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just sharing a composition

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verry off topic
Super Villain music
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  • #4
Super Villain music
it actually :geek: represents the day of slavery abolishment in brazil. It is a form in ABA, starting in a minor and ending in a mood representing the liberation from slavery.
If anything, it is a music of hope (@AstroSky your golden pill).

So your comment, and i say it while i appreciate it, became berry ironic and darkly twisted hahahaha, since it is almost saying that the ending of slavery is bad :hahaa: it happens
it actually :geek: represents the day of slavery abolishment in brazil. It is a form in ABA, starting in a minor and ending in a mood representing the liberation from slavery.
If anything, it is a music of hope (@AstroSky your golden pill).

So your comment, and i say it while i appreciate it, became berry ironic and darkly twisted hahahaha, since it is almost saying that the ending of slavery is bad :hahaa: it happens
Wilk is goofymaxxing now

I'm all here for it
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  • #6
Wilk is goofymaxxing now

I'm all here for it
what happened with your vibe? You became another person! Do you have a disorder or something? Wtf
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  • #7
what happened with your vibe? You became another person! Do you have a disorder or something? Wtf
Like, no problems, just curious
what happened with your vibe? You became another person! Do you have a disorder or something? Wtf
I've always been like this

Though my friends used to always say that I am always a different person every few weeks.
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  • #9
I've always been like this

Though my friends used to always say that I am always a different person every few weeks.
That is normal among open minded individuals who question themselves and keep learning shit. But, if that is not your case, and i give emphasys on the IF, then you may, JUST MAY, have something else going on, like a bipolar shit or i dont know
like a bipolar shit or i dont know
Could be genetics but I don't think I'll catch what my parents have tilll I am older. My mom is diagnosed with Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder and stress induced seizures. I definitely do have problems on mood though. I used to scratch my skin and cry when I got mad, or start punching things.

I've gotten more in control since then.
open minded individuals who question themselves
Big part of what I do everyday, every minute. Refer to my threads on self-reflection.

@quepasta I helped him with this too. It is enlightening information.
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  • #11
Could be genetics but I don't think I'll catch what my parents have tilll I am older. My mom is diagnosed with Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder and stress induced seizures. I definitely do have problems on mood though. I used to scratch my skin and cry when I got mad, or start punching things.

I've gotten more in control since then.

Big part of what I do everyday, every minute. Refer to my threads on self-reflection.

@quepasta I helped him with this too. It is enlightening information.
To know that you are doing the positive action of improving your hability and own being is something really good to know, n9wiff. Even if you didn't got your mother dna, thats a practice that helps anyone to become more rational and, theoretically, happy. Congrats men!
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  • #12
got to publicize it
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  • #14
damn thats you?? if yes you got serious piano skills dawg
nononono, it shouldn't be the technique that receives attention, but rather the composition, the pure music! Fuck, artists are venerated by their appearance and musicians by their tecnique instead of the sould of music, fuck it
nononono, it shouldn't be the technique that receives attention, but rather the composition, the pure music! f**k, artists are venerated by their appearance and musicians by their tecnique instead of the sould of music, f**k it
the composition is great, it has a special style, sadly in this era such specialities arent rewarded properly as they should

but if you were born 200 years ago you would be armired like chopin or beethoven
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  • #16
the composition is great, it has a special style, sadly in this era such specialities arent rewarded

but if you were born 200 years ago you would be armired like chopin or Beethoven
WoW dude, do you really think i am at the same level of Beethoven, chopin and so much to be admired? Thats verry powerful men. If thats what your guts say, then thank you, really thank you
WoW dude, do you really think i am at the same level of Beethoven, chopin and so much to be admired? Thats verry powerful men. If thats what your guts say, then thank you, really thank you
well, the composition itself is very original,.i dont know if you are the same level of genius that mozart and beethoven had,

but still your music would've been very appreciated and admired, not everyone can make such compositions.
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