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Is this hardmax chang possible??

whats the diffrence? tbh it looks more like youre wearing makeup
Improved hairline, lower ramus with outward gonions, less bulbous nose tip, longer outer eye corners, cleft chin, and fuller lips. Botox and some surgeries could help, but for permanent changes, it's hard to say.
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  • #10
Improved hairline, lower ramus with outward gonions, less bulbous nose tip, longer outer eye corners, cleft chin, and fuller lips. Botox and some surgeries could help, but for permanent changes, it's hard to say.
some surgeries aren't permanent?
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  • #11
Improved hairline, lower ramus with outward gonions, less bulbous nose tip, longer outer eye corners, cleft chin, and fuller lips. Botox and some surgeries could help, but for permanent changes, it's hard to say.
do you have names for the procedures for each so I can research them?
do you have names for the procedures for each so I can research them?

Better and Lower Hairline:
• Hairline Lowering Surgery
• Hair Transplant (FUE or FUT)

Lower Ramus with Outward Gonions:
• Jaw Contouring Surgery (Mandibular Angle Reduction/Augmentation)
• Genioplasty (for jaw reshaping)

Less Bulbous Nose Tip:
• Rhinoplasty (Tip Refinement)

Longer Outward Eye Corner:
• Canthoplasty
• Lateral Canthopexy

Cleft Chin:
• Chin Augmentation (Implant or Surgical Modification)
• Submental Liposuction (for more definition)

Healthier Lips:
• Lip Augmentation (Fillers)
• Lip Lift
• Vermilion Border Enhancement
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
Better and Lower Hairline:
• Hairline Lowering Surgery
• Hair Transplant (FUE or FUT)

Lower Ramus with Outward Gonions:
• Jaw Contouring Surgery (Mandibular Angle Reduction/Augmentation)
• Genioplasty (for jaw reshaping)

Less Bulbous Nose Tip:
• Rhinoplasty (Tip Refinement)

Longer Outward Eye Corner:
• Canthoplasty
• Lateral Canthopexy

Cleft Chin:
• Chin Augmentation (Implant or Surgical Modification)
• Submental Liposuction (for more definition)

Healthier Lips:
• Lip Augmentation (Fillers)
• Lip Lift
• Vermilion Border Enhancement
how much do you think these cost
how much do you think these cost
Hairline lowering (7-15k)
Hair transplant (4k depending on how many hairs)
Jaw contouring (8k-20k)
Genioplasty (6-12k)
Rhinoplasty (5k-15k)
Canthoplasty/Lateral Canthopexy (3k-8k)
Chin Augmentation (4K-8k)
Submental Liposuction (3k-6k)
Lip Augmentation (500.00 -2k per session)
Lip Lift (3k-5k)

Minimal cost for all would be around 43k and max around 106k
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
Hairline lowering (7-15k)
Hair transplant (4k depending on how many hairs)
Jaw contouring (8k-20k)
Genioplasty (6-12k)
Rhinoplasty (5k-15k)
Canthoplasty/Lateral Canthopexy (3k-8k)
Chin Augmentation (4K-8k)
Submental Liposuction (3k-6k)
Lip Augmentation (500.00 -2k per session)
Lip Lift (3k-5k)

Minimal cost for all would be around 43k and max around 106k
time to moneymax and gamblemax
please, i would recommend you not to do surgery (except for maxilla)
you have a very good face and are very attractive. you are what i wish to look like. do not take it for granted. do not risk to lose it all with surgery. and do not strive to be perfect. because perfect looks uncanny. these minor imperfections make you look human.
i wish god could give me your face, if He ever existed

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