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Info JOBPILL [[[MEGA THREAD]]]=========================================


Active member
Jan 29, 2024

This can change your life.

After researching a lot on the topic, collecting information learned in books, scientific articles and empirical experiences from others, I put together this post (i am clinically addicted to studying but i am not autistic somehow, i also dont like to follow formatting rules so this wont have clues to the books i read or f*****g links because i like to be free, f**k you, also i have a lot of academic rewards that could be used to make you consider more what i say but i dont believe that medals and labels should have this influence so i wont show you my f*****g photos and internet profile with proof, f**k you).
I thank the community of this forum:D and present you with this gift:love:.


Seriously, this may f**k your head for some days.

Information number 1: What is a slave.:weirdchamp:
The philosopher Nietzsche studied the social relations of domination throughout the history of different civilizations and he accurately realized that some slaves were not necessarily tied up or physically tortured:monkahmm:. In fact, many slave societies owned slaves who could currently be called “free” because of the freedom they had to walk around the city, socialize, have their own clothes, trade..., weird that no one told you that?:ddhuh:

So, what characteristics actually make someone a slave?:waitwhat:
This is what differentiates a free and rich worker from slaves, ❗this is the universal factor that is present in all slavery❗: the slave is NOT necessarily the one who works intensely, the slave is precisely the one who does not own more than 1/3 of his day to do absolutely whatever he wants.

Just calculate whether you have at least 24/3 hours completely free. This does not include time for sleeping, eating and other biological needs: it is completely free time without any connection to work or subsistence.

No, you don't, and I will prove it to you. You and most workers nowadays are, mathematically and historically, a slave.

In order to not get sick, you have to sleep 8 hour (24-8=16).
Most jobs takes at minimal 8 hours of your day, but you actually need to put extra hours in order to have it (thats the hidden costs):wesmart:.
You should also calculate the time you use for: locomotion, preparing your meal to eat because you have to eat there for some f*****g reason, washing and ironing your uniform, and the extra hour of work that they demand for being a ´´family`` (if you dont work more, they will fire you soon), and the time you spend resting because you cant do shit due to being tired and stressed.
Most people, after calculating that, learn that they work WAY more then 8 hour, something like 10-12:hahaa:.

Guess what, 24 hours less 8 hours of healthy sleep less 10 hours = 6 hours (less then 1/3). And in the case of those who spend 12, it is 4 hours for you to not do things rushing and actually being able to breath.
You dont own 1/3 of your time (8 hours), you are a slave

Do you understand how little it is 6 hours?
6 hours is all you get everyday where your mind is not :dance:completely:blobdance: controlled on having to think about work alone.

:pepehands:You and most workers nowadays are, mathematically and historically, a slave.:pepehands:

Information number 2. Middle class?

Some time ago, in Britain, medium classes were getting popular/born. Even though most people worked less, some wanted to work more hours every day in desk jobs because there used be something that does not exist in our time:sniffa:.
For most time in history, the owners used to do
all the desk jobs leaving the physical part to their paws. But they eventually started to get a single helper: the first wave of middle class jobs.

It were just the boss and you taking care of the whole brain of the company in a single room with only 1 desk and 2 chairs in the past :ddhuh:,

that used to be what a middle class worker were, the boss close and only brain friendly worker.
The middle class jobs at the time were the one and only one direct assistant to people who owned business and those eventually died making their singular middle class worker became the new business owner sometimes. That existed. And even if you didn't become the new owner, you were so close to power that you would live with a very very very high economic power :rainbowpls:because you were some sort of close friend to the family. And if the boss expanded his factory to another city, you could become a second boss whose money were really powerful.

But those first middle class workers started to buy their own paws to assist their desk job for them, thus dividing the total money that the desk middle class workers had:thisisfine:.

As time passes, the amount of paws of paws of paws :dance:and bosses of bosses:dance: increased so much, dispersing the money so much and being so far away from the real bosses that the label and promises annexed to the desk office middle class jobs were vanishing:kekw:. You no longer have the promise that working longer hours in a desk job could make you rich :pressf: . You couldn't become a new owner just by working hard.
The wages only decreased as time passes when calculating purchasing power and inflation changing from that time through the ages to our current:wesmart:.

Listen careful what i am about to reveal, about 13 years ago, :huuh:we mathematically passed the numerical line that made middle class be middle class:huuh:: we are now low class but we still work more then the low middle class of the past because we get used to it in the process named by Theodore Kaczynski as ´´habituation`` (i translated it from another language) were doing extra work gives an advantage over the majority but then most people start doing it all the time making what used to be extra be just the least.
They became slaves 13 years ago and it only gets worse as time passes. But people still fall for that due to ingenuity and to the believe that it is possible to get promotions:kekw:.
oficce class are slaves now.

