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Jan 19, 2024
Been hitting the gym consistently and doing cardio, and I'm seeing some results. I was already at a pretty low body fat, but now it's even lower. The change isn't huge, but it's noticeable in my face. Now that I'm more leaned out, I want to focus on making my jawline more prominent and attractive. How should I go about this? I've seen jaw exercisers online and I'm thinking of trying them unless someone has better suggestions. Any advice on which muscles to target for the most aesthetic jaw would be great. I can post pics if needed.
Been hitting the gym consistently and doing cardio, and I'm seeing some results. I was already at a pretty low body fat, but now it's even lower. The change isn't huge, but it's noticeable in my face. Now that I'm more leaned out, I want to focus on making my jawline more prominent and attractive. How should I go about this? I've seen jaw exercisers online and I'm thinking of trying them unless someone has better suggestions. Any advice on which muscles to target for the most aesthetic jaw would be great. I can post pics if needed.
Be careful to see your jaw muscle position. It may make your face more ugly instead of masculine of pretty.
Brother don’t listen to this shit, I too mewed and chewed since a young age and it did jack shit to my face. I also bonesmashed and it did jack shit to my face, worry more about hitting the gym and getting a good hormonal profile. Beleive it or not, gym and natural testosterone actually does change your fat deposits which can go a long way, especially if you start young.
Brother don’t listen to this shit, I too mewed and chewed since a young age and it did jack shit to my face. I also bonesmashed and it did jack shit to my face, worry more about hitting the gym and getting a good hormonal profile. Beleive it or not, gym and natural testosterone actually does change your fat deposits which can go a long way, especially if you start young.
You must mew for a. Long long long time for anything to happen. Stop spreading fear mongering. Keep mewing. You ain't invested enough time to give any conclusions. If you mewed for 8 years min with good posture and good tongue suction with good tongue drive. You wouldn't be saying this bullcrap. Have achieved mewing in your sleep? Do you ever at all wake up with your mouth open? Then you ain't gonna get changes because once you mew perfectly in your sleep. Everything is working it's magic. Record yourself while your sleeping and you just be shocked how often you drop your mouth open.

Let me guess 3 years legit mewing? Rookie numbers. Bones don't change within 3 years to the degree your hoping for. Give it 8. 9. 10. Don't wanna do that? Fine. Just don't discount mewing because you don't like the long game. Get surgery.
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I wanted to use jaw exercisers instead of mastic gum because jaw exercisers are reusable and that way I won't have to buy new packs of gum.
Yes chewing is good. Keep at it. You won't get any bone changes in the short term. Only muscle growth. But if you keep at it for years. Your jaw will thicken naturally. Keep mewing. Even if people wanna convince you it's cope. It's not. They don't mew long enough to get any results so of course they say that. Take it from me. Mew. Chew. Gym. Do it for the long term not the short term. You will ascend

Every single mewing detractor always admits to me they don't mew in their sleep perfectly ( which is 100000000% possible to achieve because it's what John Mew literally says is the key) achieving mewing while sleeping for 8 hours a day is so important it's like make or break. Why? Because it's uninterrupted mewing! I used to record myself sleeping and found I can't mew while I sleep until I literally got my tongue so strong from tongue chewing and chewing for my jaw that my mouth is clamped shut all night!)
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You must mew for a. Long long long time for anything to happen. Stop spreading fear mongering. Keep mewing. You ain't invested enough time to give any conclusions. If you mewed for 8 years min with good posture and good tongue suction with good tongue drive. You wouldn't be saying this bullcrap. Have achieved mewing in your sleep? Do you ever at all wake up with your mouth open? Then you ain't gonna get changes because once you mew perfectly in your sleep. Everything is working it's magic. Record yourself while your sleeping and you just be shocked how often you drop your mouth open.

Let me guess 3 years legit mewing? Rookie numbers. Bones don't change within 3 years to the degree your hoping for. Give it 8. 9. 10. Don't wanna do that? Fine. Just don't discount mewing because you don't like the long game. Get surgery.
I still do mew, perma jut, bonesmash, and occasionally chew. Just because I hate it and think it doesn’t work don’t mean I don’t have the drive to do it, not a single person on Earth likes their 9-5 but they still work thousands of hours per years at it 🤷
I still do mew, perma jut, bonesmash, and occasionally chew. Just because I hate it and think it doesn’t work don’t mean I don’t have the drive to do it, not a single person on Earth likes their 9-5 but they still work thousands of hours per years at it 🤷
Mew in your sleep. Get mouth tape. Force yourself. Do it over and over and one day you will find your tongue on the roof when you wake up. You will see results that way I promise you
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Yes chewing is good. Keep at it. You won't get any bone changes in the short term. Only muscle growth. But if you keep at it for years. Your jaw will thicken naturally. Keep mewing. Even if people wanna convince you it's cope. It's not. They don't mew long enough to get any results so of course they say that. Take it from me. Mew. Chew. Gym. Do it for the long term not the short term. You will ascend

Every single mewing detractor always admits to me they don't mew in their sleep perfectly ( which is 100000000% possible to achieve because it's what John Mew literally says is the key) achieving mewing while sleeping for 8 hours a day is so important it's like make or break. Why? Because it's uninterrupted mewing! I used to record myself sleeping and found I can't mew while I sleep until I literally got my tongue so strong from tongue chewing and chewing for my jaw that my mouth is clamped shut all night!)
I'm going to start taping my mouth shut at night and chewing, thanks
Brother don’t listen to this shit, I too mewed and chewed since a young age and it did jack shit to my face. I also bonesmashed and it did jack shit to my face, worry more about hitting the gym and getting a good hormonal profile. Beleive it or not, gym and natural testosterone actually does change your fat deposits which can go a long way, especially if you start young.
Debloating is really all you need
mew too
be healthy and keep that T up
orthodontics if you have oral problems
no need to do jaw trainer