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Discussion Leanmaxxing changes


Active member
Jan 31, 2024
What changes will occur generally speaking if i drop from 17% bodyfat to about 10%?
you will lose fat
your dick will grow
your facial features will change ie: nose may shrink, jawline is more visible etc.
might also lose a little muscle too if you cut too hard
all your bones will be more apparent, including facial
you can have prominent cheekbones and jaw, but you might lose under eye support
you will be lean and muscle visibility will increase (given that you lift and you keep maintaining protein as to not lose all your muscle during the cut)
your skin can also become clearer and sleep better
you will lose fat
your dick will grow
your facial features will change ie: nose may shrink, jawline is more visible etc.
might also lose a little muscle too if you cut too hard
nbel will increase
penile tissue wont grow
What changes will occur generally speaking if i drop from 17% bodyfat to about 10%?
cutting down has been the biggest lifefuel for me
ur face becomes defined, u get abs, my nose became less inflamed , my muscles became more noticeable cuz there was less fat covering them, + u can actually see what bones ur working with once u lose the fat
biggest downside is lack of energy and strength tho
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cutting down has been the biggest lifefuel for me
ur face becomes defined, u get abs, my nose became less inflamed , my muscles became more noticeable cuz there was less fat covering them, + u can actually see what bones ur working with once u lose the fat
biggest downside is lack of energy and strength tho
I heard also that you produce actually more testostorone if you cut down to about 10% is that true?
I heard also that you produce actually more testostorone if you cut down to about 10% is that true?
it really depends on body type, for me i comfortably maintain 9% bf while others need to be 15% bf to see gains in the gym
it really depends on body type, for me i comfortably maintain 9% bf while others need to be 15% bf to see gains in the gym
yes but under 12% u will start to lose muscle and have less energy
yes but under 12% u will start to lose muscle and have less energy
that’s the thing though, i’ve been gaining muscle and i’m still energetic. once again different body types mean a lot
depends on your bones if you are talking about face only

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