3. The lie of promotion:ROFLMAO:.

a) Every promise that they give to you can be broken.

b) a promise of promotion is usually a lie:devilish: made to make the workers work harder. The planet is full of people who were told about how to get a promotion, worked their asses off for years, followed every manual of ´´how to get a promotion`` and didnt. THEY LIE.

b) They dont want you to have a career in there. New people have to prove themselves and want to work extra to keep the job. When those get burnout or sick and cant work anymore, they are fired and replaced by new try harders.

c) You have no control or security over your future at the corporation. Your promotion can NEVER happen doesn't matter what you do. In fact, being a competent worker on your function may only stuck you in it..

d)In the case of promotion contracts, they are obliged to promote when the worker reaches a specific goal:sussy:. But there's a catch:weirdchamp:: it's common to promote to the position and then demote:kekw:. They can put you down at any time:ayaya:, and they prefer that. The more you work and the lower your cost/salary, the better, and there is nothing more economically great than slaves, so everything goes in the direction of making you a motivated slave:peeposimp:. That way you work as a slave and believe in the salvation of promotion and retirement...

e) They will give separate promotions in a uneven way to different people at different times given the illusion of promotion making you motivated, but they are actually just adjusting salary with inflation in a uneven way:wesmart:. Another ilusion.

f) What makes someone promoted is not intelligence or respect for the rules or extra work, but luck and charisma. And charisma is mostly due to looks.

4. Retirement.

a) When you are old and retired, you will have a lower income :hahaa:and will have to pay for your various health problems by purchasing medicines and medical care which are very expensive:hahaa:. If you find it difficult to survive on a normal working salary, know that a retired person's salary is lower in amount, that is, you will be even poorer AND you will have to pay more :pepehands:to avoid dying or suffering from your health problems. You will live miserably:pepehands:.

b) The retirement age only increases as time passes, becoming impossible for most that die. You wont achieve it, specially if your life style is stressed or you eat bad, making you die sooner.

c) Depends on your country: If you have worked in several different places, this time does not accumulate. The younger generation, unlike retirees, does not have the slightest tendency to pursue a career in a company: therefore, it will be difficult for them to retire, as there will be a lack of time available.

d) Retirement is in crisis in several countries with population problems, it is possible that it will cease to exist in these countries.

e) All public and private retirement systems return you less money than you gave them. You would literally be better saving money other then putting it on retirement.:peepoclap::hahaa:

5. ´´Investiments``

a) most of finance it is bullshit,
Did you knew that, statically, most profitable funds and stocks dont make you richer?
Guess what, when inflation is calculated, you learn that you actually got poorer.:kekw:
Yeah, you read that right, and it is specially true to those ´´diversified`` funds or ´´conservative funds`` that gives 5% per year.

b) there is no reason to use funds. They steal your profit.
You can get the same amount of actions in all the companies inside the funds but will receive a higher profit. the funds give a part for finance bros who takes care of buying those stocks for you.

c) The biggest cause of bankruptcy is opening a business.

d) True middle class families who saved money their entire lives can only open business that gives a low midle class wage profit but...

e) but most wont survive enough time to be profitable.:peepoclap::kekw:

f) A long term game that works somehow is buying multiple stocks that pay dividends:wesmart:. But you can only do that in a way to retire forever if you have a wage that enables it...
g) You can only achieve that with a verry high wage job (do your planning to get there, i did mine on a verry high solid profession).:ez:

h) Even if you buy your house, you will be imprisoned to live there if you dont want to sell it for a lower price fast in order to live in another place. Congrats, you are spatially verry limited now:peepoclap:.

i) If you buy your house or car, you still have to always pay rent to his true landlord: the state, via taxes, who can take it from you just like the landlord could!:rainbowpls::200iq:

j) banks dont give good loans to start a company if you dont have good capital, so no one who isnt really already rich can really play that new company game if they are not in a new bussness model that looks promising and that is why no big company is born after the firts time that its type is created without a government help.

k) SECRET: Retailers buy goods for a price of 1 and need to sell them for 2 to make a profit, but the products stay for months in the store so despite having sold the first products for 2, they now need to buy them after inflation for the price of 3 because inflation has made the price more expensive. Thus, almost all industrial and retail and pretty much every other company profit model are completely fake :poggers: . They only survive with the help of governments that makes the banks go ´´we forgive you`` due to ´´how important`` they are to the economy, bigs cant break.:monkagun:

l) The problem is not (i repeat: its NOT) capitalism or socialism: it is due to the nature of groups dynamics and social psychology - social network subjects. Leaders are a must and they naturally have power over others. Every system simply must have that to exist. It shouldnt change with socialism.❗❗❗

6. Dream job is job.

Your "dream job", the job that you "love" and are "addicted to" will make you work beyond what is healthy, causing burnout, blood pressure problems, and can take you away from other aspects of life such as building a good family , and all that extra earnings produced by the extra work will go to the company instead of you. Therefore, it is not good to have an “amazing job” because:
1- you will have Burnout and end up being fired when your performance drops severely as a result of the problems caused by exaggeration.
2- you will not be rewarded.
3- other aspects of your life will either be frozen or will be destroyed.
4- they will fire anyone without remorse even if you worked years to them.

7. ´´Rights``

Hahahahahaha, you think you have rights:kekw:? You cant even go to the bathroom in your job or dress something other then the uniform, you are literally completely controled and the worse part is that all those small lacks of freedom are completely unnecessary!:kekw: You live with less rights then some slaves used to :peepoclap:! f*****g moron! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!:peepoclap:

the tendency is to only get worse.:ayaya:

Get a high income job, get dividends and start living.:gigachad:

8. AI is to come.

Ai (i love ai) may ´´steal´´ a lot of jobs.







@6"4 Tyrone (Maybe)
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thanks for telling. Didnt you get offended with the threat? Like, shit, i thought some people would blow their minds or something

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