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Jawline tips?


Brobdingnagian Scandinavian
Jul 16, 2024
your mothers house
Bone and muscular. If you could break it down as well. So far, I'm familiar with wolffs law, as well as Melvin Moss's Functional Matrix Theory.

IIRC, mastic gum helps with musculature, but will this pulling also help reshape the face using bone as well? Because the tension it provides...
1) Lean down
2) Chewing ( musculature )
3) ( Underated ) McKenzie tucks / Chin tucks
4) Side burn shaving to manipulate illusion of ramus length
If you are under the age of 16, your face will just get leaner don't worry if your face looks bloated while you are shredded.
1) Lean down
2) Chewing ( musculature )
3) ( Underated ) McKenzie tucks / Chin tucks
4) Side burn shaving to manipulate illusion of ramus length
Side burn shaving is real
Makes the jaw look worse from front depending on person
Beard in general unless it’s goatee
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  • #7
1) Lean down
2) Chewing ( musculature )
3) ( Underated ) McKenzie tucks / Chin tucks
4) Side burn shaving to manipulate illusion of ramus length
I am fairly lean, but I'm tryna lean even more
Chewing mastic?
Ill look into it
I do shave sideburns, and I have extremely long ramus, nearly unaesthetic

I am 18 btw. I do look 16 though. Tryna masculize more.
Chewing mastic?

I only ate more eat and started chewing on cartilage, and my muscles grew

Just chew more hard food and mew?

I do shave sideburns, and I have extremely long ramus, nearly unaesthetic

Then use sideburns and haircut to manipulate it's length! Good on you for doing something though, keep it up.

I am 18 btw. I do look 16 though. Tryna masculize more.

Groom yourself and lift. You will look more mature and older.

DM me if you want anymore info. Too many people think surgery = only option to save subhumanity.
Had orthodontics, might've been a mistake. My teeth look fantastic but I don't know how it affect my jaw from the front. Steep aesthetically, sharp I should say.
What would you rate your face? It might not be issue
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  • #15
what about before ortho what would you rate?
I was younger, so my face wasn't fully developed, I still don't believe it is (18yrs) but maybe a 6 around the time. I used to be pretty boy and I had very good hair, now I am trying to look more masculine.
I was younger, so my face wasn't fully developed, I still don't believe it is (18yrs) but maybe a 6 around the time. I used to be pretty boy and I had very good hair, now I am trying to look more masculine.
Do you think buzz cut lowered rating too?
Hair and skin could just be the thing
I will never do surgery to correct my looks. I might be cooked.
You should be fine if u said you were 6/10 before
Just get back there I guess
chew and mew
look into orthodontics if you have maloclussion
good posture
