationship, but I am actually not. Some of my friends already had girlfriends. My best friend feel same way, he just rejects every girl because he don't romantically attracted to anyone, but girls sexually attracts him while not me (but I don’t like guys at the same time). I just want to be “normal” guy, want to be interested in relationships with other people etc…
This question appeared in my mind when I was reading mtf reddit. Many of these people says that estradiol have changed their sexual preferences from female only/bisexuality to men only.
So... I am 17 and I suspect that I have high estradiol level, like round cheeks, small hands and feet, butt and lower belly fat (I am 5'8 and 125lbs) . At the same time I have high dht level (acne, body hairs). I don't sexually interested at girls, but I am 100% sure I am not gay, cuz I have never fallen in love with a guy or something like that. The main problem that I don't sexually attracted to men or women (and never have been since 11-12, my puberty start). Can reducing my estradiol and Increase testosterone level change this? If yes, how can I do that?
hormones affect your entire body, including your brain. for example, during female cycle (idk what its called), they have fluctuating hormone levels, and throughout different phases they can switch from being attracted to masculine men to feminine/average men. since hormones can affect your brain, over time it can cause a shift to attraction to people who have the opposite hormone (if you have high T, you like people with estrogen/progesterone, and vice versa). boost your T through a healthy lifestyle and/or hormone injections
i have a new theory that hormones cause thirst, for example a certain hormone may cause the thirst reflex but applied to sexual regions of the mind body and soul. So people will lust for busty women because of that hormone. so sexuality may not be determined by one hormone but multiple hormones, for example the hormone i mentioned may cause someone to prefer busty women while not caring about facial features as much, while other hormones may effect other preferences.
i have a new theory that hormones cause thirst, for example a certain hormone may cause the thirst reflex but applied to sexual regions of the mind body and soul. So people will lust for busty women because of that hormone. so sexuality may not be determined by one hormone but multiple hormones, for example the hormone i mentioned may cause someone to prefer busty women while not caring about facial features as much, while other hormones may effect other preferences.
maybe it is association to certain features, so for example fertility (busty woman), nurturing (soft facial features), etc. so if a hormone is looking for direct reproduction, or sex, then it will be attracted to fertile traits. and if a hormone is looking for more long term, like a good care taker for children, they will look for soft features that indicate that they are not dangerous (weak features).
maybe it is association to certain features, so for example fertility (busty woman), nurturing (soft facial features), etc. so if a hormone is looking for direct reproduction, or sex, then it will be attracted to fertile traits. and if a hormone is looking for more long term, like a good care taker for children, they will look for soft features that indicate that they are not dangerous (weak features).
yes but there has to be a prime motivator in order to seek out fertile women, the males that lacked this motivator did not reproduce as much so they aren't as common

like you can't write on a piece of paper that big boobs are an indicator for fertility, the organism has to have a prime motivator to motivate them towards those women in the first place.

for example some unhealthy looking features such bad skin aesthetics can cause an aversion response because the organism does not know if it is a contagion or not, there is no way to determine if something is or not a contagion. whereas in the past, men were attracted to fatter women because fatness can be a sign of strength and resources, for example if someone is 600 lbs you automatically respect them because they defy gravity and defy death, its like they are 600 lbs how are they even alive. its like if i walk into a computer shop and see a fat nerd i automatically assume they are some kind of genius.
yes but there has to be a prime motivator in order to seek out fertile women, the males that lacked this motivator did not reproduce as much so they aren't as common

like you can't write on a piece of paper that big boobs are an indicator for fertility, the organism has to have a prime motivator to motivate them towards those women in the first place.

for example some unhealthy looking features such bad skin aesthetics can cause an aversion response because the organism does not know if it is a contagion or not, there is no way to determine if something is or not a contagion. whereas in the past, men were attracted to fatter women because fatness can be a sign of strength and resources, for example if someone is 600 lbs you automatically respect them because they defy gravity and defy death, its like they are 600 lbs how are they even alive. its like if i walk into a computer shop and see a fat nerd i automatically assume they are some kind of genius.
i dunno about the obesity part pal... i mean chubbiness yeah, but to that point no
i dunno about the obesity part pal... i mean chubbiness yeah, but to that point no
attraction or repulsion to obesity might not be genetically encoded, no "prime motivator". Because in previous cultures, people were attracted to fat people

probably there is a limit to how fat, even in these cultures probably jabba the hutt tier obese was not attractive

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