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Is your forum personality like your irl ?

I try to act more NT irl cause if I go full goofy mode, people might see me as a social outcast. Wouldn’t really matter to me, but since I’m switching unis, I gotta keep it in check.
Jokes aside yk what, india was colonized by British for nearly 200 years, this period drained India's resources and economic progress, they literally took 45 trillion $,

If india somehow retained it original wealth, it could've been the one of the richest economies in the world
But she’s kinda real for that
You got green Chinese eyes
It's beacuse I have a folded medial canthus
He is lmao
Both of you cunts have no idea what you're talking about. My eyes are literally north east European common it's beacuse of my fat pads and u have no uee. My eyes aren't monolid you fucking losers
It's beacuse I have a folded medial canthus

Both of you cunts have no idea what you're talking about. My eyes are literally north east European common it's beacuse of my fat pads and u have no uee. My eyes aren't monolid you fucking losers
what is your exact eye color I’m curious
It's beacuse I have a folded medial canthus

Both of you cunts have no idea what you're talking about. My eyes are literally north east European common it's beacuse of my fat pads and u have no uee. My eyes aren't monolid you fucking losers
U probably always hating on my eyes because you’re jealous
It's beacuse I have a folded medial canthus

Both of you cunts have no idea what you're talking about. My eyes are literally north east European common it's beacuse of my fat pads and u have no uee. My eyes aren't monolid you fucking losers
I'm guessing you have t50 eyes
What's a detox bath, and wtf will moldy berries do
Moldy berries stabilize amino acids in the body that have been disrupted from vaccines
Detox bath is a hot bath with some salt added in it, and some extra stuff. Hydrates and flushes the lymphatic system
Moldy berries stabilize amino acids in the body that have been disrupted from vaccines
Detox bath is a hot bath with some salt added in it, and some extra stuff. Hydrates and flushes the lymphatic system
I can't bathe but I'll do research on the moldy berries