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Jaw training or jaw Botox?


New member
Jun 21, 2024
I’m training my jaw but my head is always f*cking with me. I hear people say that you should not train it and slim it with Botox, but other people say that you need to train it and it gives definition. What do i do if I want sexy hollow cheek look. How to understand if your jaw is too wide?
Gonions will be as wide or wider than yr cheekbones if its to wide
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Gonions will be as wide or wider than yr cheekbones if its to wide
So if my gonions are lined with my cheekbones i don't need to do anything, if my gonions are less wide - i need to chew. If my gonions wider - i need to botox? What's the best looking?
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Squidward in your pfp has less wide gonions but he looks chad anyways
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Yes they need to be a lil less wide than cheekbones
but isn't aligned looks better? Take the best models for example. Or am i trippin and they are not aligned?


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but isn't aligned looks better? Take the best models for example. Or am i trippin and they are not aligned?
They're cheekbones are wider than their gonions as i said u seem to have confused urself
Raj dm me abt cosmetic surgeries i should do
Theres a lot of them but u get compliments without them too so don't get them u have good pheno u r already attractive to girls

I saw u got a compliment from jasmine rose on here and everyone was saying u posted to brag
Theres a lot of them but u get compliments without them too so don't get them u have good pheno u r already attractive to girls

I saw u got a compliment from jasmine rose on here and everyone was saying u posted to brag
True ty

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