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Discussion James Sapphire Surgery’s

No idea but don't do it. No psl nor appeal. Surgery must be done very slightly to look good. If its too much you look like a plastic punchable doll.
I do cross paths with lot of women on surgeries. They look so unnaturally gross I don't understand why they just couldn't accept they weren't gifted enough. It makes me hate them so much because even sub5 women have lot of chances.
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No idea but don't do it. No psl nor appeal. Surgery must be done very slightly to look good. If its too much you look like a plastic punchable doll.
I do cross paths with lot of women on surgeries. They look so unnaturally gross I don't understand why they just couldn't accept they weren't gifted enough. It makes me hate them so much because even sub5 women have lot of chances.
Woman with stupid surgery’s look so gross there surgery’s never match there face it’s such cope
The realisation of what he done when he turned into an obese bluepiller was crazy
Idk if he actually got surgery, pretty sure he just blasted some hgh bc he was 5'7 and got acromegaly maybe? idk bc his old posts on org were mostly satirical and now he's bluepilled + idk if he's lying now

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