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It's been a while. 16F rate me. 5'3 , Tanzanian/ Nigerian between 46-50kg

@Looksmaxlossus @sexlesstosexles
do you approve this femboy ?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #172
I'm pretty much smackdap in the middle for my ethnicity and where I'm at.
Screenshot 2024-05-25 230616.pngScreenshot 2024-05-25 230414.pngScreenshot 2024-05-25 230446.png
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #174
Is Ireland friendly to foreigners? I have the option of studying there...
Relatively yah but recently there's been a rise in anti-migration propaganda but if your kind, they'll be kind. Just keep safe
Relatively yah but recently there's been a rise in anti-migration propaganda but if your kind, they'll be kind. Just keep safe
would u recommend moving there?My parents r asking me if I wasn't move there
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #179
whats the pros and cons? and whats the best town and whats the worst town (and y)
Dublin is probably the worst county. I can't say much for towns because there's so many. I'd say avoid anywhere where there's a lot of gypsys and travellers. Many travellers being an area is a sign that you're living in a rough area
Dublin is probably the worst county. I can't say much for towns because there's so many. I'd say avoid anywhere where there's a lot of gypsys and travellers. Many travellers being an area is a sign that you're living in a rough area
thank youu
