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Is this physique Ideal?

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Fitx still has a good face though
y? Is it because he is a manlet and you're making fun of him? I cannot escape manlet hate

No wide waist and low chest insertions

The ideal is david laid and jon skywalker
It's not because of this let;s be honest. It's because he is vertically challenged and despite all those muscles due to his poor bones length he looks like a cuck. Dogshit frame.

But for appeal this is the ideal
View attachment 41117
So be tall. Only tall people can attain such physique, it's legit over
y? Is it because he is a manlet and you're making fun of him? I cannot escape manlet hate

It's not because of this let;s be honest. It's because he is vertically challenged and despite all those muscles due to his poor bones length he looks like a cuck. Dogshit frame.

So be tall. Only tall people can attain such physique, it's legit over
No it's not just have long proportions don't have to be tall
y? Is it because he is a manlet and you're making fun of him? I cannot escape manlet hate
He has too much muscle mass
It's not because of this let;s be honest. It's because he is vertically challenged and despite all those muscles due to his poor bones length he looks like a cuck. Dogshit frame.
The other examples clone posted are shit too imo
So be tall. Only tall people can attain such physique, it's legit over
Depends on proportions. A natural physique on any height will look better than tumors
that body is the fantasy of the average homosexual bodybuilder.

but from the point of view of the female gaze it is not attractive at all jfl
This physique will bring you only black/white single moms on a new birth control medication. With wigs
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