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Experience I've been living with 2500 ng/dL of T for the past 8 months AMA

English is not my mother tongue
I misinterpret some things and i sometimes write somethings which sound perfectly fine in my head but upon translation they change and become weird also u can't show emotions and expression in text speech
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
I misinterpret some tbings and i sometimes write somethings which sound perfectly fine in my head but upon translation they change and become weird also u can show emotions and expression in text speech
Raj you thought obviously photoshoped pics were real
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  • #26
I only have those pics of u cause the heartless made a hate thread on u on .org and he had these pics there
He photoshoped them in an attempt to make me look worse. You're the only one who thought they were real. Lol at your iq
He photoshoped them in an attempt to make me look worse. You're the only one who thought they were real. Lol at your iq
I had no idea how u looked or anything about the Photoshop software

Now that u mentioned it ur uee seems to be manipulated and i have never used social media so i don't know how to spot Photoshop
